Friday, June 13, 2008

Jacob's post (Friday)

I woke up and I ate my breakfast. I had cheerios for breakfast. I waited for the bus.

Soon, I went into the school. I learned gym, math and reading, work and reading.

I went into the big house. I did my blog. I ate dinner.

If it is time for bed. I went into the bed.


Ben - Friday's Post

Yesterday I wished I was able to do something fun. Go with Dad to work, watch a movie, help Dad work on the electric car, etc. I wished I could play Wii, anything other than what I did.

Instead of fixing batteries, helping Dad or playing games, I did the teenage boy's worst nightmare. Okay, second worst. Yesterday, I woke up and actually did most of my morning list. The exceptions were making my bed, writing my blog and the worst of all...I had to clean my room. I was avoiding it mostly.

In the end I had no choice but to do it. I got everything done except writing a blog. I was tired so I convinced Jennifer to let me do it today instead.

The End

Matt - Getting my Jobs Done Early

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, ate lunch, cleaned my room, cleaned the bathroom and wrote my blog post.

45 min. later, I had FINALLY finished doing the last things. Next, I helped Dad put together a computer. After that, I ate lunch, watched Jennifer play on Marry Poppins and then ate dinner. Finally, I showered, played Rumikub with Jennifer and Kirsten and went to bed.

Kirsten Blog - Friday

Yesterday I really didn't do too much. I cleaned the kitchen and finished my normal list. That also includes taking care of the dogs.

Speaking of the dogs, Donald decided to chew up a pink pen and it turned some of his fur pink. It was pretty funny looking but not an enjoyable mess to clean-up form the carpet. The pink seemed to keep coming back.

Finally, that night we had egg-burritos for dinner and afterwards I played Rubikub with Matt and Jennifer. Then I stayed up to finish the kitchen and practice the piano. Instead I spent a majority of the time I was going to invest in those other tasks watching Jennifer play World of Warcrat with Team-Speak2 on.

Ben - Blog Post (Thursday)

Yesterday I woke up and tried my new list. I was about to eat breakfast when Kirsten told me to do my laundry first. I threw a fit. Eventually I gave up.

The rest of the story gets much more interesting if you imagine with me that after breakfast a man sat in my window saying if I didn't clean my room I would get $1,000,000.00. Stay with me now because that would be a great justification for what happened next. I spent the rest of the day messing around with Matt, because I couldn't very well mess up my chances of getting a million dollars now could I?

Eventually I went to bed. The next morning I woke up to discover that reality was reality and that I had messed around and wasted an entire day. Oh well, the man probably would have taken off for Texas or something anyway before paying up.

Kirsten's Post - Thursday

Yesterday I did even more laundry. There were mountains of it! But now it is done and we can begin our laundry schedule smoothly.

I aslo went to the mall with two of my friends yesterday. We practiced cheer-leading moves around the fountain and tried on some lotions. I had a pretty good time.

Jennifer and Jacob picked me up and we went and got dinner. I had a crispy steak sandwich from Griff's. It was tasty.

That about sums up my day. Oh! I almost forgot. I also gave the dogs baths. Now THAT sums up my day.

Matt - A goofing off day (Thursday's post)

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed and then I goofed around with Ben. At 10:00 I finally ate breakfast.

After breakfast i goofed around with Ben untill 2:00. Then I ate lunch. Next, I goofed around with Ben until 5:00. Finally, I ate dinner, got in P.J's and went to bed.

Jacob's Post for Thursday 6/12/08

I woke up and I ate my breakfast. I had Cheerios for breakfast.

I waited for the bus.

Soon, I went to school. I did gym, reading and math, making pancakes (I ate pancakes) reading, and working.

I did my blog and then I got dinner. I ate dinner.

It is time for bed. I got into my bed.

The End

Matt - Ball Point Pen Day 6/10/08

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, made my bed, showered and ate breakfast. Then I did my jobs.

After thirty minuts of playing with Ben, I ate lunch. Next I played chess with Dad. After that I had pizza for dinner and went to scouts. Finally, I came home and went to bed.

Jacob - Wednesday's post

It was a boring day in the day.

I woke up and I ate breakfast, so I had Cheerios and then I waited for the bus. So I went into the bus. I went to school. (I learn in gym, math and reading, and I forgot to learn that.)

I went to big lots to get some recipies.

I went to boring house. I did my job. I ate dinner.

So it is time for bed. I went to bed.

That's it.

P.S. I played Jennifer a game and I won, maybe it is not boring.

The End

Kirsten - Blog - June 11, 2008

Yesterday was ballpoint pen day. Of course we all wrote our blogs in ball point pen (except me, I had already written mine in crayon before the announcement was made). Instead I am writing my blog in ball-point pen today. Hooray!!

Yesterday I spent time (again) doing laundry. The closets were also cleaned out. In short, I did a lot yesterday. I was planning on starting my extended essay and my other homework (I actually kind of have a lot). I'll have to start my homework later this week...I just really don't want to put it off. I have started my Theory of Knowledge homework so at least I'm somewhere.

I also talked with two of my friends on the phone yesterday. It was good to hear from them. Well, I'm done with THIS blog. Over and Out!


Ben - Ballpoint Pen Day (Wednesday's post)

Yesterday I was woken up. Today was our second day John was gone. I played around with Matt. Kirsten asked me to help her sort the whites. We spent part of the day doing that. We had a pizza party before we went to Boy Scouts. Afterwards, I went to bed.

The End