Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mystery Blogs and Blog Backlog- Jennifer/Mom

The blog backlog is finally cleaned up. We are now current with all the posts that the kids have written. We had a few "mystery posts" that had no date and were out of order and we couldn't quite place them in the proper chronology. Hence, the "Mystery Posts".

Matt - Mystery Date - Mystery Blog #5 - Another Day of Goofing Around

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast and then messed around, then I had lunch at the park. Next Jacob, Ben, John-Michael, Kirsten and I came home. After that I did nothing for three hours. Then I took two showers (the first time I didn't wash my body). Finally, I ate dinner, got in pj's and went to bed.

Ben - Mystery Date - Mystery Blog #4 - Nim's Island

Yesterday I woke up. I helped watch for Jacob's bus. Afterwards I ate breakfast. It was mostly an ordinary day for me until later.

I did most of my list except blog and daily job. I played around with Matt until I ate lunch.

I then went with Matt and took the dogs for a walk. We came back, ate dinner and watched Nim's Island in the theaters. Then we went home and went to bed after taking care of my laundry and reading.

The End

Kirsten - Mystery Date - Mystery Blog #3

Yesterday Jennifer said she would take us to lunch if we got our work done. Sadly I was the only one who did this. I was the only one who got a nice lunch. Everyone else had peanut butter sandwiches.

I also read a lot of "Angels and Deamons" by Dan Brown yesterday. I was going to play Wii, but the controller was weird. Oh well, Jennifer said I could try again tonight. Instead of playing Wii, I watched a British television show (from BBC) called "Thermoman" (I think). It was actually pretty funny

Jacob - Mystery Date - Mystery Blog #2

I woke up and I made my bed. I ate my breakfast. I waited for the bus.

Soon, I went to schoo. I did reading and work. I went to the park and it was time to go home. Soon I went into my home, then I was going to finish my list.

That's all.

Ben - Mystery Date - Mystery Blog #1

Yesterday I woke up. Not wanting to work then, I played with Matt. After I played with Matt I ate breakfast and played some more. All I really did was play with him yesterday. I ended up cleaning a little and went to bed.

I would have preferred to have done other fun stuff. I would have rather got to play Wii. The others even got to watch Mr. Bean and A Bee Movie. That was fun things others got to do. Jutst not me. I just ate my root beer float ice cream bar and went to bed.

Kirsten - 7-4-08 - At the fountain with Andrew

Yesterday we spent the day with andrew. It's really still surprising that he and my mom actually came out. I was extremely shocked.

Yesterday Andrew spent a lot of time playing with his toy train, puppets and with the roller coaster thing. He seemed to have a good time. After everyone played for a little while we went to the fountain. There all the boys played in the water for a little while and then we went back home. When we got home Dad and Andrew left for their meeting.

For dinner we had really long sub sandwiches that Jacob and I put together. It was pretty great!

Ben - 7-4-08 - Andrew is here!

I woke up with excitement! Andrew was here! Soon Dad and Jennifer woke up. We had a family meeting. After the meeting, we finished our modified lists.

After our lists we ate breakfast. We cleaned the kitchen and started playing with the toys. Soon we went over and played at the fountain.

Back home we played some more. I went to the store with Dad and Andrew. We got dinner foods and went home. We made dinner then we showered. I showed Andrew how to play chess, then we went to bed.

The End

Kirsten - 7-2-08 - Cookies and Boy Scouts

Yesterday I woke up and I did my work. Ben was the next one done with his list. Matt and Jacob had a hard time doing their lists. After I talked with Matt he put himself in gear. Jacob didn't get back on track no matter what I did.

Eventually Jacob just went to bed. Meanwhile I took Matt and Ben to the store and we got frosting so we could make sugar cookies.

When we got home we made lots of sugar cookies. then we had Chicken Sloppy Joe's for dinner.

After dinner, I took Jacob, Ben and Matt to boy scouts. I stayed the whole time to help. After scouts I used the money Dad and Jennifer gave me to take my brothers to Dairy Queen.

Ben - 7-2-08 - July 2

Yesterday I got up and did my list. I watched the dogs for quite a while. Kirsten and I were the only ones who finished their lists. I felt proud.

Kirsten, Matt and I all went to the store. We were going to make sugar cookies with frosting! We spent a couple of hours making them.

We then went to boy scouts. We got to play a lot of games. Afterwards we went to Dairy Queen. I got some root beer. At home I played chess with Dad and went to bed.

Jacob - 7-1-08 - Yesterday

Yesterday I woke up and I was still tired. So I went back to bed with my pet dogs: Donald and Daisy. I slept for a long time.

That's all I can tell you.

Matt - 7-1-08 - July 1st

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed and goofed off. The I goofed off with another dramatic ending of MORE goofing off.

At noon, I finally finished my jobs. Then I watched TV. Next I played a card game with Dad, Kirsten, Jennifer, and Ben. Finally, I showered, ate ice cream and went to bed.