Yesterday I made two loaves of banana bread and I read "The Tale of Despereaux" as well as finishing the first book in the "Artemis Fowl" series and beginning the second. There was a very, very intense rain storm at that time I was with my dad and we decided to get hot chocolate that tasted like pumpkin juice.
That was really it.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
John-Michael - Good News
I had a short visit at the dentist and it was fun. It didn't even hurt. Well, a tiny bit. A certain machine had so strong vibration it felt like it was drilling right through my tooth and I was scared!
When I got back to school I had lunch in my room in my own place at my table. And during lunch one of my loose teeth fell out. And there is so much more that I don't even think I can tell you but here is a little bit more.
After lunch I went to specials and I got to have my writing celebration treat. But during lunch my teacher was reading the book when my tooth just popped out. I didn't really know my tooth popped out when it did but then I suddenly noticed that it had popped out. I said, "'Mrs. Wonderful' my tooth just popped out." But I had a little bit of grilled cheese sandwich in my mouth and my tooth in my mouth and I didn't want to accidentally swallow my tooth with my little bit of chewed up grilled cheese sandwich.
But that was my day.
When I got back to school I had lunch in my room in my own place at my table. And during lunch one of my loose teeth fell out. And there is so much more that I don't even think I can tell you but here is a little bit more.
After lunch I went to specials and I got to have my writing celebration treat. But during lunch my teacher was reading the book when my tooth just popped out. I didn't really know my tooth popped out when it did but then I suddenly noticed that it had popped out. I said, "'Mrs. Wonderful' my tooth just popped out." But I had a little bit of grilled cheese sandwich in my mouth and my tooth in my mouth and I didn't want to accidentally swallow my tooth with my little bit of chewed up grilled cheese sandwich.
But that was my day.
Jacob - Yesterday was Tuesday
I went to school. I did do P.E. and I won. I ripped my pants so they are trash. Ripped two places. And then I got home. I ate dinner and then I went to bed.
That's all.
That's all.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Kirsten - The Force and WoW
Yesterday, I went to Grandma and Grandpa's for a BBQ. Dad handled the grill and apparently received a revelation ("Halelujah! Prrrraaaaiizz-a the Looorrrd-a").
Other than that I'm in the process of reading a few books. So far, this summer I've read 4 or 5 books.
Meh. Well, that's my update. I'm sure the audience of this post greatly appreciates my words of wisdom, and to the audience of this post I say, "You're welcome". Just kidding. Bye! May the force be with you.
P.S. Always remember: "You can't give up on the World.....of Warcraft!" -- Eric Cartman
Dad - answer to one of life's most important questions
I have finally reached a conclusion to my quest for the answer to one of life's great questions. After many years of searching for the solution to what has to be one of modern man's most puzzling questions: Why do they sell hot dog buns in bags of 8 and hot dogs in packages of 10?
As I stopped to pick up 2 hot dogs I had dropped, a bright light descended from above. And in that light I saw 2 weeners whose tastyness and aroma defied all description. The first weener spoke to me pointing to the other and said "behold this is my beloved frankfurter who is well done hear him."
Ummm....Jennifer just stopped me 'cause that story is already taken.
2nd try:
As I was stooping to pick up the 2 hot dogs I dropped, in my feeble attempt to be a BBQ chef. It came to me in a flash, like a bright light descending from above (just had to sneak that in). Around 20% of all Hot dogs inevitably end up on the ground, and the bun and hot dog makers who have undoubtedly done many scientific double blind peer reviewed studies on the matter and so are much wiser than we, have provided for just this contingency.
Thank you Oscar Myer
As I stopped to pick up 2 hot dogs I had dropped, a bright light descended from above. And in that light I saw 2 weeners whose tastyness and aroma defied all description. The first weener spoke to me pointing to the other and said "behold this is my beloved frankfurter who is well done hear him."
Ummm....Jennifer just stopped me 'cause that story is already taken.
2nd try:
As I was stooping to pick up the 2 hot dogs I dropped, in my feeble attempt to be a BBQ chef. It came to me in a flash, like a bright light descending from above (just had to sneak that in). Around 20% of all Hot dogs inevitably end up on the ground, and the bun and hot dog makers who have undoubtedly done many scientific double blind peer reviewed studies on the matter and so are much wiser than we, have provided for just this contingency.
Thank you Oscar Myer
John-Michael - The Grill and Found
Matt - At Grandma's House/The Bar-B-Q
At the beginning of the day I woke up. I started to do my list. I tried to finish it quick again. After I finished my list I had to read.
When I finished reading it was time to go to Grandma's. When we got to Grandma's (which is only a five minute drive) we started to get to
work in their back garage. We threw away all this garbage. We even threw away some computer stuff. But the computers were really old so I was certain they were broken. Some parts might still work and I am certain that they probably did but there is a chance that they didn't. But I am very sure that the cables worked because they are cables, they are just wires.
When we had finished the garage we dumped them into a dumpster and also a trailer. The trailer was for metal and the dumpster was for other stuff, such as rubber or things like that. When we finished with that we put the last things away into the shed. Then everyone else came to Grandma's house and we had our Bar-B-Q.
Dad cooked the food for the Bar-B-Q on the grill. Then we started eating. When we finished eating we got ready to go home and we went home. Then we cleaned up my room at home. After that it was time to go to bed.
And that was my day.
When I finished reading it was time to go to Grandma's. When we got to Grandma's (which is only a five minute drive) we started to get to
When we had finished the garage we dumped them into a dumpster and also a trailer. The trailer was for metal and the dumpster was for other stuff, such as rubber or things like that. When we finished with that we put the last things away into the shed. Then everyone else came to Grandma's house and we had our Bar-B-Q.
Dad cooked the food for the Bar-B-Q on the grill. Then we started eating. When we finished eating we got ready to go home and we went home. Then we cleaned up my room at home. After that it was time to go to bed.
And that was my day.
Ben - Memorial Day
Yesterday I got up and I started cleaning the kitchen. Then I had to take a shower and I had to leave the shower very early because I was going to Grandma's house. After getting dressed and all my stuff I went to Grandma's house along with Matt.
Matt and I worked with Grandma and Grandpa on cleaning out their back garage and attic. We found some really cool stuff like cameras and computers. Of course they were old though. After a while the others came over and so we got ready for a Bar-B-Q that we had for Memorial Day.
After the Bar-B-Q we had some cake to celebrate Kirsten's birthday party. After the cake we moved on to presents and then we stayed for a little while longer and then Matt and I took our new laptops home.
At home I cleaned the kitchen and then I went on Warcraft until I went to bed.
The End
Matt and I worked with Grandma and Grandpa on cleaning out their back garage and attic. We found some really cool stuff like cameras and computers. Of course they were old though. After a while the others came over and so we got ready for a Bar-B-Q that we had for Memorial Day.
After the Bar-B-Q we had some cake to celebrate Kirsten's birthday party. After the cake we moved on to presents and then we stayed for a little while longer and then Matt and I took our new laptops home.
At home I cleaned the kitchen and then I went on Warcraft until I went to bed.
The End
Jacob - Monday
I did make the eggs in the morning. I'm not sure in the day. Oh, well. In the afternoon I went to Grandma's house and I found Matt who build a future. I ate a hamburger and a hot dog. I ate eggs, applesauce, watermelon and I had three drinks...lemonade, milk and water.
Well, this is it.
Well, this is it.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Jennifer/Mom - Writer's Block
So I have been sitting staring at this screen for at least fifteen minutes thinking of what to write. I should be able to write quite nicely. I have myself a pretty good writing spot, not too many distractions and I have tons that I could write about (my life is full of iiinnnteresting characters and events).
The real bummer is that just an hour ago I was discussing a bunch of topics that I could write about with Chris. At the moment I either can't think of them or I can't think of how to write about them. Then there is the added bonus of Chris writing a post that is once again witty and humorous.
Now I have taken so long to write this that my battery is starting to run out. Maybe I will be more entertaining later or maybe tomorrow.
The real bummer is that just an hour ago I was discussing a bunch of topics that I could write about with Chris. At the moment I either can't think of them or I can't think of how to write about them. Then there is the added bonus of Chris writing a post that is once again witty and humorous.
Now I have taken so long to write this that my battery is starting to run out. Maybe I will be more entertaining later or maybe tomorrow.
Dad - Herbie the Suburban
We have a Suburban with a mind of its own. I think we should name it Herbie. Last night after we stopped at the "bad" McDonald's the Suburban wouldn't start. The batteries looked a little low so a nice fellow gave us a jump. But that wasn't the problem. After the engine cooled down a bit I crawled under to see what I could find.
While I was under the car another car pulled up with a HUGE dog inside that was barking and ready to jump out the open window. I was a bit concerned that the dog might decide to attack while I was trapped nearly defenseless under the car, so Jennifer came out and "covered" me until I found the problem.
The ignition wire came off of the starter, so a quick hot wire and the engine roared back to life.
While I was under the car another car pulled up with a HUGE dog inside that was barking and ready to jump out the open window. I was a bit concerned that the dog might decide to attack while I was trapped nearly defenseless under the car, so Jennifer came out and "covered" me until I found the problem.
The ignition wire came off of the starter, so a quick hot wire and the engine roared back to life.
Jacob - Park
I can't finish the list. I can go play Wii.
At night I went to go to park and McDonald's are bad. I went to home to get in pajamas, take a medicine and get in bed.
I'm done.
At night I went to go to park and McDonald's are bad. I went to home to get in pajamas, take a medicine and get in bed.
I'm done.
John-Michael - park poetry
I went to a very big park.
I had lots of fun.
It was fun and amazing
and had lots of stuff too.
I at dinner at
A park bench.
Inside of our bags
Was our very good food.
Our food was our dinner
and very good dessert.
I met a few new people
And had a fun time.
I had lots of fun.
It was fun and amazing
and had lots of stuff too.
I at dinner at
A park bench.
Inside of our bags
Was our very good food.
Our food was our dinner
and very good dessert.
I met a few new people
And had a fun time.
Kirsten - I don't want to write this
You, as the audience of this post probably have absolutely no idea how much I really don't want to write my blog. Don't get me wrong, I usually don't mind it at all. Right now I'm just not in the mood.
Anywho, yesterday, I took Ben, Matt and John-Michael to the park. We played a lot of games including "The Frog Game" which is where the participants sit in a circle and hit each other's hands while saying,
"Down by the banks of the hanky-pankey,
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to bankey.
It's a hip-hop over the top,
Lands on a lilly-pad and goes kerplop!"
It was exciting.
Jennifer, my brothers and John-Michael drove me to my work later that afternoon. I really enjoy going to work. I love the kids there. After work, Jennifer and I went and got some fried chicken (that makes me chuckle for reasons that don't really matter). Jennifer and I went home and we all took the food over to the park to have a picnic.
While at the park, my mom called. I guess she's been reading our blog...if you're reading this...I have one thing to say to you...hi. LOL That reminds me of Family Guy. I love that show.
For further information as to why I have made a connection with Family Guy, just watch "Stewie Loves Louis"
Anywho, yesterday, I took Ben, Matt and John-Michael to the park. We played a lot of games including "The Frog Game" which is where the participants sit in a circle and hit each other's hands while saying,
"Down by the banks of the hanky-pankey,
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to bankey.
It's a hip-hop over the top,
Lands on a lilly-pad and goes kerplop!"
It was exciting.
Jennifer, my brothers and John-Michael drove me to my work later that afternoon. I really enjoy going to work. I love the kids there. After work, Jennifer and I went and got some fried chicken (that makes me chuckle for reasons that don't really matter). Jennifer and I went home and we all took the food over to the park to have a picnic.
While at the park, my mom called. I guess she's been reading our blog...if you're reading this...I have one thing to say to you...hi. LOL That reminds me of Family Guy. I love that show.
