Sunday, July 29, 2007

John-Michael – The Apex

First I woke up and did my jobs and then I watched a movie and then we went swimming at the Apex. First I went on the water playground, then I practiced walking on logs on the water and then I thought about going on the big slides. I walked up with Kirsten and then when I saw how twisty and turney it was I thought, “I don’t want to do this!” and then I ran away from Kirsten and went down the stairs and did something else. And then I swam around.

Then my mom came and got me and said, “I’m going to help you get over this fear.” And then I rode right in front of my mom and then once I got through I was really happy! I did it on the floaties a whole bunch of times and then I did it just regularly just a few times. Then me and my mom raced. Then we left.

It was the very funnest experience I have had in my whole life!

Jacob – Talking about swimming

I did go figure out to go swimming. So, I did get in the swimming suit and that’s all I can do.

Matt – Swimming at the Apex

Yesterday I woke up and then took my shower. Next I unloaded the dishwasher. Actually no, I was going to unload the dishwasher but there were no clean dishes. Ben had forgotten to start it last night. Then I finished my other jobs and then I did school work.

After school we watched some movies. Then when Dad and Jennifer came home we watched the rest of our movie and then Jennifer took us to the Apex Center. Dad didn’t come because he was tired. At the Apex Center we had a LOT of fun!

There were these two slides. One you could go on just as a person and one that you had a float. I loved it how the tubes led out of the Apex Center and then back in. And there are two hot tubs. One for just grown ups that kids are not allowed in because it is very, very hot and there’s another one that is for kids. It is still hot but not hot enough that kids are not allowed in it.

I had fun!

Ben – The Apex Center

Yesterday I got up and cleaned the house with Matt, Jacob and John. Then I did some school and had lunch. Then we watched some movies until we went to the Apex Center. We swam at the Apex Center until 6:00 p.m. Then we had Taco Bell for dinner and I read Harry Potter and cleaned up the kitchen and then went to bed.

The End

Kirsten - This blog will have no title

This blog has no title, sorry. It turns out my mom did send my clothes back with my dad. that was surprising. Right now I am extremely annoyed, mostly with my brothers and John. I guess that would be normal.

I was really busy at work yesterday. I can't believe I got everything done. Of course I did have to stay a few extra minutes in order to finish everything. I also dropped the remainder of Ben's books off at the library. That was some of my day.

Ben - The day before my birthday

yesterday I got up and did my list. Then we played and watched some movies and had rest time and played some more. Then I went to bed and watched my clock until I fell asleep.

Matt - The day before Ben's birthday

Okay, yesterday, I woke up and showered. Then I did my jobs, and I forgot what we did next. So, I'll just skip to the part I remember. Jennifer told me to go to bed, because it was bedtime, and then I went to bed and Ben told me that tomorrow was his birthday. So, I went and put it on the calendar.

The End

John-Michael - Don't Know

The reason my blog is named "Don't Know" is because I don't remember what I did yesterday. I know I had a fun time with Battlestorm.

The End

Jacob -"Fiddler on the Roof" was obvious

It was my fault to ruin the blog. I did watch "Fiddler on the Roof". "Fiddler on the roof" was obvious. So, I can't explain you. I have nothing to do to help myself. I am so sorry.

The End

Kirsten- Bed-times :(

Well, yesterday I slept in-which threw everyone off schedule…oops. Which meant that last night I had to have a bed-time L. But honestly, I probably should give myself a bed-time; I still won’t like it though. You see I was tired from not sleeping. I hate sleeping. People waste half their lives sleeping. Anyway, yesterday, everyone else was grouchy too because they hadn’t been getting enough sleep either. Everyone went to bed earlier. Other than an early bed-time, I didn’t really do much yesterday…same old, same old. I did watch the second part of Fiddler on The Roof (which is an excellent movie btw). It’s probably an even better live performance. I also called my boyfriend, but that’s really it. I forgot to call my mom and ask her to send back my clothes. Oh well, apparently I can’t call her today either. I called and the number has been disconnected or something. I don’t know.

Matt- And that was my day

Yesterday, I woke up. And did my shower when it was my turn. Next, I did school. After that I did my jobs, I didn’t complete them entirely, so I got bread and water for lunch. Which we did have enough time. And then, what did we do next? I don’t know what happened, so I’ll just skip it. And that was my day.

Jacob- Time-out

I woke up in the morning. I took a shower, and then I ate breakfast. At the school, I got in time-out. When the time was up, I wasn’t in the time-out anymore. But it’s almost the end of our story. When I’m frustrated. And then, I have grain for lunch. And then I had peanut-butter and jelly sandwich for dinner. The end of our story.

John- A a B b C c

I woke up yesterday. Um, and I had cereal. And then we cleaned up, and then we did school, and then we did our jobs, and then we got out of school. And that is all I want to say.

Ben-In the “Pit”

Yesterday I got up and did my school requirements and did school. Then we did our jobs and watched some movies. Then we played “Pit” and did some other stuff. The end.

Jennifer/Mom - Waterlogged

Friday began with a phone call that the fountain had been soaped (again). So Chris and I changed the plans with the kids (which were to go swimming right after jobs got finished) and headed to the fountain to clean it all up. We formulated our plan as we went. We thought this time would go faster. Last week it took a while because we had never cleaned it up before.

I, of course, got to jump in the fountain and scrub the "ring-around-the-fountain" while the water drained. Now that Chris has figured out how to drain the fountain faster it is kind of a race to see which gets done first. Chris started draining the fountain and things were on their way. It is always funny to see how many people stop to chat while we're working on the fountain. Especially when we are fixing something inside.

So, as I am scrubbing around the edge with a deck brush in a pool of bubble filled water, within just a few minutes someone stops and asks if we were scrubbing/cleaning because the bubbles were there or if the bubbles were there because we were cleaning. No joke....that was his question. I told him, "Yes". Then after he gave me a "you really are a smart-aleck" look I elaborated further by explaining that yes we were taking advantage of the bubbles to clean but that no, we wouldn't have put bubbles in on purpose.

Well, after the pool was restored to it's bubble-free state and after we had fixed a few other valves, etc. we headed home. The kids had done their work and were so they finished their movie while I rested a bit and then we were off to the pool! It was fun. Needless to say, like the title of my blog, I was waterlogged.

Well, somehow I got behind once again in posting, although the kids have been writing. I'll post what I can find and we will move on from here!