Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Family Theme Song

We are the Pirates that don't do anything

Because after all Pirates prevent global warming here's proof:

"The List"

Enquiring minds want to know about "The List"

Here it is:


Remember! Everyone is to also do whatever job an adult (or other person in charge) asks them to do. All jobs are always to be done promptly, WITHOUT COMPLAINT! All jobs must be completed before any playing or other privileges can be requested.

  1. Mudroom bathroom
  2. 1 load of laundry
  3. Front room

  1. Kitchen

  1. Unload dishwasher (first thing in the morning)
  2. Family Room – Including folding laundry
  1. Boy’s Bathroom
  2. Bedroom
  1. Kirsten’s room
  2. Downstairs hallway and stairs
  3. Downstairs bathroom

Dad - project with Andrew

Andrew and I are working on a remake of the classic "Charlie the Banana goes to New York"

Here is our first test....

Sorry it's a little dark, we were working on the animation so other issues got ignored.


I got up a little late. Then I went to get everything ready so I could go to school. But before I went to school I talked to my dad on the phone. Then I was late for my ride for school so I got on my ride as quick as I could with my new backpack. Then I went to school. I got dropped off near the cafeteria.

I went to class and did my lunch stick and then I put everything away.

I had a fun day. I did everything in class. Then I came home.

I liked dinner and that was my day.


Um, well, yesterday was a glorious day. But not really. I had three finals yesterday. As I say this I hold up three fingers. Because I am not typing but dictating I can do that.

First, I had to complete my Spanish final, actually I only had two finals, my other final was in English. In Spanish I had a 100 question thing, test and in English I had to write an essay in 40 minutes. There were two essay prompts, the one I chose had to do with discussing conflicting desires and wants in a character from a piece of literature of our choice, preferrably a novel or a play. We were advised not to use any literary works aside from the ones used in our class. Therefore, I used characters from "The Great Gatsby".

Um....that's all...and then I rode the bus home.


I don't know what to say. I didn't have that much of an eventful day yesterday.

Yesterday I went to school normally and I started out by doing a PTA appreciation thingy. Then I did math class and I was ending a new unit. Then we did spelling and we turned in the homework. Then I did a culture project about Ontario and then I did reader's theater in which I played in the story called "The Odyssey". Then I had lunch and recess. Then I went to science class to work on a roller coaster project.

We ended the day after science by doing some more reader's theater. I then came home and started doing my chores called "THE LIST". Then I was supposed to clean up the kitchen and instead I messed around so long that I didn't get it done in time to go to boy scouts. After that I went to bed.

The End...for today.


Yesterday I worked on my engine. I didn't finish it yesterday but it was quite hard so I don't feel sad about it. I took apart my motor to see something about it. I found many gears inside of it but the motor just moved the gears.

I found it quite interesting that the gears slowed down because the shape of them and because of how many there were. I put it back together but it wouldn't stay closed entirely because it was clamped together.

I was supposed to make dinner but I played around so Kirsten ended up making it. I guess I'll be making dinner another night. I write about it after I make it. Kirsten's dinner was a tuna casserole. It was delicious! Too bad Dad's allergic to tuna.


Yesterday that's what's happened. I'm not feeling well and I did write a comic book. And that's all there is. I did go to sleep and then I went to dinner. And that's all there is.

Attention! Attention!

So now that the testing phase is complete we are ready for our the official start to the Runyan Family Blog. We have decided that a blog is a good idea because...well because to paraphrase Buggs Bunny, we are all such iiinnnteresting people and we lead such iiinnnteresting lives that we think everyone will just find us so iiinnnteresting. Don't you find iiinnnteresting people just so iiinnnteresting?

Besides it will give all the kids a chance to practice a host of different skills. We think it will be great!

So, Who are we talking about here?

Chris (known to most as "Dad") - the head honcho and the guy in charge! Remember rule #1!

Kirsten - the oldest, only daughter and a teenager (need we say more)!

Jacob - also a teenager with a great sense of humor!

Ben - not technically a teenager yet, but he's close!

Matt - loves to take things apart!

Andrew - a red-headed wonder and quite the photographer!


Jennifer (known to one as "Mom") - the second in command. She runs a tight ship!

John-Michael - a toothless friend to all!

We like Veggie Tales, Sponge Bob, World of Warcraft (cause it's a world wide thing! - J-M), Wii and going to the cabin. Then of course we can't forget reading! Everyone here reads, we even have our own read-a-thons! In fact it's probably time for another one.

So that's us and here is where you'll read about us on a daily basis. This is going to be one fun blog! Check back often as we will each be posting! Enjoy!

Chris and Jennifer