Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dad - my favorite food

I've never been able to choose a favorite food. I think the problem is I like most foods and eating them too much. But some foods are a bit more favorite than others.

When I was young I would go next door and help Mr. Likeyou (yes that was his name) weed his garden, at the end of each summer he would give me some rhubarb for helping him. My mother would take the rhubarb and make a rhubarb pie. I have to say, in no way intending to put down my mother's cooking, but rhubarb pie is awful, and still I ate every bite because it was special to me. I had earned each and every sour byte by helping out a neighbor and that made it the sweetest pie ever.

I hate liver, my brothers and sister hate liver, I think my dad hates liver, and still my mom would make liver once a week. Over time I became quite adept at passing my liver clandestinely to our dog Missy under the table. She was a plump little dog with short legs, but she was happy and LOVED liver.

The story didn't end when I left home, during my stay in Brazil it became policy to eat one meal each day with church members. One poor member family fed us meals each week consisting of liver, rice and beans. Liver was, and probably still is, the cheapest meat like substance you can by in Brazil. I was amazed by the effort the woman put in to make the liver palatable and for liver it was really good (which was still terrible as far as edible food goes). That meal was quite possibly the only "meat" they ate all week. I was very grateful for her generosity and ate every byte and even made every effort to appear as if I enjoyed the meal. My companion on the other hand would not even sit down at the table instead he would sit in the outer room and read.

After each lunch I would go buy my companion a hamburger and maybe have one myself. Finally, I was leaving for home and for my last meal with a Brazilian family we went to eat with the same poor family. I slipped as we reached the gate and said "I sure hope we don't have liver today, I hate that stuff!" My inconsiderate companion said "What? you eat it every week and seem to love it, then you buy me a hamburger afterwards, I thought you loved liver?" To which I replied: "No, I've always hated liver, but this woman feeds us what is probably the only meat she gets each week, it's our duty to be polite and eat it gracefully." We went in and he still sat in the other room but he had a very guilty look on his face.

My least favorite food, apart from those to which I am allergic, is most definitely marshmallows. Their sponginess drives me nuts, just thinking about them sends shivers down my spine. To me marshmallows are good for throwing at little brothers or making fudge and practically nothing else, except for mixing in Rocky Road Ice cream.

If I had to choose a favorite ice cream it would be Rocky Road. Rocky Road is the best ice cream ever. Eating Rocky Road is an adventure, sometimes you get a byte full of something unpleasant, and other times it is pure chocolate smoothness or possibly the next byte will be some chocolate with a nut or two. Each byte is just like life; an adventure full of ups and downs with a few crazies thrown in for variety.

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