Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I don't know what to say. I didn't have that much of an eventful day yesterday.

Yesterday I went to school normally and I started out by doing a PTA appreciation thingy. Then I did math class and I was ending a new unit. Then we did spelling and we turned in the homework. Then I did a culture project about Ontario and then I did reader's theater in which I played in the story called "The Odyssey". Then I had lunch and recess. Then I went to science class to work on a roller coaster project.

We ended the day after science by doing some more reader's theater. I then came home and started doing my chores called "THE LIST". Then I was supposed to clean up the kitchen and instead I messed around so long that I didn't get it done in time to go to boy scouts. After that I went to bed.

The End...for today.

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