Saturday, December 29, 2007

Jennifer/Mom - Cute doggies playing in the snow!

John-Michael 12-26-07

Yesterday I got a new Runyan money log. But I found out I was still in debt of four $! So I wrote a blog and did some other jobs and then I played webkins and WOW. I played WOW until it was time for bed.

Kirsten 12-25-07 (2)

I already wrote a blog today but Jennifer told me to write another one because I took some really cute pictures.

I took pictures of me, Jacob, Matt, John-Michael, Donald and Daisy. Aren't they cute!

John-Michael 12-25-07

yesterday I did a lot of things. I did my morning list. I did jobs and so forth. I had a yummy breakfast a wonderful lunch and a spectacular dinner. And then we learned how to play Blokus. Then I went to bed.

Kirsten 12-25-07

Today is Christmas. But that doesn't matter because we don't celebrate Christmas. Anyway, I did makea ham dinner today. That was pretty great.

I don't really know what to write about we haven't really done anything today. Well, yesterday I cleaned my room. That was a work-out. I also made a dress. Of course, I still need to add the finishing touches.

We also got our Christmas presents from Mom. She sent them even though we informed her we would have preferred a visit from Andrew. But for her to have listened now would have been inconsistent. I bet I can guesswhat she got me. She gets me about the same thing every year.

Anyway, Happy Winter Solstice and Merry Atheimas!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

John-Michael - The 24th 12-24-07

Yesterday I wanted to do my evening list in mid-day. But that would make me have to wear pajamas from 3 to 7:30p.m.! So, I chose not to since we were going out to eat. Once we got to Country Buffet, the line was very short so we got to eat very quickly.

When we sat down to eat I had two plates and they were filled with fish, French Fries and ketchup. I have a very big appetite. Once I got home i went striaght to bed.

The End

Kirsten - Blog 12-24-07

Today I slept in since I was tired. I also started reading "State of Fear" by Michael Chrichton yesterday. I actually meant to start it years ago. I'm actually really glad I waited. I'm only one chapter in the book and there has already been one murder. I think there's supposed to be a total of three murders throughout the world that are all connected.

Yesterday I also started "Europe's Last Summer." Its a non-fiction book about the causes of the Great War (most widely known as World War One). I do believe that "Europe's Last Summer" does not claim the war can be attributed to "Entangling Alliances." "Dreadnought" also theorized that the cause was not entangling alliances. Actually, I agree. I think there was more to the Great War than entangling alliances. Actually, sometimes I wonder whether or not Wilson actually knew the meaning of the word "Entente" when he claimed the cause was "Entangling Alliances" Oh well. We're actually starting "Europe's Last Summer" next semester. I'm just really excited to read it.

In addition, yesterday I watched J's video on Kim Jong II. It was really good. He should have received a good grade for it, but I'm not sure if he will. His teacher is a nut. Actually, anyone who says "M'Kay" with such emphasis on the "M" is probably a nut.

Well, that's about it. Since I don't celebrate Christmas I'd like to wish you all a Happy Winter Solstice and a Happy Atheimas (as Dad and Jennifer would say)!

Matt - The "Oh, Nevermind!" 12-24-07

Yesterday was scary! Just joking! It was great!

That day I woke up and went downstairs to finish building my roller coaster. I called the roller coaster "The Light Bulb." "The Light Bulb" is about four feet. around the end of the day we went to Country Buffet for dinner and when we got home I went to bed.

Kirsten - Ughh...12-23-07

I'm not in a good mood. Things did not go well at the hospital. I don't exactly know how to describe how I feel. My emotions seem more bottled up than a shaken-up bottle of Root Beer. I just want to explode.

Aside from that Winter Vacation is going well. There isn't really anything to write about. Well, I'm excited to see my friend J's history project. It sounds cool. It's a documentary of Kim Jong II. It's approximately 20 minutes long. I really want to see it.

Matt - Winter Break 12-23-07


The door opened at 2:40 in the afternoon. Before it opened I was so excited for the winter break I couldn't stay still in my chair and now it was FINALLY over. In my seat I could NOT stop thinking about the Winter Break. If I was even lucky enough to think of something else it would NOT last long AT ALL! I'm SO glad that Winter and Winter Break are here!

We need to catch up!! - Jennifer/Mom

I have been a little busy and blog writing has been popular. Here is the catch-up!

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Visit - Matt

Saturday I woke up and went back to sleep about three times in a row. The third time I didn't really go to sleep but I did lay in bed. I thought that the day would be boring, but I was just wrong!

Our cousins came for a lot of the day. We were cleaning the house the rest of the day for the visit. We played games on the DS, air hockey, watched a movie and even had pizza together.

After they left I felt sad. I knew I'd feel sad when they would leave right while I was cleaning.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Birthday Blog! - Jennifer/Mom

We celebrated Chris' birthday over the weekend. The kids and I made a big deal about it and cooked up quite the feast. We even had roast beast!

