Friday, May 16, 2008


Kirsten and Jacob lettered this year.

We are going to try and make “Party Friday” work tonight! - Jennifer/Mom

Even though we are tired we are going to try and make “Party Friday” work tonight. Could be tricky getting everything pulled together, but I think we can do it and not have to postpone to become “Party Saturday”!

We’ll keep you posted! LOL

Homework - Dad/Chris


On top of everything else that is going on I have to get my homework done tonight. Each week I plan to get ahead. Jenn is really good about reminding me early, but something always seems to come up and I put it off a little longer. Most of the time I get it done earlier than I would have in the past.

What a difference having support.


You never know when some obscure thing you learned in math class will come in handy. I took Linear Algebra in college 15 years ago, and now I'm actually using some of what I learned to solve some of our problems at work.

Who would have guessed that all the larning would be useful.

The hole in the wall

Our kitchen has had a huge hole above the oven where a microwave should go.

Not just any microwave you see. A couple of years ago our oven died, I replaced the old oven with a GE Trivection oven. It is REALLY cool, or should I say hot? Anyway it can cook a full sized turkey in 45 minutes. (actually tried it) Oh, that brings of memories of failed thanksgiving meals in the deep and dark past, shiver....

So the oven had a microwave above it. The microwave was crap so it went with the oven. I have been looking for an Advantium microwave to put in its place. Together the trivection and advantium make a perfect pair.

Well a few weeks ago I found one listed on craigslist, we rushed over and got it right away. Now we have a matching pair, they both work great.

Bus money

It’s 5 something in the morning and Kirsten needs bus money. Good thing I’m awake. I just happen to have a whole bunch of ones in my wallet. I wonder where they came from.

More blog-a-thon

Jenn forgot to say that we are posting one blog post an hour each. I don’t know if I can keep this up. I just don’t have that much to say at 4am in the morning. Time to put in another Monty Python flick and fill up on some more caffeine. Ahhhh, diet Dr. Pepper, nectar of the Gods.

Boy Scout camp

Ben and Matt had to choose their classes for summer camp.

Matt is going to take Eagle bound classes and the Environmental Science and First Aid.

Ben is taking Emergency Preparedness, Small Boat Sailing, Communication, and First Aid too.

I bet they will have fun.

Party Friday - Jennifer/Mom

I don't exactly know how it started, but it has sort of become a "tradition" to have a party every Friday. Sometimes it gets moved to Saturday if the circumstances dictate but overall we have been pretty consistent.

So, today is PARTY FRIDAY if all goes as planned!



A few years ago, the boys and I went to Kmart for presents for Kirsten. We ended up getting five flashlights for her birthay. (ok, we all thought it was funny) But ever since then we decided that the best way for the birthday person to get things they want and need is for them to help pick them out.

So instead of the usual routine of buying gifts and wrapping them up. We all go together to the store and each person gets to, in turn, search the store with the birthday person and together they chose a present.

So far it has worked out really well, and this time Kirsten chose clothes, and more clothes.

This year I want a Corvette.