Saturday, May 19, 2007

Kirsten - Boredem and Naps

Well...yesterday I did not attend school. This was due to the fact that school is over for me. Since I did not go to school, I helped my brothers and John-Michael get ready for their school. Then I went for a run, then followed by a nap. I don't usually take naps, but yesterday I was extremely tired. In fact, I don't even really like the whole nap idea. It bothers me for numerous reasons. Reasons that I will not go into for the sake of time. Anywho, yesterday was very un-eventful, quite boring as a matter of fact.

The most exciting thing that happened was my dad went out to California to pick up my brother Andrew. Because dad went to go pick up Andrew, I got to talk to Andrew on the phone. I understand that they had grand adventures planned related to their work on "Charlie the Banana goes to New York." I wish I could have gone with them., then maybe my day wouldn't have been so boring.

Andrew - Cake Game

Yesterday I didn't go to school. In the afternoon my Dad picked me up for a visit. I got in Dad's car and I played the cake game on Dad's computer. I talked to Kirsten.

I had fun!

Ben - Friday

On Friday I went to school by car and we had a breakfast of cereal. After breakfast we went to class and we did some art. After art we went to math class where we just graded our math papers and moved on to reading where we did reader's theater. After reader's theater it was time for lunch and recess and so we went to lunch and recess and for lunch I had some stuffed bread sticks. After lunch we moved on to science where we are caught up and about to finish our roller coaster project. Afterwards we finished our day by doing Friday recess and some other tests for Friday.

Afterwards I went home and started in on reading and cleaning the kitchen. Also, we went to the park. At the end of the day we watched SpongeBob. Then we went to bed.

Matt - My normal day

When I woke up this time I decided that I would just go into the shower when I was called. I didn't try to go back to sleep. Normally I go back to sleep when Jennifer wakes up John-Michael for his shower. After that I can't get back to sleep.

So, I went into the shower. After that I got dressed, then I went to do my jobs, then I ate breakfast. Then I started getting to work. Kirsten stayed home. Why she stayed home was because her school was out. Her school got out earlier because of the construction at her school and because they got in school early and out of school early. When the boys came home from school, we started doing our jobs. After that Kirsten read a book to everyone that was called "Artimis Fowl". She read some of it and then Jennifer called and it was time for Jacob to go to bed. John-Michael played on World of Warcraft. I did my blog while I was waiting for my turn. I wrote a very long post. When it was my turn I wasn't able to log on because Dad made it so you can't log on after a certain time at night and it was that time.

Instead we watched a SpongeBob movie. We watched three episodes of SpongeBob. Then Jennifer told us to go to bed. I went to bed.

John-Michael - The day I read "The Day My Butt Went Psycho"

I woke up then I went to school. Then I was really grouchy and kind of late and I took my ride to school as usual. I put everything away then I sat down at the meeting place for silent reading/partner reading. Then I did the rest of my schoolwork and then I came home and then I did my blog and that was pretty much my day. But I did forget something. I played warcraft last night. Ok, and THAT was my day.

Jacob and the school in bingo...

I won for two times in a row and I got two prizes. I forgot to play bingo. Oh well. My prizes were...I'm not sure....they were prized. I went to lunch and then I forgot the money. And that's all.

A word to the wise...

"Never involve yourself in the affairs of dragons...for you are crunchy and good with ketchup!"

From a bumper sticker I once saw and had occasion to recall this morning.


Dad - Flying

I do entirely too much flying. Well at least the passive kind of flying where I sit in a seat for hours and a few amazingly powerful controlled explosions propel a hollow tube of metal in a controlled fall. To date I haven't mastered the manly kind of flight which requires one to throw ones-self at the ground and miss.

For helpful hints on flying and other important questions such as the answer to life the universe and everything check out one of my favorite books: