Thursday, June 5, 2008

Jennifer/Mom - Muffin Day!!

That was fun! We didn't like any of the holidays for yesterday so Chris and I invented one! Kirsten was making muffins so we decided to have Runyan Muffin Day!

I went to the store and picked up some more muffins. It was Chris' idea to include English muffins. Once Chris got back we decided to use the English muffins for Egg McMuffins. I also got cinnamon, raisin English muffins so we toasted those. Everyone had a job getting the McMuffins prepared and we ended up with a pretty cool assembly process. A few glitches happened but overall it worked well.

We had an afternoon of reading which was nice and relaxing for the boys. I started reading "A Series of Unfortunate Events" and then Kirsten read Pinocchio (the "real" story).

After dinner we decided to play a game. Apples to Apples was chosen but we re-named it for the occasion...Muffins to Muffins!

Jacob - Making the Muffins

I woke up and I did my list and I ate breakfast. I had cereal with bananas for breakfast. Last year Jennifer made cereal with bananas. I liked it, so now I make it that way when we have bananas.

Then Kirsten, John-Michael and I made muffins. Then we ate the muffins. We read stories. We read Jennifer's story and Kirsten's stories. Then Dad was back.

We celebarated Muffin Day. We had a party and then we played Muffins to Muffins while I was waiting for bed time. And then I went to bed when it was bedtime.

The End

Kirsten - A visit from the Muffin Man

Yesterday was Runyan Muffin Day. Jennifer says I inspired the holiday when I made citrus muffins with Jacob and John. Although that event was the inspiration, the "Roadents" video was what the holiday was based on.

In celebration of Muffin Day, Jennifer bought muffins...many muffins! She bought English muffins, pumpkin muffins, apple muffins, poppy-seed muffins, blueberry muffins, and many other types of muffins.

With the English muffins we decided to make "Egg McMuffins". In order to do so, we made an "assembly line" (so everyone helped) to make the McMuffins. Once finished we had a feast of muffins and watched "Roadents". It was a blast.

Ben - Muffin Day

Yesteday I ate breakfast. Then I played a while until Jennifer called us all into her room. We read two books and had Orang-flavored Muffins. Then Dad came home and we made egg-mcmuffins and a variety of muffins.

Dad and Jennifer also showed us a silly muffin thing on Dad's laptop. We played Apples to Apples.

The End

Matt - My Blog

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, made my bed, showered and ate breakfast. Then I cleaned the bathroom. Next, I ate lunch and listened to Jennifer, Ben and Kirsten read aloud some books. After that, we had a muffin party! We ate muffins and played Apples to Apples (we called it Muffins to Muffins). Finally, I went to bed.