For further information as to why I have made a connection with Family Guy, just watch "Stewie Loves Louis"
Ben - Park Day
Yesterday I got up and did my list. after doing my list I had nothing to do so I just read until we went to the park. After the park we went home and had lunch. After lunch we had rest-time. So, we read a book until we went to the library.
After going to the library we went home and started resting and reading our books. After a while Jennifer left to get us some Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner. After Jennifer got back we went to another park where we had dinner and played until we were home. We went to bed.
The End
After going to the library we went home and started resting and reading our books. After a while Jennifer left to get us some Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner. After Jennifer got back we went to another park where we had dinner and played until we were home. We went to bed.
The End
Matt - I did my jobs quickly
First when I woke up I did my jobs. I tried really quickly this time. After I finished it. Kirsten told me to read a book. After that it was time to go to the park.
We went to the part closest to our house. The park was pretty close to our house. It's only like a two minute walk. When we got there, we started playing games. We played "Sharks and Minnows", we also played "The Banana Game", "The Frog Game", and "Duck, Duck, Goose". We played "The Frog Game" twice. When we got home, we read again for a while, then we went to the library. We checked out lots of books because everyone went except for Dad and Kirsten. Then we read again.
After that we went on a picnic. A lot of the parks were taken. Finally we found one. It was the biggest one that was closest to our house. At the park we had lots of fun. We ate Kentucky Fried Chicken because Kirsten and Jennifer had bought it when they were gone. then we left and went home. That was my post I mean.
I'm finished.
We went to the part closest to our house. The park was pretty close to our house. It's only like a two minute walk. When we got there, we started playing games. We played "Sharks and Minnows", we also played "The Banana Game", "The Frog Game", and "Duck, Duck, Goose". We played "The Frog Game" twice. When we got home, we read again for a while, then we went to the library. We checked out lots of books because everyone went except for Dad and Kirsten. Then we read again.
After that we went on a picnic. A lot of the parks were taken. Finally we found one. It was the biggest one that was closest to our house. At the park we had lots of fun. We ate Kentucky Fried Chicken because Kirsten and Jennifer had bought it when they were gone. then we left and went home. That was my post I mean.
I'm finished.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Kirsten - Yesterday...was interesting
Yesterday...was interesting. Or I guess I should say iiinnteresting. Everyone had a late start because we had gone to the drive-in the night before. I went to work. but I also screwed up yesterday and lost my phone privileges. But it's really my fault I lost my phone because of things I had done. Not just one thing either, several in fact.
I think I learned something though. No, in fact, I know I learned some stuff yesterday. Sometimes it feels like lessons just don't stick but in this case it stuck and it's going to.
Being a teenager really is hard. But I've got a great support group. Jennifer for example, she's amazing. She's really an incredible person and I am so grateful she's here. My dad's been great too. They're both incredible people.
Yesterday at my work someone said something that I found rather interesting. A man at my work was talking to his child and he said, "My job isn't to make you happy, it's to make sure you're a good person. I'm sorry if sometimes both can't happen at once."
I don't know, I made some sort of connection when he said that. I'm devoting myself to being a better person. I'm sure hardly anyone reads this blog...but wish me luck!
I think I learned something though. No, in fact, I know I learned some stuff yesterday. Sometimes it feels like lessons just don't stick but in this case it stuck and it's going to.
Being a teenager really is hard. But I've got a great support group. Jennifer for example, she's amazing. She's really an incredible person and I am so grateful she's here. My dad's been great too. They're both incredible people.
Yesterday at my work someone said something that I found rather interesting. A man at my work was talking to his child and he said, "My job isn't to make you happy, it's to make sure you're a good person. I'm sorry if sometimes both can't happen at once."
I don't know, I made some sort of connection when he said that. I'm devoting myself to being a better person. I'm sure hardly anyone reads this blog...but wish me luck!
John-Michael - No Blog
I forgot what I did yesterday. So I guess there won't be any blog. Darn I can't think of anything. Well I guess that's my blog. Maybe I'll be able to think of what I did today tomorrow.
Ben - The first day of the last weekend before summer break
Yesterday I did my list. After doing my list (since Jacob was asleep) I got to play World of Warcraft. Which Matt tried to watch. After a while I went off World of Warcraft and so I read a book. After reading the book, we got ready for a movie we were going to watch. The movie was called "Matilda". After the movie it was nine o'clock so we all had to go to bed.
The End
The End
Matt - "The Supernaturalist"
"The Supernaturalist" is a book I started reading a few days ago. It's a good book, but I like "Eragon" better. "Eragon" is the best book I've ever read,
this book is in the section of them.
Yesterday...I woke up and did my jobs. It took me a while to do my jobs because...well...I didn't want to. When I finally finished my jobs, we started a movie. Whick was called "Matilda". Finally we went to bed. It was nine o'clock. And that was my day!

Yesterday...I woke up and did my jobs. It took me a while to do my jobs because...well...I didn't want to. When I finally finished my jobs, we started a movie. Whick was called "Matilda". Finally we went to bed. It was nine o'clock. And that was my day!
Jacob - Yesterday was Saturday
I had a sleep day and I missed a lunch to goes to dinner. And then when I woke up I went to Jennifer. I helped John-Michael clean the bathroom. I was a supervisor. I made sure he got it done. I the supervisor because I clean the bathroom so well. I did teach him how to do it.
Then I made a dinner for everyone. I make hot dogs and I ate two hot dogs. Then Jennifer will call Jacob because I was stuck with a Dr. Suess until playing a Dr. Suess game. Jacob is still stuck.
I went to go get Kirsten and then Jennifer and I got dessert. And then we were going to watch a movie. Then it was time for bed until tomorrow will be Sunday.
Then I made a dinner for everyone. I make hot dogs and I ate two hot dogs. Then Jennifer will call Jacob because I was stuck with a Dr. Suess until playing a Dr. Suess game. Jacob is still stuck.
I went to go get Kirsten and then Jennifer and I got dessert. And then we were going to watch a movie. Then it was time for bed until tomorrow will be Sunday.
Jennifer/Mom - Hot Dogs
So the kids make hot dogs for dinner and Chris and I end up discussing the tastiness of hot dogs. Chris likes them while I do not! So we are having a conversation about this during which we discover that although we disagree about hot dogs we agree about bratwurst. Good stuff! Then I tell Chris that the irony of me not liking hot dogs is that I really like vienna sausages.
Where upon Chris looks at me and says incredulously, "You like vienna sausages???? Those are those little things that come in a bottle or a can or whatever right?"
"Like baby food right?"
"Yeah, that's the stuff."
So then comes the razzing and the necessary giving me a hard time about what strange taste I have. I point out that we have established this many times before and that it shouldn't be anything new.
Actually, come to think of it I haven't had vienna sausages in such a long time I wonder if I do like them any more....hmmmm....I'll have to see sometime. That reminds me of the day the kids wanted me to make SPAM so they would know what it tasted like. But that's a story for another day.
Where upon Chris looks at me and says incredulously, "You like vienna sausages???? Those are those little things that come in a bottle or a can or whatever right?"
"Like baby food right?"
"Yeah, that's the stuff."
So then comes the razzing and the necessary giving me a hard time about what strange taste I have. I point out that we have established this many times before and that it shouldn't be anything new.
Actually, come to think of it I haven't had vienna sausages in such a long time I wonder if I do like them any more....hmmmm....I'll have to see sometime. That reminds me of the day the kids wanted me to make SPAM so they would know what it tasted like. But that's a story for another day.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Ben - Field Day
Yesterday I got up and went off to school. After breakfast we moved on to class where we waited and did some silent stuff until we went outside for field day. for field day we did some events such as the 50 yard dash. After field day it was time to go home, so we each got a Popsicle and went home. At home we cleaned up the house and made some dessert and dinner, such as brownies and pizza. After which we took the dessert and dinner and went off to a drive-in. After the drive-in we went home and went to bed.
The End. - I'm done.
The End. - I'm done.
Matt - my day
First I woke up like normal days, and took my shower. After my shower I got dressed and started doing my jobs and my school work. When everyone got home from school we started working on the list. Then Jennifer said that we were going to a drive-in theater, but we needed all of our work done first.
I went with Jennifer to get her driver's license. The when we got back everyone was ready to go and we got in the card and went to the drive-in. It played Shrek 3. Shrek 3 was funny. He got kids, 3 to be exact. When the movie ended we drove home and I went to bed.
And that was my day. The End.
I went with Jennifer to get her driver's license. The when we got back everyone was ready to go and we got in the card and went to the drive-in. It played Shrek 3. Shrek 3 was funny. He got kids, 3 to be exact. When the movie ended we drove home and I went to bed.
And that was my day. The End.
John-Michael - The Drive-inday
I went to the drive-in and I un-packed the stuff. I saw Shrek3, and a had a fun time. I wrote a short blog.
Kirsten -
Yesterday I took Matt to Ben and John-Michael's Field Day. Matt had a lot of fun, he got to talk with some of his friends. After Field Day Ben, Matt, and John-Michael and I quickly walked home to wait for Jacob's bus. Once errands and jobs were complete and everything was ready, we went to the drive-in. I made a LOT of popcorn for the event. We saw the movie Shrek the Third, it was terrible! I would not recommend it. I think there's a point where movies should end (*cough *cough Priates *cough Spiderman) no names mentioned though....
Anywho, we saw that exciting movie and went home and we all went to bed.
It was intense...
Anywho, we saw that exciting movie and went home and we all went to bed.
It was intense...
Dad - Chrismas in May
My little Italian machine made it through customs and arrived safely at the dealer last week. I can't wait to take it out for a test drive, to see just what it can do. I wish I could take it to California, when I visit Andrew. It's going to be a collector's item someday, since they are already hard to get. I almost changed my mind and didn't get it, since it was a little expensive.
My old cell phone died, so I got a new one yesterday. It's black and matches my other accessories.
On another note, we saw Shrek III and it was absolutely pathetic, overly cliche and boring so naturally the kids loved it.
My old cell phone died, so I got a new one yesterday. It's black and matches my other accessories.
On another note, we saw Shrek III and it was absolutely pathetic, overly cliche and boring so naturally the kids loved it.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Jennifer/Mom - My Mom's Birthday
Today is my mom's birthday. I have never in conscious memory nor do I think I will ever forget my mother's birthday. I have an Aunt who uses the following to remember the date..."Your mother's birthday is Christmas Day in May". There is a host of reasons I won't ever forget her birthday most of them are not all that pleasant so I won't recount them here. Suffice it to say that the quality of my birthday was directly correlated to the quality of my mother's. Besides the multitude of other reasons it is also memorable because of the one-on-one I had with Elder Oaks.
Anyway, I digress...
My relationship with my mother is very convoluted. I don't know that I can even explain it. I guess the best I can do is to say that even though there has been so much pain involved in our relationship, I still have this longing to be able to call her up and share what's going on in my life. At this point I realize though that I don't think it is even possible for me to ever have the relationship I would want with my mom and so that makes this day, my mom's birthday, kind of a sad day for me.
Anyway, I digress...
My relationship with my mother is very convoluted. I don't know that I can even explain it. I guess the best I can do is to say that even though there has been so much pain involved in our relationship, I still have this longing to be able to call her up and share what's going on in my life. At this point I realize though that I don't think it is even possible for me to ever have the relationship I would want with my mom and so that makes this day, my mom's birthday, kind of a sad day for me.
Matt - My simple day
Like every normal day I took my my shower and did my jobs and then got to work on my Geometry. It was a little harder than beginning Algebra, but I did it. When the boys got home, we started doing our jobs. After we did that Dad and Jennifer had to leave to get dinner but we had already had dinner. We had burritos. They were tasty.
While they were gone John-Michael played World of Warcraft and that is when his bird leveled. Then when Dad and Jennifer got back they told John-Michael to read and I got to play World of Warcraft. I got disconnected 3 times, then I finally got to group with someone....a really good group in the Dead Mines but part way through there was going to be another log out so I hearth-stoned home and logged out. Then Ben went on and I went to bed and said goodnight to Ben and Jennifer and Dad. Then I went to sleep and that was my day.
