Sunday, July 29, 2007

Jennifer/Mom - Waterlogged

Friday began with a phone call that the fountain had been soaped (again). So Chris and I changed the plans with the kids (which were to go swimming right after jobs got finished) and headed to the fountain to clean it all up. We formulated our plan as we went. We thought this time would go faster. Last week it took a while because we had never cleaned it up before.

I, of course, got to jump in the fountain and scrub the "ring-around-the-fountain" while the water drained. Now that Chris has figured out how to drain the fountain faster it is kind of a race to see which gets done first. Chris started draining the fountain and things were on their way. It is always funny to see how many people stop to chat while we're working on the fountain. Especially when we are fixing something inside.

So, as I am scrubbing around the edge with a deck brush in a pool of bubble filled water, within just a few minutes someone stops and asks if we were scrubbing/cleaning because the bubbles were there or if the bubbles were there because we were cleaning. No joke....that was his question. I told him, "Yes". Then after he gave me a "you really are a smart-aleck" look I elaborated further by explaining that yes we were taking advantage of the bubbles to clean but that no, we wouldn't have put bubbles in on purpose.

Well, after the pool was restored to it's bubble-free state and after we had fixed a few other valves, etc. we headed home. The kids had done their work and were so they finished their movie while I rested a bit and then we were off to the pool! It was fun. Needless to say, like the title of my blog, I was waterlogged.

Well, somehow I got behind once again in posting, although the kids have been writing. I'll post what I can find and we will move on from here!

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