Thursday, May 17, 2007

John-Michael - Lunch-sticks, the "meeting place" and team-table jobs

First, I went to school, then I did my lunch-stick, I mean I went to the cafeteria. And then I did my lunch-stick and I put everything way. Then I unstacked my chairs and sat down at the meeting place for silent reading and partner reading. Then I sat down at the meeting place again for a reading lesson on writer's workshop. Then we had morning recess. Then I came back in for journal, wait no I came back in for library.

And after library I had team-table jobs. Then...I....then we had lunch recess. Then I came back in for lunch. Then I went back to my classroom to do chapter reading and then spelling and hand-writing and then geography, then we went home. Then I did my list. Then I had dinner. And then I wrote my blog.

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