While they were gone John-Michael played World of Warcraft and that is when his bird leveled. Then when Dad and Jennifer got back they told John-Michael to read and I got to play World of Warcraft. I got disconnected 3 times, then I finally got to group with someone....a really good group in the Dead Mines but part way through there was going to be another log out so I hearth-stoned home and logged out. Then Ben went on and I went to bed and said goodnight to Ben and Jennifer and Dad. Then I went to sleep and that was my day.
John-Michael - My bird leveled!
I came home from school. My bird in World of Warcraft leveled! And killed a lot of stuff and I completed a quest though I didn't turn it in yet though.
The day before yesterday we went to Casa Bonita.
The day before yesterday we went to Casa Bonita.
Ben - The day I turned in my roller coaster project
Yesterday I got up and went to school. After eating breakfast I went to do some P.E. After P.E. we went on to doing some reading and such in class until lunch and recess. After lunch and recess I went on to work for our science project where we turned in our roller coaster and tested it to see if it would work. After that it was time to go home and so I went home. At home I read and cleaned the kitchen. After reading and cleaning the kitchen I played World of Warcraft until it was time for bed.
The End
The End
Kirsten - Burritos for
I don't remember what happened yesterday. The only thing I really remember is that I made burritos for dinner. That's all.
Jacob - Tomorrow's the Picnic
I was supposed to have a picnic on yesterday. But some people were missing so we have the picnic Friday and tomorrow is Saturday.
Dad - getting my feet wet
A float went bad at the fountain today so the water got low. When the water is low the main geyser loses its venturi effect and blows the water 40-50 feet into the air. It looks really cool but in spite of the automatic controls to lower the pump speed when the wind goes up the smallest breeze blows tons of water out of the pool. So it drains the pool even faster. There are actually 2 floats to keep the water from getting too low. But both had problems.
I got the problems resolved and filled the pool back up with water, but I had to go wading in the pool a few times before I was finished.
We stopped by the fountain this evening to be sure it was still working right. All was well.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Kirsten - South Park and Casa Bonita
By far, one of my favorite television shows is south Park. South Park is one of the only TV shows that is not afraid of "going too far". Another would of course be family guy. south Park uses a combination of modern comedy and brilliant allusions to classic stories and ideas but gives them a twist. For instance, in the episode "Cartmanland" Cartman alludes to the story of The Grinch in several instances. There is also the episode about Chef joining the Super-Adventure Club which clearly alludes to Scientology.
Of course, it is clear that South Park may create some debate. although conflict may rise, South Park displays ideas and themes that the viewers can relate to. Even I can relate to South Park to a certain degree. Last night for example, we went to Casa Bonita. This made me recall the episode of South Park that shows Eric Cartman's obsessiveness with Casa Bonita. This episode depicts the enjoyment kids have when visiting the restaurant and makes the whole event funny for those who no longer feel the glory of the almighty Casa Bonita.
Anyway...enough silliness.
Casa Bonita was really THE most exciting thing that happened yesterday. I have to say. Casa Bonita is the largest pink building I have ever seen. It sticks out like a sore thumb. The thought makes me laugh.
Of course, it is clear that South Park may create some debate. although conflict may rise, South Park displays ideas and themes that the viewers can relate to. Even I can relate to South Park to a certain degree. Last night for example, we went to Casa Bonita. This made me recall the episode of South Park that shows Eric Cartman's obsessiveness with Casa Bonita. This episode depicts the enjoyment kids have when visiting the restaurant and makes the whole event funny for those who no longer feel the glory of the almighty Casa Bonita.
Anyway...enough silliness.
Casa Bonita was really THE most exciting thing that happened yesterday. I have to say. Casa Bonita is the largest pink building I have ever seen. It sticks out like a sore thumb. The thought makes me laugh.
John-Michael - Day Poem
Yesterday I woke up late,
Then jumped into my clothes,
Then hurried out the door,
To the cafeteria closed.
Then open in
And to the trays,
To get my food
And it lightened my mood.
"John-Michael and the adventure of the Shell Hunter" by John-Michael
Once upon a time, John-Michael was walking. Then the Shell Hunter and his robo-dagget were walking at the same time. Then the Shell Hunter said to John-Michael, "Hey! Have you lost your shell?!?"
"Well, how could I loose my shell if I don't have one?!?" Then they both cracked into laughs. Then the King Turtle's shell showed up.
Don't miss our next exciting adventure: "John-Michael and the King Turtle's Shell and the Shell Hunter"
Then jumped into my clothes,
Then hurried out the door,
To the cafeteria closed.
Then open in
And to the trays,
To get my food
And it lightened my mood.
"John-Michael and the adventure of the Shell Hunter" by John-Michael
Once upon a time, John-Michael was walking. Then the Shell Hunter and his robo-dagget were walking at the same time. Then the Shell Hunter said to John-Michael, "Hey! Have you lost your shell?!?"
"Well, how could I loose my shell if I don't have one?!?" Then they both cracked into laughs. Then the King Turtle's shell showed up.
Don't miss our next exciting adventure: "John-Michael and the King Turtle's Shell and the Shell Hunter"
Matt - Casa Bonita
Yesterday was exciting! First when I woke up I did as usual; I went to my...wait not mine...THE shower. After I was finished using it I got dressed and did my jobs. I started to get to work on my man, I knew I was very close to the end of algebra, the beginning I mean. After that, the boys came home.
The boys started doing their jobs. then we started getting ready to go somewhere, which was Casa Bonita. When we were in the car, we started driving. We went down to my dad's work, to Dad's work I mean. Me and John-Michael used the bathroom. After that Dad came out of his work. He took the electric car. The electric car runs on electricity. He took it to his work. He took it to Casa Bonita. We drove in the suburban. When we got to Casa Bonita we saw the fountain. It was beautiful like always. there were many pennies in it. You know how people put pennies in fountains. It was quite full because we were having some rain.
We went inside, we waited in a very big long line. It reminded me when there was just about no line at all once. It was very beautiful there. Casa Bonita was pretty big! It even has a tower of it's own. Well at the top of it of course. When we finally got to the cashiers (there were only two) when we got to the cashier, we...we started buying our food. We lined up in the next line, which was much shorter and went faster. I was glad of that.
When we got our food we slid down the...we slid our trays down the....whatever it's called. Finally we had been seated by our waiter. We got to our seat, right then no play was started (because Casa Bonita has plays). We sat sown with our food and we started eating.
There's this guy who talked with the kids and were entertaining them while they were getting ready. They kept on telling him to dive. Because they wanted to see him dive. He does lots of cool tricks when he dives. I think it's pretty cool. I tried to tell him but he was too far away for him to hear me. After that one of the plays started.
A guy came out and fired a gun, it wasn't real. It just made a loud "pop" when fired. He said, "Ha! I scared ya!" Then he started talking to everyone about that he was going to have a gun fight with the sheriff. and out of the darkness came the sheriff. He kept on saying that they had to have a fair gunfight. then the bad guy said, "But that's not fair!" Then the sheriff said, "Yes it is because we're doing fair and square."
Then he tricked the bad guy to fall down a waterfall, and that was it. So, the sheriff won. After a couple more plays, we started getting ready to go home. As we drove, then when when we got home I got in my pajamas and read this book called "The Supernaturalist" to Dad. Dad fell asleep and I went to bed and that was my day...I mean yesterday.
The boys started doing their jobs. then we started getting ready to go somewhere, which was Casa Bonita. When we were in the car, we started driving. We went down to my dad's work, to Dad's work I mean. Me and John-Michael used the bathroom. After that Dad came out of his work. He took the electric car. The electric car runs on electricity. He took it to his work. He took it to Casa Bonita. We drove in the suburban. When we got to Casa Bonita we saw the fountain. It was beautiful like always. there were many pennies in it. You know how people put pennies in fountains. It was quite full because we were having some rain.
We went inside, we waited in a very big long line. It reminded me when there was just about no line at all once. It was very beautiful there. Casa Bonita was pretty big! It even has a tower of it's own. Well at the top of it of course. When we finally got to the cashiers (there were only two) when we got to the cashier, we...we started buying our food. We lined up in the next line, which was much shorter and went faster. I was glad of that.
When we got our food we slid down the...we slid our trays down the....whatever it's called. Finally we had been seated by our waiter. We got to our seat, right then no play was started (because Casa Bonita has plays). We sat sown with our food and we started eating.
There's this guy who talked with the kids and were entertaining them while they were getting ready. They kept on telling him to dive. Because they wanted to see him dive. He does lots of cool tricks when he dives. I think it's pretty cool. I tried to tell him but he was too far away for him to hear me. After that one of the plays started.
A guy came out and fired a gun, it wasn't real. It just made a loud "pop" when fired. He said, "Ha! I scared ya!" Then he started talking to everyone about that he was going to have a gun fight with the sheriff. and out of the darkness came the sheriff. He kept on saying that they had to have a fair gunfight. then the bad guy said, "But that's not fair!" Then the sheriff said, "Yes it is because we're doing fair and square."
Then he tricked the bad guy to fall down a waterfall, and that was it. So, the sheriff won. After a couple more plays, we started getting ready to go home. As we drove, then when when we got home I got in my pajamas and read this book called "The Supernaturalist" to Dad. Dad fell asleep and I went to bed and that was my day...I mean yesterday.
Ben - The day we went to Casa Bonita
Yesterday I got up and went to school as usual. At school I had breakfast and then I went to class where we did math and then moved on to math. After math we started cleaning out of desks because it was the end of the school year and then we worked on reading and spelling.
In reading we worked on some plays we were going to do. After which we went on to recess and lunch. We worked on the roller coaster project in science. After science it was time to end the day. So John-Michael and I were driven home by Jennifer.
Later in the afternoon we went to Casa Bonita. After Casa Bonita we went home and I cleaned up the kitchen. After cleaning the kitchen I went to bed.
The End
that's it...
In reading we worked on some plays we were going to do. After which we went on to recess and lunch. We worked on the roller coaster project in science. After science it was time to end the day. So John-Michael and I were driven home by Jennifer.
Later in the afternoon we went to Casa Bonita. After Casa Bonita we went home and I cleaned up the kitchen. After cleaning the kitchen I went to bed.
The End
that's it...
Jacob - The Super Casa Bonita Day!
Yesterday I went to Casa Bonita twice and this is no fun. I went to a field trip at school AND I ride in car with Jennifer to Casa Bonita at night. I "boooed" the guy jumping over the rock. He got scared of Jacob and then he was stuck. (Jacob is laughing.) It was funny. (more laughing)
Let's go tell a story...
Episode 3 - "Professor Poopy-Pants on a Dinosaur"
Jacob and Captain Underpants go to jail but Professor Poopy-Pants froze the police with cold. Jacob got an idea to go to dinosaur place and then they just did. Professor Poopy-Pants is on a dinosaur and then Jacob did.
The End
Let's go tell a story...
Episode 3 - "Professor Poopy-Pants on a Dinosaur"
Jacob and Captain Underpants go to jail but Professor Poopy-Pants froze the police with cold. Jacob got an idea to go to dinosaur place and then they just did. Professor Poopy-Pants is on a dinosaur and then Jacob did.
The End
Dad - a rough day
Jacob came home from school yesterday and said he had a rough day. He had a field trip to Casa Bonita that apparently didn't go very well, I figured that we would hop right back on that horse and so the whole family went to Casa Bonita for dinner.
Casa Bonita is an iiiiinnnteresting place, the food is less than average and the prices aren't that great, but it has an atmosphere like no other restaurant. There is the scary walk through Black Bart's cave, a puppet theater and cliff divers doing various shows that invariably end up with the bad guy falling in the water below.
When I was a kid my family took us to Casa Bonita. They used to have audience members participate in the show. I was called up to be the hostage in a Sheriff and bad guy's shootout. My line was to yell "Help, Help" I threw in a third help, I was such a ham.
