Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jacob - Fairy Tale Theatre

I woke up and I did my list. I ate breakfast. I had cereal, honey nut scooters. I did my jobs. I ate lunch. I listened to Pinocchio. I watched the fairy tale theatre. I watched Cinderella, the Princess Who Never Laughed, Aladin and the Wonderful Lamp and Puss in Boots.

I made dinner. It was Kirsten's secret recipe. Kirsten won't tell. I went to Scouts and I saw a dog door. I had never seen a dog door before. And then I had ice cream at Dairy Queen. Jennifer took us.

And it was time for bedtime and I was going to sleep to get ready for tomorrow.

Kirsten - Blogging

Yesterday we watched fairy tale theatre after jobs were semi-done and also read Pinocchio during "nap-time" (they were as bouncy as bouncy-balls)

Then I made dinner and Jennifer took Jacob, Ben and Matt to Boy Scouts.

John-Michael - Working and Movies

I woke up and did laundry. Then Kirsten, Jacob, Matt, Ben and I read Pinocchio and ate Apples with peanut-butter. After that we watched fairy tale theatre. Then we ate dinner, the boys went to scouts and I went to bed.

Ben - Title?

Yesterday I cleaned the kitchen and watched a movie. We also read a version of Pinnochio. Then we went to Boy Scouts.

Then End

Matt - A Small Blanket

Yesterday I woke up, made my bed, got dressed, showered and ate breakfast. Then I wrote my blog and cleaned the bathroom. Next I ate lunch and watched some movies. I was not happy that I got a small blanket and everyone else got a big blanket.

In addition I ate dinner and went to Boy Scouts. finally, I came home and went to bed.

Jacob - Blog

I woke up and I did my list. I had cereal for breakfast. I ate breakfast. I did my jobs. I did my blog. I ate lunch. I ate cake and icecream. I play the game. It was call apple to apple. so we play apple to apple and I went to bed.

That's all.

Matt - Cake and Ice Cream

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed and ate breakfast. Then I cleaned the boy's bathroom. Because everyone else was still doing jobs I waited on my bed. I was there for sort of a while because I kept getting off and distracted people from their jobs. While on my bed I wrote my blog.

Then we had cake and ice cream and then everyone played Apples to Apples. Finally, I had dinner, got in pj's and went to bed.

Kirsten -

Yesterday we had cake and ice cream. We also tried to play Apples to Apples but everyone was too loud so the game ended early.

At the end of the day, I gave Donald and Daisy their monthly medicine. We also realized that Donald is sick as a dog, ha ha!

Finally, Jennifer gave me a piano lesson.

John - Just John

Yesterday I woke up. I did jobs, then we ate cake and ice cream and played Apples to Apples. I went to sleep.

The End

Ben - Yesterday

Yesterday I got up and cleaned my room. then I had breakfast. I played around until lunch. We ate some cake. Then we played Apples to Appples. then I played until dinner. Then I went to bed.

The End