Monday, October 29, 2007

Yes, yes….it’s official….we’re NUTS!! - Jennifer (Mom)

Well somehow (quite a few months ago) Chris and I began to consider the possibility of getting a dog. So we researched all kinds of different breeds for temperament and personality, etc. and came up with the idea that a Corgi would be the best choice for our gang. Corgi’s breeding is very focused on temperament and at the same time they bond strongly and take a very protective stance regarding their “family”. We also figured we were in pretty good company choosing a Corgi because the Queen of England fancies them!

Once we made the decision for a Corgi, we started looking. To shorten the story a bit I’ll skip to this past weekend. After a lot of communication and MUCH deliberation we headed to a breeder on Sunday. The breeder just happened to be in Nebraska…yes that’s right Nebraska! So, after meeting the dogs we ended up driving home with not one but TWO Corgis. They are absolutely amazing dogs and cute as cute can be!

Tonight we had the “naming of the Corgis”: A girl just under a year old, sweet and VERY calm and a boy three months old and bright and bouncy. The little boy just LOVES to tell us about EVERYTHING that is happening. The girl is patient, loving and quiet.

The names everyone had were read and narrowed down to the following three options:

1. Mario and Princess Peach

2. Donald and Daisy

3. Zipper and Button

Then we had our vote. Seven of us were present and the vote came out as follows.

1. – 2 votes

2. – 6 votes

3. – 1 vote

I know, I know it adds up to more than 7. We think that is because Chris was sneaking extra votes in. An alternate theory proffered was that the dogs themselves voted. Hmmm….

So, there it is. Even discounting two votes off #2 it clearly won and Donald and Daisy were named. We think their names suit them nicely. Even those here that didn’t have Donald and Daisy as their first votes are coming around.

Jacob got his picture taken with the puppies before bed. Donald is on his lap and Daisy is next to him. He just loves them as do we all!