Sunday, May 27, 2007

Jennifer/Mom - Hot Dogs

So the kids make hot dogs for dinner and Chris and I end up discussing the tastiness of hot dogs. Chris likes them while I do not! So we are having a conversation about this during which we discover that although we disagree about hot dogs we agree about bratwurst. Good stuff! Then I tell Chris that the irony of me not liking hot dogs is that I really like vienna sausages.

Where upon Chris looks at me and says incredulously, "You like vienna sausages???? Those are those little things that come in a bottle or a can or whatever right?"


"Like baby food right?"

"Yeah, that's the stuff."

So then comes the razzing and the necessary giving me a hard time about what strange taste I have. I point out that we have established this many times before and that it shouldn't be anything new.

Actually, come to think of it I haven't had vienna sausages in such a long time I wonder if I do like them any more....hmmmm....I'll have to see sometime. That reminds me of the day the kids wanted me to make SPAM so they would know what it tasted like. But that's a story for another day.

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