Jacob really enjoyed the cliff divers and other entertainment. It worked really well to give him another chance at his field trip. The others had fun too.
The food made me a bit sick, so when we got home I fell right asleep.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Jennifer/Mom - No haircuts
Well, we had a change of plans. I have been sworn to secrecy however and I am not allowed to even hint at what we did tonight instead of what was originally planned. Chris wanted to be the one to post about it and so of course I agreed!
Suffice it to say no hairs got cut and Ben and Matt didn't get a chance to blog. They'll be first on the list tomorrow so no worries!
I did run the car conversion to ship idea by John-Michael when he got home from school. He thought it was fantastic. He was thrilled to donate his pirate flag to the project and even had some cool ideas to discuss with Chris about how to rig everything up so we could still get the car into the garage!
Suffice it to say no hairs got cut and Ben and Matt didn't get a chance to blog. They'll be first on the list tomorrow so no worries!
I did run the car conversion to ship idea by John-Michael when he got home from school. He thought it was fantastic. He was thrilled to donate his pirate flag to the project and even had some cool ideas to discuss with Chris about how to rig everything up so we could still get the car into the garage!
John-Michael - Early to Bed
Go home in a car,
Walk in through the door.
Walk up on the stairs
And into my room.
Up the ladder.
Onto my bed.
Fall asleep fast.
Snooze, snooze, snooze.
Walk in through the door.
Walk up on the stairs
And into my room.
Up the ladder.
Onto my bed.
Fall asleep fast.
Snooze, snooze, snooze.
Jacob and the Attack of the Talking Toilet
Jacob will find a toilet but the toilet is in the school. Turbo Toilet 2000 is trying to take over the world and fan club. Captain Underpants will go to the toilet and find the toilet. Jacob followed Captain Underpants and then Captain Underpants found talking toilets. Captain Underpants will plunger the toilets until Turbo Toilet 2000 is angry. And then they will battle the Turbo Toilet 2000 and then Captain Underpants and Jacob did battle the Turbo Toilet 2000. Captain Underpants and Jacob defeated the Turbo Toilet 2000.
Don't miss out on the next exciting adventure..."Jacob and Professor Poopy-Pants with a Dinosaur"!
Now, for what happened yesterday.
It was a school day. I'll write more tomorrow.
Don't miss out on the next exciting adventure..."Jacob and Professor Poopy-Pants with a Dinosaur"!
Now, for what happened yesterday.
It was a school day. I'll write more tomorrow.
Kirsten - Ugh
I don't know what to say. I haven't thought about it at all.
--laughing and giggling--
(Note from the typist: She is just laughing and giggling now because she knows I will write down every word she says)
--alternately smirking and then giggling--
(Another note: She knows she must be careful...she's even beginning to blush about the whole thing. Soon I may just start making things up and attributing them to her if she doesn't get going. LOL)
--more giggling and smirking while looking over the typist's shoulder--
No I am not smirking and giggling. No I am not smirking and gigg....oh that is what I said. No that is not what I said are getting it don't have enough "no's"
(ANOTHER note from the typist: Ok, seriously now....we are starting anew....So, Kirsten will begin her "official" post)
Jeez-Louise Jennifer. Anyway....
Yesterday was quite boring. Or was it....I don't remember....hmmmm.....
I did help the boys get off to school yesterday. Oh yes, and then I took a nap. But I don't really like naps so that was very hypocritical of myself. But I plopped over so I guess it was ok.
For dinner we had egg-salad burritos, which were quite odd. I would not actually suggest them but it was ok. It was my own concoction. Then Ben went to scouts last night and I watched the remaining boys in the house and did a whole bunch of laundry. So much laundry in fact that I probably did not need to take a shower that night. I was literally swimming in laundry.
The only other thing I did was call my boyfriend (note: she means her ex-boyfriend in was a LONG-distance call) and then I went to bed after my swim.
--laughing and giggling--
(Note from the typist: She is just laughing and giggling now because she knows I will write down every word she says)
--alternately smirking and then giggling--
(Another note: She knows she must be careful...she's even beginning to blush about the whole thing. Soon I may just start making things up and attributing them to her if she doesn't get going. LOL)
--more giggling and smirking while looking over the typist's shoulder--
No I am not smirking and giggling. No I am not smirking and gigg....oh that is what I said. No that is not what I said are getting it don't have enough "no's"
(ANOTHER note from the typist: Ok, seriously now....we are starting anew....So, Kirsten will begin her "official" post)
Jeez-Louise Jennifer. Anyway....
Yesterday was quite boring. Or was it....I don't remember....hmmmm.....
I did help the boys get off to school yesterday. Oh yes, and then I took a nap. But I don't really like naps so that was very hypocritical of myself. But I plopped over so I guess it was ok.
For dinner we had egg-salad burritos, which were quite odd. I would not actually suggest them but it was ok. It was my own concoction. Then Ben went to scouts last night and I watched the remaining boys in the house and did a whole bunch of laundry. So much laundry in fact that I probably did not need to take a shower that night. I was literally swimming in laundry.
The only other thing I did was call my boyfriend (note: she means her ex-boyfriend in was a LONG-distance call) and then I went to bed after my swim.
Jennifer/Mom - An update of my own
Yesterday and this morning I was given a hard time because I hadn't posted in a few days. The truth of the matter is I am totally intimidated by all the great posts everyone has been putting up! Further I am irked that Chris is so much funnier than I am.
Still, I guess I should update myself and John-Michael as Chris gave updates for everyone else yesterday.
John-Michael - Reading up a storm! At a party we all attended a couple of weeks ago, the neighbor the boys get a ride with in the morning told me he has never seen anything like the way John-Michael reads. He gets into the car reading and gets out of the car reading. He is just reading ALL the time. John-Michael also loves playing World of Warcraft. His character is a hunter and he has just learned how to tame beasts! He now has to get some gold coming in so he can get a collection of tamed beasts and afford to stable them as you can only have one "pet" active at a time.
Me - I started re-reading parts of a book I really like last night. Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" Recommended by a friend, I read it about this time last year for the first time and I really enjoyed it. Very insightful and illuminating and very helpful in dealing with some of the challenges I faced at the time. I highly recommend it.
I just got off the phone with Chris and apparently we are going to begin a program to do a greater part for decreasing global warming by increasing pirate activity. I shall explain further....going into a headwind with the electric car operating on low battery charge inspired Chris to suggest a sail be added to the car. I responded with enthusiasm that I thought that it was a fantastic idea! I was sure that John-Michael would be thrilled to lend his new Jolly Roger to the project. We could put a bumper sticker on the back that says "Honk if you love Pirates!" and another that says "Doing our part to decrease global warming!" (If the global warming thing confuses you just look at the chart we posted on Wednesday, May 16th. That will help clear things up.)
We haven't quite figured out how we would successfully tack back and forth across the freeway without annoying the other drivers. We are fairly confident however, they will be understanding for such a sound cause as decreasing global warming. I am sure Chris will figure out a solution though. He is a brilliant engineer!
Ok, time for me to go and get the dictations from Kirsten and Matt plus get more progress done on my own "LIST". Lots to do! Lots to do! Including haircuts this afternoon (if I can fit it in)!
Still, I guess I should update myself and John-Michael as Chris gave updates for everyone else yesterday.
John-Michael - Reading up a storm! At a party we all attended a couple of weeks ago, the neighbor the boys get a ride with in the morning told me he has never seen anything like the way John-Michael reads. He gets into the car reading and gets out of the car reading. He is just reading ALL the time. John-Michael also loves playing World of Warcraft. His character is a hunter and he has just learned how to tame beasts! He now has to get some gold coming in so he can get a collection of tamed beasts and afford to stable them as you can only have one "pet" active at a time.
Me - I started re-reading parts of a book I really like last night. Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" Recommended by a friend, I read it about this time last year for the first time and I really enjoyed it. Very insightful and illuminating and very helpful in dealing with some of the challenges I faced at the time. I highly recommend it.
I just got off the phone with Chris and apparently we are going to begin a program to do a greater part for decreasing global warming by increasing pirate activity. I shall explain further....going into a headwind with the electric car operating on low battery charge inspired Chris to suggest a sail be added to the car. I responded with enthusiasm that I thought that it was a fantastic idea! I was sure that John-Michael would be thrilled to lend his new Jolly Roger to the project. We could put a bumper sticker on the back that says "Honk if you love Pirates!" and another that says "Doing our part to decrease global warming!" (If the global warming thing confuses you just look at the chart we posted on Wednesday, May 16th. That will help clear things up.)
We haven't quite figured out how we would successfully tack back and forth across the freeway without annoying the other drivers. We are fairly confident however, they will be understanding for such a sound cause as decreasing global warming. I am sure Chris will figure out a solution though. He is a brilliant engineer!
Ok, time for me to go and get the dictations from Kirsten and Matt plus get more progress done on my own "LIST". Lots to do! Lots to do! Including haircuts this afternoon (if I can fit it in)!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Dad - In case you hadn't noticed
We have a veritable funny farm, here. I used to answer the phone "Runyan's funny farm, chief nut speaking" until the court evaluator called and I forgot to check the caller id. Fortunately the kids were laughing themselves silly at the time and it actually was appropriate to answer that way. She got quite a kick out of it, still I was quite embarrassed.
Besides being a bit loopy, some of us have "special needs", even so, Jacob insists that he is the only normal one, and has lots of patience for the rest of us.
Update ----
Kirsten was recently grounded for smooching, and lost her birthday privileges. She has promised a life of celibacy and plans to become a Nun and so the birthday is back on. Her now ex-boyfriend has moved to Bolivia.
Jacob is getting ready to start High School. He has the cool new sunglasses a cool leather jacket, and looking to get a car of his own, maybe the "new" Jeep after it is finished being converted (can never have too many electric cars)
Ben is going to a new (new for him) Boy Scout troop. He even went on his first campout a couple of weeks ago.
Matt is making improvements in his 3 Rs by leaps and bounds.
Andrew, loves to watch lobster and crabs swimming in a tank, before I eat them, yumm yummm. He is also becoming quite the photographer, next month we will get even more "New York" footage for our project.
Me, I've lost 15 lbs and then gained them right back, eating out last weekend. I love a good steak, mmmmmm.
I've been taking some classes for a new profession/volunteering, I've just recently finished at the top of my class. I even out gunned, so to speak, a young hot shot with actual field experience.
Besides being a bit loopy, some of us have "special needs", even so, Jacob insists that he is the only normal one, and has lots of patience for the rest of us.
Update ----
Kirsten was recently grounded for smooching, and lost her birthday privileges. She has promised a life of celibacy and plans to become a Nun and so the birthday is back on. Her now ex-boyfriend has moved to Bolivia.
Jacob is getting ready to start High School. He has the cool new sunglasses a cool leather jacket, and looking to get a car of his own, maybe the "new" Jeep after it is finished being converted (can never have too many electric cars)
Ben is going to a new (new for him) Boy Scout troop. He even went on his first campout a couple of weeks ago.
Matt is making improvements in his 3 Rs by leaps and bounds.
Andrew, loves to watch lobster and crabs swimming in a tank, before I eat them, yumm yummm. He is also becoming quite the photographer, next month we will get even more "New York" footage for our project.
Me, I've lost 15 lbs and then gained them right back, eating out last weekend. I love a good steak, mmmmmm.
I've been taking some classes for a new profession/volunteering, I've just recently finished at the top of my class. I even out gunned, so to speak, a young hot shot with actual field experience.
John-Michael - The fun day.
I woke up then I went to school in my ride as usual. I had a lot to turn in and so I turned in all of it. Then I did lunch. And I came home in my friend's mom's car. Then I did my blog later in the day and had a fun time and I went to bed. And that was my day.
Jacob - The Bus
I got up and then I took a shower and I got dressed. I combed my hair and then I waited for the bus. And then I went into the bus and then I waited for school to get here until I went into the school.
