Andrew and I are back to work on our project.
Here is some more of what we have so far.
All of the footage was taken by Andrew.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Well this has been a lot of fun so far! I have had a good time taking down the kids dictations of what happened "yesterday". It has been wonderful practice for them having to remember and dictate what their day was like the day before. It takes some time but boy is it worth it.
You can probably figure out a lot of what my day is like just from what the kids post here. Basically, I am one busy lady. I love it though! It is a very rewarding way to spend my time and energy.

Here are some more pics of the Easter Egg painting event back in April or whenever it was!
Ben - Another School Day
Kay...First I started out by being driven to school. then I had a breakfast of cinnamon rolls. After breakfast i went off to class and started by doing P.E. And in P.E. we did more flag football. Then I went off to math. We had another day learning about taxes.
After math we did some plays called Reader's Theater until it was time for lunch and recess. After lunch we went on to science where we worked on our roller-coaster project and we finished the loop. After science we did some social studies where we watched a movie about...we watched a movie about some guy who was teaching about animals and one such animal is one that is a frog that meows to make a distress signal making predators drop the frog.
After school I did a whole ton of reading and I cleaned up the kitchen. Then after cleaning the kitchen and reading some more I went to bed.
The End
After math we did some plays called Reader's Theater until it was time for lunch and recess. After lunch we went on to science where we worked on our roller-coaster project and we finished the loop. After science we did some social studies where we watched a movie about...we watched a movie about some guy who was teaching about animals and one such animal is one that is a frog that meows to make a distress signal making predators drop the frog.
After school I did a whole ton of reading and I cleaned up the kitchen. Then after cleaning the kitchen and reading some more I went to bed.
The End
Matt - My "iiinnteresting" day
First when I woke up, I decided to try to go back to sleep but I didn't get to and by the time I gave up it was already time for my shower. After my shower I got dressed and I went outside because I heard dad park the suburban in front of the house. When I got out I saw Dad fixing the radiator. I helped Dad fix the radiator a little bit by turning on and off the water. Then Dad told me to tell Jennifer that the radiator was fixed. Then Jennifer told us to get in the car and then we started driving off. We were going to the dentist for John-Michael's appointment.
When we got there Jennifer told me to put this sign on the window shield because they were doing construction and didn't want the construction people to park in the lot. I sat and read in the waiting room. There was a tv but I didn't watch it. When the dentist called John-Michael's name she told us to follow her and we went back into the dentist office. It was smaller than the other dentist office. They put this special stuff that was purple in John-Michael's mouth to tell where he was missing when he brushed his teeth. Then Jennifer told him to brush his teeth where the purple stuff was. There was much less of it when he was finished. I read while I waited. I was sitting right in the office. They didn't remove any teeth this time but last time they did.
When we were finished we took down the paper that told that we were a customer and we drove to John-Michael's school. When we went to the office we signed John-Michael in, then John-Michael said hi to his teacher and Jennifer said that she would come back later to check on him.
So, we drove off to Kirsten's school to pick her up. When we picked her up we waited there for ten minutes because there were so many people in her school so it was hard to find her. When we found her we started driving to this Mexican restraunt. We ate there. I ordered a kid's burrito. It was good! The drink was water. We sat at two separate tables because Kirsten and her boyfriend would probably like some privacy.
When we finished we went into the car. It rained but not too long. We dropped Kirsten's boyfriend off and then we went home.
That's all.
When we got there Jennifer told me to put this sign on the window shield because they were doing construction and didn't want the construction people to park in the lot. I sat and read in the waiting room. There was a tv but I didn't watch it. When the dentist called John-Michael's name she told us to follow her and we went back into the dentist office. It was smaller than the other dentist office. They put this special stuff that was purple in John-Michael's mouth to tell where he was missing when he brushed his teeth. Then Jennifer told him to brush his teeth where the purple stuff was. There was much less of it when he was finished. I read while I waited. I was sitting right in the office. They didn't remove any teeth this time but last time they did.
When we were finished we took down the paper that told that we were a customer and we drove to John-Michael's school. When we went to the office we signed John-Michael in, then John-Michael said hi to his teacher and Jennifer said that she would come back later to check on him.
So, we drove off to Kirsten's school to pick her up. When we picked her up we waited there for ten minutes because there were so many people in her school so it was hard to find her. When we found her we started driving to this Mexican restraunt. We ate there. I ordered a kid's burrito. It was good! The drink was water. We sat at two separate tables because Kirsten and her boyfriend would probably like some privacy.
When we finished we went into the car. It rained but not too long. We dropped Kirsten's boyfriend off and then we went home.
That's all.
John-Michael - My Day
I went to the dentist. Then I went to school and I did geography. Then I came home. Then I wrote my blog, as usual. and I went to bed but before that I brushed my teeth, combed my hair and did my whole list in order. No, not really. I'm just kidding. I did comb my hair and brush my teeth. Wait, I did do mylist. And that's my day.
Then End
Then End
Kirsten - The Last Day of School
Yesterday was my last day of school. I only had two finals scheduled for yesterday except I did not have class during one of those periods. For the other period I had history and I had already completed the AP History final on Friday. Therefore, I only had to go to school so that my history teacher would not be cranky that I did not attend her class. Also, I had to turn in some homework for my math teacher.
So, I attended class during my second hour which was history and then afterwards my friend "Amy" and I went down to the new school building to help with unpacking and to say goodbye to the librarians. There really wasn't much work to be done at the new school so we took the radio and we played music and took it throughout the building and told people to "boogie down". Most people just ignored us except for my computer teacher. He danced like crazy in the middle of the new hallway. It was frightening. Then "Amy" and I went back into the old building to clean out our lockers. Then we took my disposable camera and took a few pictures of people we knew and then I went to lunch with Jennifer and Matt and my boyfriend and then I went home.
I helped Jacob make dinner. We made hamburger sandwiches because we didn't have any hamburger buns so therefore we had to use bread slices instead of using the desired baked goods item.
Then I went to sleep.
So, I attended class during my second hour which was history and then afterwards my friend "Amy" and I went down to the new school building to help with unpacking and to say goodbye to the librarians. There really wasn't much work to be done at the new school so we took the radio and we played music and took it throughout the building and told people to "boogie down". Most people just ignored us except for my computer teacher. He danced like crazy in the middle of the new hallway. It was frightening. Then "Amy" and I went back into the old building to clean out our lockers. Then we took my disposable camera and took a few pictures of people we knew and then I went to lunch with Jennifer and Matt and my boyfriend and then I went home.
I helped Jacob make dinner. We made hamburger sandwiches because we didn't have any hamburger buns so therefore we had to use bread slices instead of using the desired baked goods item.
Then I went to sleep.
Jacob - School
Yesterday I get up and read a blog before school. At school I did do gym, and then advisement, everything but not everything on all day. I don't want to tell about the picnic on yesterday.
(laughing, laughing, and more laughing!)
I went to home and I make dinner with Kirsten and then I ate dinner. I get in pajamas and then I read the book.
(laughing, laughing, and more laughing!)
I went to home and I make dinner with Kirsten and then I ate dinner. I get in pajamas and then I read the book.
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