Friday, May 18, 2007

Ben - Another School Day

Kay...First I started out by being driven to school. then I had a breakfast of cinnamon rolls. After breakfast i went off to class and started by doing P.E. And in P.E. we did more flag football. Then I went off to math. We had another day learning about taxes.

After math we did some plays called Reader's Theater until it was time for lunch and recess. After lunch we went on to science where we worked on our roller-coaster project and we finished the loop. After science we did some social studies where we watched a movie about...we watched a movie about some guy who was teaching about animals and one such animal is one that is a frog that meows to make a distress signal making predators drop the frog.

After school I did a whole ton of reading and I cleaned up the kitchen. Then after cleaning the kitchen and reading some more I went to bed.

The End

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