Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dad - It's broke

It seems like everything has broken recently.

The wind blew a section of fence down that had rotted because the post's concrete was pored too low. Then the electric car had two batteries go bad. Then my computer's video cards died, followed by the motherboard. I bet the motherboard killed the video cards.

And the fan died on the furnace/air conditioner or rather it burned up. When I was checking it out I wired up one of the lower speeds and FLAMES shot out of the motor which was a pretty good indicator that the motor had gone bad.

We put a new post in and poured new concrete around it. I went through the electric car's batteries and found the bad ones and replaced them. It's back to its speedy little self.

After getting three new video cards (I use 4-6 monitors) and an overnight delivery of a brand spanking new motherboard my computer has been successfully resurrected.

Then Ben and I went to the heating/air conditioning supply store and bought a new motor. Jennifer helped me install it and we have air conditioning again. YEA!

So now it's time to fix the backyard's sprinklers and finish the tile in the bathroom.

There seems to be a pattern here.