Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ben - Memorial Day

Yesterday I got up and I started cleaning the kitchen. Then I had to take a shower and I had to leave the shower very early because I was going to Grandma's house. After getting dressed and all my stuff I went to Grandma's house along with Matt.

Matt and I worked with Grandma and Grandpa on cleaning out their back garage and attic. We found some really cool stuff like cameras and computers. Of course they were old though. After a while the others came over and so we got ready for a Bar-B-Q that we had for Memorial Day.

After the Bar-B-Q we had some cake to celebrate Kirsten's birthday party. After the cake we moved on to presents and then we stayed for a little while longer and then Matt and I took our new laptops home.

At home I cleaned the kitchen and then I went on Warcraft until I went to bed.

The End

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