Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jennifer/Mom - My turn to post

Kirsten has been cooking today. The house smells great. She started with banana bread this morning. Actually the reason we had bananas for banana bread this morning is sort of a funny story.

Bananas don't last very long around here. I tend to buy them a little green or they probably wouldn't last more than a day. Two bunchs of bananas lasting three days and we are doing REALLY well.

At any rate, we went shopping sometime early January when it was extremely cold. When we got home everyone grabbed bags and took them inside. Somehow we missed the bag with the bananas. Three days later we discovered them frozen solid. We didn't want to waste them so we put them in the freezer just as they were.

Fast forward to March and there were bananas available for Kirsten today. Bananas don't hang around here long enough for banana bread otherwise.

Kirsten also used the bread maker and made pizza and pretzel dough for our party tonight!


Jacob - Country Buffet Party

I woke up. I did my list. I ate breakfast. I had cereal. I helped Kirsten do her jobs. I picked up the dog poops out of the backyard. I helped Kirsten do Kirsten's jobs again. I went to the Country Buffet. I got in PJs. I was still awake and I got medicine. I went to bed.

That's it.

Kirsten - Depressing Progress

Yesterday, Jacob and I made a lot of progress on his room. We cleaned out all his and Ben's papers. (Yes I mean Ben, not Matt.) I also cleaned the family room. I worked pretty hard on it but it doesn't look different. Oh, well.