Thursday, May 24, 2007

Kirsten - South Park and Casa Bonita

By far, one of my favorite television shows is south Park. South Park is one of the only TV shows that is not afraid of "going too far". Another would of course be family guy. south Park uses a combination of modern comedy and brilliant allusions to classic stories and ideas but gives them a twist. For instance, in the episode "Cartmanland" Cartman alludes to the story of The Grinch in several instances. There is also the episode about Chef joining the Super-Adventure Club which clearly alludes to Scientology.

Of course, it is clear that South Park may create some debate. although conflict may rise, South Park displays ideas and themes that the viewers can relate to. Even I can relate to South Park to a certain degree. Last night for example, we went to Casa Bonita. This made me recall the episode of South Park that shows Eric Cartman's obsessiveness with Casa Bonita. This episode depicts the enjoyment kids have when visiting the restaurant and makes the whole event funny for those who no longer feel the glory of the almighty Casa Bonita.

Anyway...enough silliness.

Casa Bonita was really THE most exciting thing that happened yesterday. I have to say. Casa Bonita is the largest pink building I have ever seen. It sticks out like a sore thumb. The thought makes me laugh.

John-Michael - Day Poem

Yesterday I woke up late,
Then jumped into my clothes,
Then hurried out the door,
To the cafeteria closed.

Then open in
And to the trays,
To get my food
And it lightened my mood.

"John-Michael and the adventure of the Shell Hunter" by John-Michael

Once upon a time, John-Michael was walking. Then the Shell Hunter and his robo-dagget were walking at the same time. Then the Shell Hunter said to John-Michael, "Hey! Have you lost your shell?!?"

"Well, how could I loose my shell if I don't have one?!?" Then they both cracked into laughs. Then the King Turtle's shell showed up.

Don't miss our next exciting adventure: "John-Michael and the King Turtle's Shell and the Shell Hunter"

Matt - Casa Bonita

Yesterday was exciting! First when I woke up I did as usual; I went to my...wait not mine...THE shower. After I was finished using it I got dressed and did my jobs. I started to get to work on my man, I knew I was very close to the end of algebra, the beginning I mean. After that, the boys came home.

The boys started doing their jobs. then we started getting ready to go somewhere, which was Casa Bonita. When we were in the car, we started driving. We went down to my dad's work, to Dad's work I mean. Me and John-Michael used the bathroom. After that Dad came out of his work. He took the electric car. The electric car runs on electricity. He took it to his work. He took it to Casa Bonita. We drove in the suburban. When we got to Casa Bonita we saw the fountain. It was beautiful like always. there were many pennies in it. You know how people put pennies in fountains. It was quite full because we were having some rain.

We went inside, we waited in a very big long line. It reminded me when there was just about no line at all once. It was very beautiful there. Casa Bonita was pretty big! It even has a tower of it's own. Well at the top of it of course. When we finally got to the cashiers (there were only two) when we got to the cashier, we...we started buying our food. We lined up in the next line, which was much shorter and went faster. I was glad of that.

When we got our food we slid down the...we slid our trays down the....whatever it's called. Finally we had been seated by our waiter. We got to our seat, right then no play was started (because Casa Bonita has plays). We sat sown with our food and we started eating.

There's this guy who talked with the kids and were entertaining them while they were getting ready. They kept on telling him to dive. Because they wanted to see him dive. He does lots of cool tricks when he dives. I think it's pretty cool. I tried to tell him but he was too far away for him to hear me. After that one of the plays started.

A guy came out and fired a gun, it wasn't real. It just made a loud "pop" when fired. He said, "Ha! I scared ya!" Then he started talking to everyone about that he was going to have a gun fight with the sheriff. and out of the darkness came the sheriff. He kept on saying that they had to have a fair gunfight. then the bad guy said, "But that's not fair!" Then the sheriff said, "Yes it is because we're doing fair and square."

Then he tricked the bad guy to fall down a waterfall, and that was it. So, the sheriff won. After a couple more plays, we started getting ready to go home. As we drove, then when when we got home I got in my pajamas and read this book called "The Supernaturalist" to Dad. Dad fell asleep and I went to bed and that was my day...I mean yesterday.

Ben - The day we went to Casa Bonita

Yesterday I got up and went to school as usual. At school I had breakfast and then I went to class where we did math and then moved on to math. After math we started cleaning out of desks because it was the end of the school year and then we worked on reading and spelling.

In reading we worked on some plays we were going to do. After which we went on to recess and lunch. We worked on the roller coaster project in science. After science it was time to end the day. So John-Michael and I were driven home by Jennifer.

Later in the afternoon we went to Casa Bonita. After Casa Bonita we went home and I cleaned up the kitchen. After cleaning the kitchen I went to bed.

The End

that's it...

Jacob - The Super Casa Bonita Day!

Yesterday I went to Casa Bonita twice and this is no fun. I went to a field trip at school AND I ride in car with Jennifer to Casa Bonita at night. I "boooed" the guy jumping over the rock. He got scared of Jacob and then he was stuck. (Jacob is laughing.) It was funny. (more laughing)

Let's go tell a story...

Episode 3 - "Professor Poopy-Pants on a Dinosaur"

Jacob and Captain Underpants go to jail but Professor Poopy-Pants froze the police with cold. Jacob got an idea to go to dinosaur place and then they just did. Professor Poopy-Pants is on a dinosaur and then Jacob did.

The End

Dad - a rough day

Jacob came home from school yesterday and said he had a rough day. He had a field trip to Casa Bonita that apparently didn't go very well, I figured that we would hop right back on that horse and so the whole family went to Casa Bonita for dinner.

Casa Bonita is an iiiiinnnteresting place, the food is less than average and the prices aren't that great, but it has an atmosphere like no other restaurant. There is the scary walk through Black Bart's cave, a puppet theater and cliff divers doing various shows that invariably end up with the bad guy falling in the water below.
When I was a kid my family took us to Casa Bonita. They used to have audience members participate in the show. I was called up to be the hostage in a Sheriff and bad guy's shootout. My line was to yell "Help, Help" I threw in a third help, I was such a ham.

Jacob really enjoyed the cliff divers and other entertainment. It worked really well to give him another chance at his field trip. The others had fun too.

The food made me a bit sick, so when we got home I fell right asleep.