And then I ate breakfast. I had my food for breakfast. And then I went to P.E. class. And then I went to advisement class. And then I went to math class. And then I went to reading class at Language Arts class where I got spelling words out. And then I ate lunch when I was hungry.
And then I had free time class. And then I did do science. Later, I went to the bus. And the bus carried me until I got home. And then I ate dinner. I had lasagna and then I went to bed.
The End
And then I ate breakfast. I had my food for breakfast. And then I went to P.E. class. And then I went to advisement class. And then I went to math class. And then I went to reading class at Language Arts class where I got spelling words out. And then I ate lunch when I was hungry.
And then I had free time class. And then I did do science. Later, I went to the bus. And the bus carried me until I got home. And then I ate dinner. I had lasagna and then I went to bed.
The End
Ben - A typical school day.
Yesterday I started off by getting up and going to school in the morning. At school I had a breakfast of cereal. After breakfast I moved on to class where we did music. After music we went off to do math class and we worked on subtracting discounts from prices and then adding taxes. After math we moved on to reading class where we read a story and did some spelling. After reading and spelling we read our books until it was time to go to recess.
After lunch and recess we moved onto science where we worked on our roller-coaster projects. After science we moved onto social studies where we watched some movies about South America. After that we went home.
At home I did some reading for a while and I cleaned up the kitchen. After that I went to bed.
After lunch and recess we moved onto science where we worked on our roller-coaster projects. After science we moved onto social studies where we watched some movies about South America. After that we went home.
At home I did some reading for a while and I cleaned up the kitchen. After that I went to bed.
Matt - Starting Algebra
Ok, let's see....
When I woke up I started moving the engine a little bit because I like to move it. I didn't move the motor. There is a certain gear that sticks out of the front. If you turn it one direction it will turn all the parts that move in the motor. I didn't move it a lot because the motor wouldn't let it go too far.
After playing with it, it was time for my shower. After my shower I did all of my jobs, I started doing my schoolwork...I'm in algebra on math. Algebra is quite fun. It is much more fun than the normal math I did before such as multiplication, division, subtraction and addition. I know why I didn't do algebra first. It was because I needed skills in the other subjects that I just mentioned. I'm not going to be in beginning algebra for long because I looked ahead in the book and noticed that I only have about 15 more pages until the next subject.
When the boys got home, after I finished my list, I played around but not for too long because it took me a while to finish my list. Because right after I finished folding the laundry I got sidetracked.
I didn't play Warcraft last night. I read. I read "The Day My Butt Went Psycho". It is the weirdest book I have ever read. I haven't finished it yet. It also is one of the funniest book I have ever read. It may be THE funniest book I have ever read. I just haven't decided yet.
When I woke up I started moving the engine a little bit because I like to move it. I didn't move the motor. There is a certain gear that sticks out of the front. If you turn it one direction it will turn all the parts that move in the motor. I didn't move it a lot because the motor wouldn't let it go too far.
After playing with it, it was time for my shower. After my shower I did all of my jobs, I started doing my schoolwork...I'm in algebra on math. Algebra is quite fun. It is much more fun than the normal math I did before such as multiplication, division, subtraction and addition. I know why I didn't do algebra first. It was because I needed skills in the other subjects that I just mentioned. I'm not going to be in beginning algebra for long because I looked ahead in the book and noticed that I only have about 15 more pages until the next subject.
When the boys got home, after I finished my list, I played around but not for too long because it took me a while to finish my list. Because right after I finished folding the laundry I got sidetracked.
I didn't play Warcraft last night. I read. I read "The Day My Butt Went Psycho". It is the weirdest book I have ever read. I haven't finished it yet. It also is one of the funniest book I have ever read. It may be THE funniest book I have ever read. I just haven't decided yet.
Kirsten - I Don't Remember Yesterday
OK. Hmmmmm......trying to remember. Oh yes, yesteday was Monday. So, I woke up and I didn't eat breakfast. Then I went down and read for four hours and then I came back up because I felt like a hermit and I ate some Easy-Mac with Bologna. Then I picked up the house and made a lasagna to be heated up later for dinner.
Around 5:00 I put the lasagna in and heated it up and then we all ate it and then I went to bed.
Around 5:00 I put the lasagna in and heated it up and then we all ate it and then I went to bed.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Matt - Dictation to Kirsten (to be typed later by Jennifer)
Sunday I didn't write my blog. I forgot to. I didn't mean for you to write that! you forgot too? Kirsten! Stop writing that! Cross that out! Back space. Back space. Back space. I didn't mean for you to write that! Cross that out! Cross it out! Kirsten's being stupid right now! Jennifer don't write this until I say "space", which I just said.
"Space". So, "space". "Space". you missed the "o"...Oh, never mind. Kirsten! Kirsten! Kirsten! Kirsten! Hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHA! Kirsten please cross that out! Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blaaaaaaaaaah, blaaaaaaaaaah, blaaaaaaaah, blaaaaaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
OK. On Sunday I woke up. then I woke up Kirsten. I started my jobs. One of them was my shower. after I did all my jobs, I played around. I didn't write my blog because I forgot. Then I went to bed, knowing I would see dad tomorrow because he would be back by then. Also, I played World of Warcraft yesterday...I forgot to add that, I forgot to say that. Don't write that. No, Kirsten I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done!
"Space". So, "space". "Space". you missed the "o"...Oh, never mind. Kirsten! Kirsten! Kirsten! Kirsten! Hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHA! Kirsten please cross that out! Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blaaaaaaaaaah, blaaaaaaaaaah, blaaaaaaaah, blaaaaaaaaaaah, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
OK. On Sunday I woke up. then I woke up Kirsten. I started my jobs. One of them was my shower. after I did all my jobs, I played around. I didn't write my blog because I forgot. Then I went to bed, knowing I would see dad tomorrow because he would be back by then. Also, I played World of Warcraft yesterday...I forgot to add that, I forgot to say that. Don't write that. No, Kirsten I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done!
John-Michael - "A Toothless Friend to All's" Day
I did my list, and I had scrambled eggs and toast and waffles. I had a fun time and a short day. It was fun playing Warcraft. I got sidebars and I got a pet. It was fun. It was fun. It was fun. And I also made a poem. And that was my day. Well, my short day.
I'm done
I'm done
Jacob - The Story
Jacob will find Captain Underpants. but they can't go to China. Jacob will go use a boat to make a boat. Next morning Jacob is still tired, and that's what happened. Until going to sail the boat and then going long way and then will find Captain Underpants.
Until Professor Poopy-Pants come and Melvin will come. and they will use secret weapon. Next year Jacob miss a school, and never give a graduation. Jacob will go find a way to go get to their side. Captain Underpants flew easily, until they went to Hawaii and Stitch will come, until Jacob did save the world. And then Jacob and Captain Underpants find Professor Dumby Poopy-Pants.
"And I can't believe myself to beat super hero." Jacob said. Until Captain Underpants did save the world and the day.
At home I can't do the list. And Jacob will go eat lunch. I have tuna. I ate tacos for dinner. and that's all there is. Oh! I forgot something....did you enjoy the story? I guess you did.
Until Professor Poopy-Pants come and Melvin will come. and they will use secret weapon. Next year Jacob miss a school, and never give a graduation. Jacob will go find a way to go get to their side. Captain Underpants flew easily, until they went to Hawaii and Stitch will come, until Jacob did save the world. And then Jacob and Captain Underpants find Professor Dumby Poopy-Pants.
"And I can't believe myself to beat super hero." Jacob said. Until Captain Underpants did save the world and the day.
At home I can't do the list. And Jacob will go eat lunch. I have tuna. I ate tacos for dinner. and that's all there is. Oh! I forgot something....did you enjoy the story? I guess you did.
Kirsten - My Romantic Love Story
Just kidding. This is not my "Romantic Love Story", but that was the title I suggested to Ben. He didn't likeit. Oh well. Anywho, yesterday I went to work but that was really it. Then I read a book that Ben said I should read. It was probably below (or above) my level, but it's title was "Atemis Fowl: The Opal deception".
Yep, that was my day.
Yep, that was my day.
Ben - The Day I Read a Whole Bunch
I started off the day by doing my list....first. then after finishing my list I went up to my room and read all day. But every now and then I had to go back to the kistchen and clean it up.
The End.
That's everything I did yesterday.
The End.
That's everything I did yesterday.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Jacob - Don't miss our exciting adventure "Jacob with Super Diaper Baby" a story by Jacob Runyan
One day Jacob will find Captain Underpants. Until Jacob found the Captain Underpants and Jacob will find Super Diaper Baby and just like in comic books until they have enough to beat the space guys to save a world. Evil space guys will use an evil plan to take over the world in school.
School is about to start in the first day of school. Well, good luck with this story. I hope you enjoyed a story.
Episode 2 - Evil Space Guys from outer space of a new evil dandelion of a evil zombie nerd.
One day Jacob found Captain Underpants. Until Jacob found Super Diaper Baby, and then one day at the first day of school, evil space guys were there from outer space. Evil space guys said, "My plan is to take over the world with my best genius." And then they said it again. "Yeah, that's what I mentioned."
Correct all those ways and then they made root beer. And then the evil zombie nerd said, "Must drink root beer.....must drink root beer!" Until everybody was all back to normal. And then somebody snapped their fingers and you know who turned back into Captain Underpants, and after they said, "Oh, no! Here we go again!"
Don't miss our next exciting adventure!! "Jacob and the Attack of the Talking Toilet" coming tomorrow!
School is about to start in the first day of school. Well, good luck with this story. I hope you enjoyed a story.
Episode 2 - Evil Space Guys from outer space of a new evil dandelion of a evil zombie nerd.
One day Jacob found Captain Underpants. Until Jacob found Super Diaper Baby, and then one day at the first day of school, evil space guys were there from outer space. Evil space guys said, "My plan is to take over the world with my best genius." And then they said it again. "Yeah, that's what I mentioned."
Correct all those ways and then they made root beer. And then the evil zombie nerd said, "Must drink root beer.....must drink root beer!" Until everybody was all back to normal. And then somebody snapped their fingers and you know who turned back into Captain Underpants, and after they said, "Oh, no! Here we go again!"
Don't miss our next exciting adventure!! "Jacob and the Attack of the Talking Toilet" coming tomorrow!
Matt - Saturday
On Saturday, which was yesterday, I woke up, then I started doing my list. Finally, when I finished doing my list I read. Reading is one of my favorite things. But it didn't use to be until Jennifer had me start reading a lot more. I didn't like it at first but I started liking it after a while. I am getting much better at it. I just jumped in home shcool.
How I did it was first I started with little chapter books. But they were chapter books. Then I just jumped into Eragon. Now I am even started on Eldest. It only took me a month and a half to read Eragon. I'm quite surprised how much I've jumped. And did you know I've learned multiplication all by myself? I really did in second grade.
It was lots of help because in third grade I went to a different school and they had already learned it from a different teacher. I didn't learn from my second grade teacher so I was quite lucky.
How I did it was first I started with little chapter books. But they were chapter books. Then I just jumped into Eragon. Now I am even started on Eldest. It only took me a month and a half to read Eragon. I'm quite surprised how much I've jumped. And did you know I've learned multiplication all by myself? I really did in second grade.
It was lots of help because in third grade I went to a different school and they had already learned it from a different teacher. I didn't learn from my second grade teacher so I was quite lucky.
John-Michael - The day at the cabin
Before I tell about yesterday I want to tell about the first day at the cabin. The first day at the cabin I was pretty surprised. I didn't know that they had a cabin. They just said, "the cabin". Then when I saw the cabin I knew exactly what they were talking about. I knew about the cabin for the rest of the time. In fact it was quite long.
I like the cabin. It has marbles and it has a tire swing. I nearly forgot about the tire swing just now. I love the cabin. Sometimes I don't want to go to the cabin because I have other fun stuff but I end up liking it every time I go. And that is what I was going to tell about the cabin.
