Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Kirsten - The Force and WoW

Yesterday, I went to Grandma and Grandpa's for a BBQ. Dad handled the grill and apparently received a revelation ("Halelujah! Prrrraaaaiizz-a the Looorrrd-a").

Anyway, we also had my birthday party which was very exciting.

Other than that I'm in the process of reading a few books. So far, this summer I've read 4 or 5 books.

Meh. Well, that's my update. I'm sure the audience of this post greatly appreciates my words of wisdom, and to the audience of this post I say, "You're welcome". Just kidding. Bye! May the force be with you.

P.S. Always remember: "You can't give up on the World.....of Warcraft!" -- Eric Cartman

Jennifer/Mom - I'm supposed to follow that????

'Nuff said.

Dad - answer to one of life's most important questions

I have finally reached a conclusion to my quest for the answer to one of life's great questions. After many years of searching for the solution to what has to be one of modern man's most puzzling questions: Why do they sell hot dog buns in bags of 8 and hot dogs in packages of 10?

As I stopped to pick up 2 hot dogs I had dropped, a bright light descended from above. And in that light I saw 2 weeners whose tastyness and aroma defied all description. The first weener spoke to me pointing to the other and said "behold this is my beloved frankfurter who is well done hear him."

Ummm....Jennifer just stopped me 'cause that story is already taken.

2nd try:

As I was stooping to pick up the 2 hot dogs I dropped, in my feeble attempt to be a BBQ chef. It came to me in a flash, like a bright light descending from above (just had to sneak that in). Around 20% of all Hot dogs inevitably end up on the ground, and the bun and hot dog makers who have undoubtedly done many scientific double blind peer reviewed studies on the matter and so are much wiser than we, have provided for just this contingency.

Thank you Oscar Myer

John-Michael - The Grill and Found

I woke up and ran to do my quick list.
I had a big rest and read 'till the big Bar-B-Q.
Grandpa is great, he is so generous.
He gave us all stuff and we were all happy.

Then we came home
And did Matt's room
'Till it was bedtime.

Then I hopped into jammies
And was told to sleep.

It took quite a while.

Matt - At Grandma's House/The Bar-B-Q

At the beginning of the day I woke up. I started to do my list. I tried to finish it quick again. After I finished my list I had to read.

When I finished reading it was time to go to Grandma's. When we got to Grandma's (which is only a five minute drive) we started to get to work in their back garage. We threw away all this garbage. We even threw away some computer stuff. But the computers were really old so I was certain they were broken. Some parts might still work and I am certain that they probably did but there is a chance that they didn't. But I am very sure that the cables worked because they are cables, they are just wires.

When we had finished the garage we dumped them into a dumpster and also a trailer. The trailer was for metal and the dumpster was for other stuff, such as rubber or things like that. When we finished with that we put the last things away into the shed. Then everyone else came to Grandma's house and we had our Bar-B-Q.

Dad cooked the food for the Bar-B-Q on the grill. Then we started eating. When we finished eating we got ready to go home and we went home. Then we cleaned up my room at home. After that it was time to go to bed.

And that was my day.

Ben - Memorial Day

Yesterday I got up and I started cleaning the kitchen. Then I had to take a shower and I had to leave the shower very early because I was going to Grandma's house. After getting dressed and all my stuff I went to Grandma's house along with Matt.

Matt and I worked with Grandma and Grandpa on cleaning out their back garage and attic. We found some really cool stuff like cameras and computers. Of course they were old though. After a while the others came over and so we got ready for a Bar-B-Q that we had for Memorial Day.

After the Bar-B-Q we had some cake to celebrate Kirsten's birthday party. After the cake we moved on to presents and then we stayed for a little while longer and then Matt and I took our new laptops home.

At home I cleaned the kitchen and then I went on Warcraft until I went to bed.

The End

Jacob - Monday

I did make the eggs in the morning. I'm not sure in the day. Oh, well. In the afternoon I went to Grandma's house and I found Matt who build a future. I ate a hamburger and a hot dog. I ate eggs, applesauce, watermelon and I had three drinks...lemonade, milk and water.

Well, this is it.