Friday, May 18, 2007

Kirsten - The Last Day of School

Yesterday was my last day of school. I only had two finals scheduled for yesterday except I did not have class during one of those periods. For the other period I had history and I had already completed the AP History final on Friday. Therefore, I only had to go to school so that my history teacher would not be cranky that I did not attend her class. Also, I had to turn in some homework for my math teacher.

So, I attended class during my second hour which was history and then afterwards my friend "Amy" and I went down to the new school building to help with unpacking and to say goodbye to the librarians. There really wasn't much work to be done at the new school so we took the radio and we played music and took it throughout the building and told people to "boogie down". Most people just ignored us except for my computer teacher. He danced like crazy in the middle of the new hallway. It was frightening. Then "Amy" and I went back into the old building to clean out our lockers. Then we took my disposable camera and took a few pictures of people we knew and then I went to lunch with Jennifer and Matt and my boyfriend and then I went home.

I helped Jacob make dinner. We made hamburger sandwiches because we didn't have any hamburger buns so therefore we had to use bread slices instead of using the desired baked goods item.

Then I went to sleep.

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