Now, here is my yesterday and I will tell you about today. tomorrow. What I did yesterday is I got my list done very first thing and then for breakfast I had an egg and a piece of toast. Then since my list was done I got to play Warcraft. But in the middle of playing Warcraft my mom said my turn was over and I could either go with Kirsten or weed. I chose going with Kirsten.
After I got back I was really tired because I had walked one mile! So, I took a nap. Then I played until it was time for dinner. Then I had dinner and did my blog. Then I went to bed.
I like the cabin. It has marbles and it has a tire swing. I nearly forgot about the tire swing just now. I love the cabin. Sometimes I don't want to go to the cabin because I have other fun stuff but I end up liking it every time I go. And that is what I was going to tell about the cabin.
Now, here is my yesterday and I will tell you about today. tomorrow. What I did yesterday is I got my list done very first thing and then for breakfast I had an egg and a piece of toast. Then since my list was done I got to play Warcraft. But in the middle of playing Warcraft my mom said my turn was over and I could either go with Kirsten or weed. I chose going with Kirsten.
After I got back I was really tired because I had walked one mile! So, I took a nap. Then I played until it was time for dinner. Then I had dinner and did my blog. Then I went to bed.
Jacob - Happening to Runyans and John-Michael and Jennifer to make that rule
Episode 1 - The fantom Jennifer
A long time ago in far away in yesterday. Jacob will do the list and then Jacob will wait until Jacob will go play Wii. After Jacob said and after story mode then I'm going to play Matt and Ben told him and Matt will quit, then Jennifer will said, "It's rest time!" and Jacob can't. And then Jacob will go and make a comic book about Captain Underpants. And then Jacob will go hypnotize Jennifer. And then they said, "You will obey our every command!" And then they snapped their fingers. And then Jennifer said, "O.K." And then Jacob said, "You are a monkey." And then Jennifer out of a control...."ooooo, ooooo, ooooooo, oooooooo" And then Jacob's do horrible mistake. "You are now a Captain Underpants!"
"Yes Master!"
"Traaa-La- Laaaaa!" Captain Underpants sing.
And then Captain Underpants out of a window and Jacob said, "Hey, come back here!" and then Jacob said, "oooops".
And Jacob went to go to trouble and made horrible mistake. And then Jacob in a comic book and Jacob is dumped and stuck in a comic book.
Then Jacob will pick up Kirsten out of the comic book when command. And then we can go have dinner with Kirsten, Ben, Matt and John-Michael and they were sad. And she thought she was a real super hero. And fight a non-comic book. But Captain Underpants trapped with a Dr. Diaper. Went out of this comic book and when he's command. And then they rescued Jennifer with Jacob when fix that bad thing.
And then he bring a fake doggie doo-doo. And then they have to go fight Dr. Diaper and make a good shot and then Dr. Diaper said, "oooops, that was pretty embarrassed. Oh, dear....oh, dear. Excuse me let me change." And then they fight a robot. And they did fight the robot and Dr. Diaper said, "you destroyed my robot."
Dr. Diaper said, "and you freed a visitor!" And then Jacob would do it quickly until Captain Underpants to shot Dr. Diaper.
And then they hypnotized them and it didn't work after Captain Underpants getting dressed. And then they said, "water is worked I hope I think they're working." Until they are going to snap their fingers and getting worsed. And then they turned back to you know who....Captain Underpants!!!
"Oh No!!!" she said. "Here we go again!"
A long time ago in far away in yesterday. Jacob will do the list and then Jacob will wait until Jacob will go play Wii. After Jacob said and after story mode then I'm going to play Matt and Ben told him and Matt will quit, then Jennifer will said, "It's rest time!" and Jacob can't. And then Jacob will go and make a comic book about Captain Underpants. And then Jacob will go hypnotize Jennifer. And then they said, "You will obey our every command!" And then they snapped their fingers. And then Jennifer said, "O.K." And then Jacob said, "You are a monkey." And then Jennifer out of a control...."ooooo, ooooo, ooooooo, oooooooo" And then Jacob's do horrible mistake. "You are now a Captain Underpants!"
"Yes Master!"
"Traaa-La- Laaaaa!" Captain Underpants sing.
And then Captain Underpants out of a window and Jacob said, "Hey, come back here!" and then Jacob said, "oooops".
And Jacob went to go to trouble and made horrible mistake. And then Jacob in a comic book and Jacob is dumped and stuck in a comic book.
Then Jacob will pick up Kirsten out of the comic book when command. And then we can go have dinner with Kirsten, Ben, Matt and John-Michael and they were sad. And she thought she was a real super hero. And fight a non-comic book. But Captain Underpants trapped with a Dr. Diaper. Went out of this comic book and when he's command. And then they rescued Jennifer with Jacob when fix that bad thing.
And then he bring a fake doggie doo-doo. And then they have to go fight Dr. Diaper and make a good shot and then Dr. Diaper said, "oooops, that was pretty embarrassed. Oh, dear....oh, dear. Excuse me let me change." And then they fight a robot. And they did fight the robot and Dr. Diaper said, "you destroyed my robot."
Dr. Diaper said, "and you freed a visitor!" And then Jacob would do it quickly until Captain Underpants to shot Dr. Diaper.
And then they hypnotized them and it didn't work after Captain Underpants getting dressed. And then they said, "water is worked I hope I think they're working." Until they are going to snap their fingers and getting worsed. And then they turned back to you know who....Captain Underpants!!!
"Oh No!!!" she said. "Here we go again!"
Dad and Andrew - a busy day
Finally a moment to rest. Andrew and I have been all over town working on our project. People just loved seeing us "filming". One cop came right over and asked us lots of questions, he loved the glasses on Charlie.
Andrew and I met some people from France and a couple from Brazil. Everybody just loves him and his bubbly personality.
-- More later.
Andrew and I met some people from France and a couple from Brazil. Everybody just loves him and his bubbly personality.
-- More later.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Kirsten - Boredem and Naps
Well...yesterday I did not attend school. This was due to the fact that school is over for me. Since I did not go to school, I helped my brothers and John-Michael get ready for their school. Then I went for a run, then followed by a nap. I don't usually take naps, but yesterday I was extremely tired. In fact, I don't even really like the whole nap idea. It bothers me for numerous reasons. Reasons that I will not go into for the sake of time. Anywho, yesterday was very un-eventful, quite boring as a matter of fact.
The most exciting thing that happened was my dad went out to California to pick up my brother Andrew. Because dad went to go pick up Andrew, I got to talk to Andrew on the phone. I understand that they had grand adventures planned related to their work on "Charlie the Banana goes to New York." I wish I could have gone with them., then maybe my day wouldn't have been so boring.
The most exciting thing that happened was my dad went out to California to pick up my brother Andrew. Because dad went to go pick up Andrew, I got to talk to Andrew on the phone. I understand that they had grand adventures planned related to their work on "Charlie the Banana goes to New York." I wish I could have gone with them., then maybe my day wouldn't have been so boring.
Andrew - Cake Game
Yesterday I didn't go to school. In the afternoon my Dad picked me up for a visit. I got in Dad's car and I played the cake game on Dad's computer. I talked to Kirsten.
I had fun!
I had fun!
Ben - Friday
On Friday I went to school by car and we had a breakfast of cereal. After breakfast we went to class and we did some art. After art we went to math class where we just graded our math papers and moved on to reading where we did reader's theater. After reader's theater it was time for lunch and recess and so we went to lunch and recess and for lunch I had some stuffed bread sticks. After lunch we moved on to science where we are caught up and about to finish our roller coaster project. Afterwards we finished our day by doing Friday recess and some other tests for Friday.
Afterwards I went home and started in on reading and cleaning the kitchen. Also, we went to the park. At the end of the day we watched SpongeBob. Then we went to bed.
Afterwards I went home and started in on reading and cleaning the kitchen. Also, we went to the park. At the end of the day we watched SpongeBob. Then we went to bed.
Matt - My normal day
When I woke up this time I decided that I would just go into the shower when I was called. I didn't try to go back to sleep. Normally I go back to sleep when Jennifer wakes up John-Michael for his shower. After that I can't get back to sleep.
So, I went into the shower. After that I got dressed, then I went to do my jobs, then I ate breakfast. Then I started getting to work. Kirsten stayed home. Why she stayed home was because her school was out. Her school got out earlier because of the construction at her school and because they got in school early and out of school early. When the boys came home from school, we started doing our jobs. After that Kirsten read a book to everyone that was called "Artimis Fowl". She read some of it and then Jennifer called and it was time for Jacob to go to bed. John-Michael played on World of Warcraft. I did my blog while I was waiting for my turn. I wrote a very long post. When it was my turn I wasn't able to log on because Dad made it so you can't log on after a certain time at night and it was that time.
Instead we watched a SpongeBob movie. We watched three episodes of SpongeBob. Then Jennifer told us to go to bed. I went to bed.
So, I went into the shower. After that I got dressed, then I went to do my jobs, then I ate breakfast. Then I started getting to work. Kirsten stayed home. Why she stayed home was because her school was out. Her school got out earlier because of the construction at her school and because they got in school early and out of school early. When the boys came home from school, we started doing our jobs. After that Kirsten read a book to everyone that was called "Artimis Fowl". She read some of it and then Jennifer called and it was time for Jacob to go to bed. John-Michael played on World of Warcraft. I did my blog while I was waiting for my turn. I wrote a very long post. When it was my turn I wasn't able to log on because Dad made it so you can't log on after a certain time at night and it was that time.
Instead we watched a SpongeBob movie. We watched three episodes of SpongeBob. Then Jennifer told us to go to bed. I went to bed.
John-Michael - The day I read "The Day My Butt Went Psycho"
I woke up then I went to school. Then I was really grouchy and kind of late and I took my ride to school as usual. I put everything away then I sat down at the meeting place for silent reading/partner reading. Then I did the rest of my schoolwork and then I came home and then I did my blog and that was pretty much my day. But I did forget something. I played warcraft last night. Ok, and THAT was my day.
Jacob and the school in bingo...
I won for two times in a row and I got two prizes. I forgot to play bingo. Oh well. My prizes were...I'm not sure....they were prized. I went to lunch and then I forgot the money. And that's all.
A word to the wise...
"Never involve yourself in the affairs of dragons...for you are crunchy and good with ketchup!"
From a bumper sticker I once saw and had occasion to recall this morning.
From a bumper sticker I once saw and had occasion to recall this morning.
Dad - Flying
I do entirely too much flying. Well at least the passive kind of flying where I sit in a seat for hours and a few amazingly powerful controlled explosions propel a hollow tube of metal in a controlled fall. To date I haven't mastered the manly kind of flight which requires one to throw ones-self at the ground and miss.
For helpful hints on flying and other important questions such as the answer to life the universe and everything check out one of my favorite books:
For helpful hints on flying and other important questions such as the answer to life the universe and everything check out one of my favorite books:
Friday, May 18, 2007
Dad - more of the Project with Andrew
Andrew and I are back to work on our project.
Here is some more of what we have so far.
All of the footage was taken by Andrew.
Here is some more of what we have so far.
All of the footage was taken by Andrew.
Well this has been a lot of fun so far! I have had a good time taking down the kids dictations of what happened "yesterday". It has been wonderful practice for them having to remember and dictate what their day was like the day before. It takes some time but boy is it worth it.
You can probably figure out a lot of what my day is like just from what the kids post here. Basically, I am one busy lady. I love it though! It is a very rewarding way to spend my time and energy.

Here are some more pics of the Easter Egg painting event back in April or whenever it was!
Ben - Another School Day
Kay...First I started out by being driven to school. then I had a breakfast of cinnamon rolls. After breakfast i went off to class and started by doing P.E. And in P.E. we did more flag football. Then I went off to math. We had another day learning about taxes.
