Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Jennifer/Mom - The Lord of the Exhausting Rings

Tonight we just finished the Lord of the Rings trillogy. I agree with Chris. By the end of the last movie I just wanted him to get on the Blankety-blank boat.

Jacob - Take me to the camp

Dad, can you take me to the camp on Friday? Can you? (Yes.)

Oh well.

Kirsten - Homework and Boy Scouts

Yesterday, I completed my list and then worked on my homework. I had a lot of time to work on my math homework because I had to take Jacob, Ben and Matt to boy scouts and stay there with them during the meeting.

When we got home, I watched "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" with Dad and Jennifer. I got tired really quickly though.

Ben - 7-9-08

Yesterday, I got up. I worked on my list. I didn't finish for a while so it was pretty boring. I eventually decided to write my blog. I didn't finish until lunch.

I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I watched TV with Kirsten for a while. It was mostly boring because Matt would not finish his list. Soon I decided to take the dogs for a walk.

I met two kind people playing tennis. I got to try tennis a bit. I also gathered their tennis balls for them. Afterwards, they gave me three balls. What nice people they were! I went to boy scouts. Then we went home and to bed.

The End

Matt - Goofing Off

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed and goofed off. Then I goofed off, to end with more silly goofing off.

At 3:30 pm I FINALLY finished my list. Next, I finially finished Andrew's and my roller coaster. After that I ate dinner and went to boy scouts. Finally, I came home from boy scouts and went to bed.