Friday, June 13, 2008

Kirsten - Blog - June 11, 2008

Yesterday was ballpoint pen day. Of course we all wrote our blogs in ball point pen (except me, I had already written mine in crayon before the announcement was made). Instead I am writing my blog in ball-point pen today. Hooray!!

Yesterday I spent time (again) doing laundry. The closets were also cleaned out. In short, I did a lot yesterday. I was planning on starting my extended essay and my other homework (I actually kind of have a lot). I'll have to start my homework later this week...I just really don't want to put it off. I have started my Theory of Knowledge homework so at least I'm somewhere.

I also talked with two of my friends on the phone yesterday. It was good to hear from them. Well, I'm done with THIS blog. Over and Out!


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