After math we did some plays called Reader's Theater until it was time for lunch and recess. After lunch we went on to science where we worked on our roller-coaster project and we finished the loop. After science we did some social studies where we watched a movie about...we watched a movie about some guy who was teaching about animals and one such animal is one that is a frog that meows to make a distress signal making predators drop the frog.
After school I did a whole ton of reading and I cleaned up the kitchen. Then after cleaning the kitchen and reading some more I went to bed.
The End
After math we did some plays called Reader's Theater until it was time for lunch and recess. After lunch we went on to science where we worked on our roller-coaster project and we finished the loop. After science we did some social studies where we watched a movie about...we watched a movie about some guy who was teaching about animals and one such animal is one that is a frog that meows to make a distress signal making predators drop the frog.
After school I did a whole ton of reading and I cleaned up the kitchen. Then after cleaning the kitchen and reading some more I went to bed.
The End
Matt - My "iiinnteresting" day
First when I woke up, I decided to try to go back to sleep but I didn't get to and by the time I gave up it was already time for my shower. After my shower I got dressed and I went outside because I heard dad park the suburban in front of the house. When I got out I saw Dad fixing the radiator. I helped Dad fix the radiator a little bit by turning on and off the water. Then Dad told me to tell Jennifer that the radiator was fixed. Then Jennifer told us to get in the car and then we started driving off. We were going to the dentist for John-Michael's appointment.
When we got there Jennifer told me to put this sign on the window shield because they were doing construction and didn't want the construction people to park in the lot. I sat and read in the waiting room. There was a tv but I didn't watch it. When the dentist called John-Michael's name she told us to follow her and we went back into the dentist office. It was smaller than the other dentist office. They put this special stuff that was purple in John-Michael's mouth to tell where he was missing when he brushed his teeth. Then Jennifer told him to brush his teeth where the purple stuff was. There was much less of it when he was finished. I read while I waited. I was sitting right in the office. They didn't remove any teeth this time but last time they did.
When we were finished we took down the paper that told that we were a customer and we drove to John-Michael's school. When we went to the office we signed John-Michael in, then John-Michael said hi to his teacher and Jennifer said that she would come back later to check on him.
So, we drove off to Kirsten's school to pick her up. When we picked her up we waited there for ten minutes because there were so many people in her school so it was hard to find her. When we found her we started driving to this Mexican restraunt. We ate there. I ordered a kid's burrito. It was good! The drink was water. We sat at two separate tables because Kirsten and her boyfriend would probably like some privacy.
When we finished we went into the car. It rained but not too long. We dropped Kirsten's boyfriend off and then we went home.
That's all.
When we got there Jennifer told me to put this sign on the window shield because they were doing construction and didn't want the construction people to park in the lot. I sat and read in the waiting room. There was a tv but I didn't watch it. When the dentist called John-Michael's name she told us to follow her and we went back into the dentist office. It was smaller than the other dentist office. They put this special stuff that was purple in John-Michael's mouth to tell where he was missing when he brushed his teeth. Then Jennifer told him to brush his teeth where the purple stuff was. There was much less of it when he was finished. I read while I waited. I was sitting right in the office. They didn't remove any teeth this time but last time they did.
When we were finished we took down the paper that told that we were a customer and we drove to John-Michael's school. When we went to the office we signed John-Michael in, then John-Michael said hi to his teacher and Jennifer said that she would come back later to check on him.
So, we drove off to Kirsten's school to pick her up. When we picked her up we waited there for ten minutes because there were so many people in her school so it was hard to find her. When we found her we started driving to this Mexican restraunt. We ate there. I ordered a kid's burrito. It was good! The drink was water. We sat at two separate tables because Kirsten and her boyfriend would probably like some privacy.
When we finished we went into the car. It rained but not too long. We dropped Kirsten's boyfriend off and then we went home.
That's all.
John-Michael - My Day
I went to the dentist. Then I went to school and I did geography. Then I came home. Then I wrote my blog, as usual. and I went to bed but before that I brushed my teeth, combed my hair and did my whole list in order. No, not really. I'm just kidding. I did comb my hair and brush my teeth. Wait, I did do mylist. And that's my day.
Then End
Then End
Kirsten - The Last Day of School
Yesterday was my last day of school. I only had two finals scheduled for yesterday except I did not have class during one of those periods. For the other period I had history and I had already completed the AP History final on Friday. Therefore, I only had to go to school so that my history teacher would not be cranky that I did not attend her class. Also, I had to turn in some homework for my math teacher.
So, I attended class during my second hour which was history and then afterwards my friend "Amy" and I went down to the new school building to help with unpacking and to say goodbye to the librarians. There really wasn't much work to be done at the new school so we took the radio and we played music and took it throughout the building and told people to "boogie down". Most people just ignored us except for my computer teacher. He danced like crazy in the middle of the new hallway. It was frightening. Then "Amy" and I went back into the old building to clean out our lockers. Then we took my disposable camera and took a few pictures of people we knew and then I went to lunch with Jennifer and Matt and my boyfriend and then I went home.
I helped Jacob make dinner. We made hamburger sandwiches because we didn't have any hamburger buns so therefore we had to use bread slices instead of using the desired baked goods item.
Then I went to sleep.
So, I attended class during my second hour which was history and then afterwards my friend "Amy" and I went down to the new school building to help with unpacking and to say goodbye to the librarians. There really wasn't much work to be done at the new school so we took the radio and we played music and took it throughout the building and told people to "boogie down". Most people just ignored us except for my computer teacher. He danced like crazy in the middle of the new hallway. It was frightening. Then "Amy" and I went back into the old building to clean out our lockers. Then we took my disposable camera and took a few pictures of people we knew and then I went to lunch with Jennifer and Matt and my boyfriend and then I went home.
I helped Jacob make dinner. We made hamburger sandwiches because we didn't have any hamburger buns so therefore we had to use bread slices instead of using the desired baked goods item.
Then I went to sleep.
Jacob - School
Yesterday I get up and read a blog before school. At school I did do gym, and then advisement, everything but not everything on all day. I don't want to tell about the picnic on yesterday.
(laughing, laughing, and more laughing!)
I went to home and I make dinner with Kirsten and then I ate dinner. I get in pajamas and then I read the book.
(laughing, laughing, and more laughing!)
I went to home and I make dinner with Kirsten and then I ate dinner. I get in pajamas and then I read the book.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Jacob - Jacob vs. the list
I went to school and I ate in at the cafeteria yesterday. I went to home and I can't do the list and I like camping.
Kirsten - Babble, Babble
Yesterday was......yes, well it was.....there? I don't know. Anywho, yesterday I went to school. During school I took my last two finals, math and chemistry. I did okay on the math final, but I did terribly on the chemistry final. I even found out today that the highest grade was like a 71%! That's outrageous. Oh well. It was just a really hard test...there were 71 questions that had to be done in 80 minutes. Most of the questions took a lot more than two minutes to complete since they were mainly stoichiometry and gas laws questions. This has been a very difficult semester... I have to say.
My boyfriend had his AP English test yesterday. Therefore, I didn't see him until after-school. But only for a few moments. Then I took the bus. But my best-friend (we'll call her Amy) did not ride the bus with me because she had her last class off, hence the reason why I rode the bus with another group of people I know - who also normally ride the bus. I then proceeded to walk home after taking the second bus. I arrived home early because finals changed my schedule.
Once I was home Jennifer told me about this blog. Personally I don't like blogs...but that's the way the wind blows. Anyway, after I learned about the blog, Jennifer asked me to draw vegi-tale versions of all of us. So, I did that and fixed dinner. Yep. That was my day.
Here is my "intelligent quote" of the day that I heard from one of my friends: "Don't eat poison ivy, it tastes bad..." Obviously quite intelligent.
My boyfriend had his AP English test yesterday. Therefore, I didn't see him until after-school. But only for a few moments. Then I took the bus. But my best-friend (we'll call her Amy) did not ride the bus with me because she had her last class off, hence the reason why I rode the bus with another group of people I know - who also normally ride the bus. I then proceeded to walk home after taking the second bus. I arrived home early because finals changed my schedule.
Once I was home Jennifer told me about this blog. Personally I don't like blogs...but that's the way the wind blows. Anyway, after I learned about the blog, Jennifer asked me to draw vegi-tale versions of all of us. So, I did that and fixed dinner. Yep. That was my day.
Here is my "intelligent quote" of the day that I heard from one of my friends: "Don't eat poison ivy, it tastes bad..." Obviously quite intelligent.
Ben - School Day
Okay, yesterday I went to school and at school I started out with P.E. In P.E. we played some flag football. Then we moved on to math and we are learning how to add taxes, to add taxes to the numbers. Then we did some reading where we did some plays. Then we had lunch recess. And after lunch and recess I did science and social studies. In science we are working on our roller-coaster projects and in social studies we watched a video about South America. Then I wen t home.
At home we were introduced to a new idea by Jennifer called "The Blog". After that I read and cleaned up the kitchen and then that's the end....That's the end!
At home we were introduced to a new idea by Jennifer called "The Blog". After that I read and cleaned up the kitchen and then that's the end....That's the end!
John-Michael - Lunch-sticks, the "meeting place" and team-table jobs
First, I went to school, then I did my lunch-stick, I mean I went to the cafeteria. And then I did my lunch-stick and I put everything way. Then I unstacked my chairs and sat down at the meeting place for silent reading and partner reading. Then I sat down at the meeting place again for a reading lesson on writer's workshop. Then we had morning recess. Then I came back in for journal, wait no I came back in for library.
And after library I had team-table jobs. Then...I....then we had lunch recess. Then I came back in for lunch. Then I went back to my classroom to do chapter reading and then spelling and hand-writing and then geography, then we went home. Then I did my list. Then I had dinner. And then I wrote my blog.
And after library I had team-table jobs. Then...I....then we had lunch recess. Then I came back in for lunch. Then I went back to my classroom to do chapter reading and then spelling and hand-writing and then geography, then we went home. Then I did my list. Then I had dinner. And then I wrote my blog.
Matt - "It's Alive!!!"
Yesterday I just finished my engine. It really doesn't use gas. It is just a model. It uses a motor to move all its parts.
First, I started on making it. It was quite hard. Then it started getting easy. But then there was a problem and the motor couldn't move the pistons very well. So, I had to take it all apart.
After that I gave the pistons to Jennifer. The screws weren't screwed in tight enough. That was the problem. When I put it back in the model it moved really well. It moved so well that it used very little energy to move it. It didn't struggle at all. Not even a tiny bit.
When it was finished the fan didn't move too fast which cools down the radiator. I thought it would move faster but it didn't. But then I thought, it goes faster the faster the engine goes so that's probably why it was going slow.
First, I showed it to Dad and Jennifer. It worked pretty well. Then I showed it to John-Michael and Ben. Jacob had already gone to bed.
I put it on my desk. There's not very much stuff on my desk. My desk is in my room. Me and John-Michael share a room. That night it was really hard to go to sleep because I was so much thinking of my motor. I was so happy to know how a motor works...I mean an engine.
First, I started on making it. It was quite hard. Then it started getting easy. But then there was a problem and the motor couldn't move the pistons very well. So, I had to take it all apart.
After that I gave the pistons to Jennifer. The screws weren't screwed in tight enough. That was the problem. When I put it back in the model it moved really well. It moved so well that it used very little energy to move it. It didn't struggle at all. Not even a tiny bit.
When it was finished the fan didn't move too fast which cools down the radiator. I thought it would move faster but it didn't. But then I thought, it goes faster the faster the engine goes so that's probably why it was going slow.
First, I showed it to Dad and Jennifer. It worked pretty well. Then I showed it to John-Michael and Ben. Jacob had already gone to bed.
I put it on my desk. There's not very much stuff on my desk. My desk is in my room. Me and John-Michael share a room. That night it was really hard to go to sleep because I was so much thinking of my motor. I was so happy to know how a motor works...I mean an engine.
Dad - my favorite food
I've never been able to choose a favorite food. I think the problem is I like most foods and eating them too much. But some foods are a bit more favorite than others.
When I was young I would go next door and help Mr. Likeyou (yes that was his name) weed his garden, at the end of each summer he would give me some rhubarb for helping him. My mother would take the rhubarb and make a rhubarb pie. I have to say, in no way intending to put down my mother's cooking, but rhubarb pie is awful, and still I ate every bite because it was special to me. I had earned each and every sour byte by helping out a neighbor and that made it the sweetest pie ever.
I hate liver, my brothers and sister hate liver, I think my dad hates liver, and still my mom would make liver once a week. Over time I became quite adept at passing my liver clandestinely to our dog Missy under the table. She was a plump little dog with short legs, but she was happy and LOVED liver.
The story didn't end when I left home, during my stay in Brazil it became policy to eat one meal each day with church members. One poor member family fed us meals each week consisting of liver, rice and beans. Liver was, and probably still is, the cheapest meat like substance you can by in Brazil. I was amazed by the effort the woman put in to make the liver palatable and for liver it was really good (which was still terrible as far as edible food goes). That meal was quite possibly the only "meat" they ate all week. I was very grateful for her generosity and ate every byte and even made every effort to appear as if I enjoyed the meal. My companion on the other hand would not even sit down at the table instead he would sit in the outer room and read.
After each lunch I would go buy my companion a hamburger and maybe have one myself. Finally, I was leaving for home and for my last meal with a Brazilian family we went to eat with the same poor family. I slipped as we reached the gate and said "I sure hope we don't have liver today, I hate that stuff!" My inconsiderate companion said "What? you eat it every week and seem to love it, then you buy me a hamburger afterwards, I thought you loved liver?" To which I replied: "No, I've always hated liver, but this woman feeds us what is probably the only meat she gets each week, it's our duty to be polite and eat it gracefully." We went in and he still sat in the other room but he had a very guilty look on his face.
My least favorite food, apart from those to which I am allergic, is most definitely marshmallows. Their sponginess drives me nuts, just thinking about them sends shivers down my spine. To me marshmallows are good for throwing at little brothers or making fudge and practically nothing else, except for mixing in Rocky Road Ice cream.
If I had to choose a favorite ice cream it would be Rocky Road. Rocky Road is the best ice cream ever. Eating Rocky Road is an adventure, sometimes you get a byte full of something unpleasant, and other times it is pure chocolate smoothness or possibly the next byte will be some chocolate with a nut or two. Each byte is just like life; an adventure full of ups and downs with a few crazies thrown in for variety.
When I was young I would go next door and help Mr. Likeyou (yes that was his name) weed his garden, at the end of each summer he would give me some rhubarb for helping him. My mother would take the rhubarb and make a rhubarb pie. I have to say, in no way intending to put down my mother's cooking, but rhubarb pie is awful, and still I ate every bite because it was special to me. I had earned each and every sour byte by helping out a neighbor and that made it the sweetest pie ever.
I hate liver, my brothers and sister hate liver, I think my dad hates liver, and still my mom would make liver once a week. Over time I became quite adept at passing my liver clandestinely to our dog Missy under the table. She was a plump little dog with short legs, but she was happy and LOVED liver.
The story didn't end when I left home, during my stay in Brazil it became policy to eat one meal each day with church members. One poor member family fed us meals each week consisting of liver, rice and beans. Liver was, and probably still is, the cheapest meat like substance you can by in Brazil. I was amazed by the effort the woman put in to make the liver palatable and for liver it was really good (which was still terrible as far as edible food goes). That meal was quite possibly the only "meat" they ate all week. I was very grateful for her generosity and ate every byte and even made every effort to appear as if I enjoyed the meal. My companion on the other hand would not even sit down at the table instead he would sit in the outer room and read.
After each lunch I would go buy my companion a hamburger and maybe have one myself. Finally, I was leaving for home and for my last meal with a Brazilian family we went to eat with the same poor family. I slipped as we reached the gate and said "I sure hope we don't have liver today, I hate that stuff!" My inconsiderate companion said "What? you eat it every week and seem to love it, then you buy me a hamburger afterwards, I thought you loved liver?" To which I replied: "No, I've always hated liver, but this woman feeds us what is probably the only meat she gets each week, it's our duty to be polite and eat it gracefully." We went in and he still sat in the other room but he had a very guilty look on his face.
My least favorite food, apart from those to which I am allergic, is most definitely marshmallows. Their sponginess drives me nuts, just thinking about them sends shivers down my spine. To me marshmallows are good for throwing at little brothers or making fudge and practically nothing else, except for mixing in Rocky Road Ice cream.
If I had to choose a favorite ice cream it would be Rocky Road. Rocky Road is the best ice cream ever. Eating Rocky Road is an adventure, sometimes you get a byte full of something unpleasant, and other times it is pure chocolate smoothness or possibly the next byte will be some chocolate with a nut or two. Each byte is just like life; an adventure full of ups and downs with a few crazies thrown in for variety.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Family Theme Song
"The List"
Enquiring minds want to know about "The List"
Here it is:
Remember! Everyone is to also do whatever job an adult (or other person in charge) asks them to do. All jobs are always to be done promptly, WITHOUT COMPLAINT! All jobs must be completed before any playing or other privileges can be requested.
Here it is:
Remember! Everyone is to also do whatever job an adult (or other person in charge) asks them to do. All jobs are always to be done promptly, WITHOUT COMPLAINT! All jobs must be completed before any playing or other privileges can be requested.
- Jacob
- Mudroom bathroom
- 1 load of laundry
- Front room
- Ben
- Kitchen
- Matt
- Unload dishwasher (first thing in the morning)
- Family Room – Including folding laundry
- John-Michael
- Boy’s Bathroom
- Bedroom
- Kirsten
- Kirsten’s room
- Downstairs hallway and stairs
- Downstairs bathroom
Dad - project with Andrew
I got up a little late. Then I went to get everything ready so I could go to school. But before I went to school I talked to my dad on the phone. Then I was late for my ride for school so I got on my ride as quick as I could with my new backpack. Then I went to school. I got dropped off near the cafeteria.
I went to class and did my lunch stick and then I put everything away.
I had a fun day. I did everything in class. Then I came home.
I liked dinner and that was my day.
I went to class and did my lunch stick and then I put everything away.
I had a fun day. I did everything in class. Then I came home.
I liked dinner and that was my day.
Um, well, yesterday was a glorious day. But not really. I had three finals yesterday. As I say this I hold up three fingers. Because I am not typing but dictating I can do that.
First, I had to complete my Spanish final, actually I only had two finals, my other final was in English. In Spanish I had a 100 question thing, test and in English I had to write an essay in 40 minutes. There were two essay prompts, the one I chose had to do with discussing conflicting desires and wants in a character from a piece of literature of our choice, preferrably a novel or a play. We were advised not to use any literary works aside from the ones used in our class. Therefore, I used characters from "The Great Gatsby".
Um....that's all...and then I rode the bus home.
First, I had to complete my Spanish final, actually I only had two finals, my other final was in English. In Spanish I had a 100 question thing, test and in English I had to write an essay in 40 minutes. There were two essay prompts, the one I chose had to do with discussing conflicting desires and wants in a character from a piece of literature of our choice, preferrably a novel or a play. We were advised not to use any literary works aside from the ones used in our class. Therefore, I used characters from "The Great Gatsby".
Um....that's all...and then I rode the bus home.
I don't know what to say. I didn't have that much of an eventful day yesterday.
Yesterday I went to school normally and I started out by doing a PTA appreciation thingy. Then I did math class and I was ending a new unit. Then we did spelling and we turned in the homework. Then I did a culture project about Ontario and then I did reader's theater in which I played in the story called "The Odyssey". Then I had lunch and recess. Then I went to science class to work on a roller coaster project.
We ended the day after science by doing some more reader's theater. I then came home and started doing my chores called "THE LIST". Then I was supposed to clean up the kitchen and instead I messed around so long that I didn't get it done in time to go to boy scouts. After that I went to bed.
The End...for today.
Yesterday I went to school normally and I started out by doing a PTA appreciation thingy. Then I did math class and I was ending a new unit. Then we did spelling and we turned in the homework. Then I did a culture project about Ontario and then I did reader's theater in which I played in the story called "The Odyssey". Then I had lunch and recess. Then I went to science class to work on a roller coaster project.
We ended the day after science by doing some more reader's theater. I then came home and started doing my chores called "THE LIST". Then I was supposed to clean up the kitchen and instead I messed around so long that I didn't get it done in time to go to boy scouts. After that I went to bed.
The End...for today.
Yesterday I worked on my engine. I didn't finish it yesterday but it was quite hard so I don't feel sad about it. I took apart my motor to see something about it. I found many gears inside of it but the motor just moved the gears.
I found it quite interesting that the gears slowed down because the shape of them and because of how many there were. I put it back together but it wouldn't stay closed entirely because it was clamped together.
I was supposed to make dinner but I played around so Kirsten ended up making it. I guess I'll be making dinner another night. I write about it after I make it. Kirsten's dinner was a tuna casserole. It was delicious! Too bad Dad's allergic to tuna.
I found it quite interesting that the gears slowed down because the shape of them and because of how many there were. I put it back together but it wouldn't stay closed entirely because it was clamped together.
I was supposed to make dinner but I played around so Kirsten ended up making it. I guess I'll be making dinner another night. I write about it after I make it. Kirsten's dinner was a tuna casserole. It was delicious! Too bad Dad's allergic to tuna.
Yesterday that's what's happened. I'm not feeling well and I did write a comic book. And that's all there is. I did go to sleep and then I went to dinner. And that's all there is.
Attention! Attention!
So now that the testing phase is complete we are ready for our the official start to the Runyan Family Blog. We have decided that a blog is a good idea because...well because to paraphrase Buggs Bunny, we are all such iiinnnteresting people and we lead such iiinnnteresting lives that we think everyone will just find us so iiinnnteresting. Don't you find iiinnnteresting people just so iiinnnteresting?
Besides it will give all the kids a chance to practice a host of different skills. We think it will be great!
So, Who are we talking about here?
Chris (known to most as "Dad") - the head honcho and the guy in charge! Remember rule #1!
Kirsten - the oldest, only daughter and a teenager (need we say more)!
Jacob - also a teenager with a great sense of humor!
Ben - not technically a teenager yet, but he's close!
Matt - loves to take things apart!
Andrew - a red-headed wonder and quite the photographer!
Jennifer (known to one as "Mom") - the second in command. She runs a tight ship!
John-Michael - a toothless friend to all!
We like Veggie Tales, Sponge Bob, World of Warcraft (cause it's a world wide thing! - J-M), Wii and going to the cabin. Then of course we can't forget reading! Everyone here reads, we even have our own read-a-thons! In fact it's probably time for another one.
So that's us and here is where you'll read about us on a daily basis. This is going to be one fun blog! Check back often as we will each be posting! Enjoy!
Chris and Jennifer
Besides it will give all the kids a chance to practice a host of different skills. We think it will be great!
So, Who are we talking about here?
Chris (known to most as "Dad") - the head honcho and the guy in charge! Remember rule #1!
Kirsten - the oldest, only daughter and a teenager (need we say more)!
Jacob - also a teenager with a great sense of humor!
Ben - not technically a teenager yet, but he's close!
Matt - loves to take things apart!
Andrew - a red-headed wonder and quite the photographer!
Jennifer (known to one as "Mom") - the second in command. She runs a tight ship!
John-Michael - a toothless friend to all!
We like Veggie Tales, Sponge Bob, World of Warcraft (cause it's a world wide thing! - J-M), Wii and going to the cabin. Then of course we can't forget reading! Everyone here reads, we even have our own read-a-thons! In fact it's probably time for another one.
So that's us and here is where you'll read about us on a daily basis. This is going to be one fun blog! Check back often as we will each be posting! Enjoy!
Chris and Jennifer
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