Later that day we went down to Englewood and lit the tree. There was a sleet storm that cleared right before Santa arrived and left a beautiful rainbow behind for a few minutes.

After the tree was lit came the fireworks show!

Then it was home for cake and ice cream for the birthday boy and company!

It's not very often that you see a Christmas tree, a rainbow, sleet, rain, hail and fireworks all in the same least not all on the same day in Colorado. Very appropriate for the celebration of Chris' birthday!

All in all, a very wonderful day!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Dinner Tonight!

Jennifer/Mom - Tonight Chris decided we needed a silly dinner, so we went in the kitchen and came up with....Green Eggs and Spam!

While we are sitting waiting for John-Michael to finnish his Green Eggs and Spam, I thought it would be fun for us all to contribute to a joint blog post.

Here we Go!

Matt - I'm here staring at John-Michael with my eyes wide open to see if it would make him eat faster because he probably would not want to be in the place of me staring at him. He just laughed. He is starting to stare back. I decided I should stop.

Ben - John-Michael is trying to finish his Spam before we finish our blog. Perhaps he doesn't want to be the subject of an entire blog.

Kirsten - We ate Green Eggs and Spam and the whole time I had the song "Springtime for Hitler" stuck in my head. I don't know what the correlation is between that song and Spam.

Jacob - John-Michael won the race.

Chris/Dad - John-Michael is finnished I have no spammy remarks.

John-Michael - I won the race. Hip hip hooray!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Jacob - Thanksgiving Vacation

I went to vacation. I have Thanksgiving for dinner at the Country Buffet. I had pop to drink and chocolate milk. I also had dessert for Thanksgiving. I had a pumpkin pie and orange yogurt.

After Thanksgiving dinner we went to "A Bee Movie". I liked it. I liked the bee in charge of the fliers (those were the bees that left the bee hive). I thought it was funny that bees could talk.

And then I went home and that's all for Thanksgiving.

The next day, we moved the couches to the family room. The piano got set up. Dad hooked the TV on the computer. Now we have ten computers. The TV is on the computer so now we can see the pictures. It also plays music. My favorite picture is the dogs, Donald and Daisy. I think you can go see the pictures of the dogs. Some of them are posted on the blog already.

During vacation I have played chess with Ben. I played Labryinth with Matt and Jennifer. I wanted to play wii but I need to pay for it and I didn't have enough Runyan dollars. I have to do more jobs. Maybe I will get to play today when I do my jobs to earn the Runyan monies.

I am excited that I can go back to school tomorrow. I also have to get ready for that. I need to lay out clothes, make sure I have everything in my backpack and I need to take a shower, have a poop and brush my teeth. I need to find the coat for my school.

And that's all.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Kirsten - Thanksgiving

Yesterday we went to Country Buffet for Thanksgiving dinner. We left for Country Buffet at 10:30 a.m. to avoid the Then after dinner, or brunch, or whatever we saw "The Bee Movie". I really liked that movie, it was so cute.

After that we went home. Later we had these burrito sandwich things (that Matt absolutely adored) and watched the "Santa Clause 3". It was cute, but I think movie sequels ought to end after the first movie. Unless of course, the movie sequel in question is "Lord of the Rings", "Star Wars", or "Back to the Future". Otherwise, my experience with sequels is not all that splendid, (Ha, ha, that makes me think of Britain's "Splendid Isolation" foreign policy. For instance take "Shrek the Third", or "Spiderman 3" or "Pirates of the Carribean 2". Those were all terrible movies that had absolutely chaotic plots that made no sense.

Kirsten - Friday

Yesterday was friday. It was also the day after Thanksgiving, if you didn't figure that out. Yesterday we spent a great deal of time moving furniture. We moved the couches and set up our family room - sitting room thing. It's actually rather cozy and homey in there. I also re-potted some of the plants and made sure they were all happy. I also talked to my friend K on the phone. I told her all about our Thanksgiving and she laughed for ages.

Overall, I didn't really do anything yesterday. I did learn yesterday that Alice Cooper is touring in Finland. I thought that was interesting. I found out when I listened to the radio last night Alice Cooper is the host at night on 103.5. I think it's interesting that Alice still hosts 103.5 eventhough he's on tour throughout Europe.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Kirsten - The Last Day of School Before Thanksgiving Break

Yesterday was a particularly boring day. I had English, History and Math. Yesterday my math essay was due. That was pretty great. Also, it was Ms. B's birthday (she's the librarian). My freind Jelly and I made her a birthday card. It was pretty funny. Since it was Ms. B's birthday, my friend Jelly, the other librarian (Mrs. C), and myself were in the backroom of the library with Ms. B. We were all having a lovely chat.

Suddenly Mrs. C looked out the window into the library and saw my ex-boyfriend. Mrs. C siad to me, "Kirsten go stand by your ex so he'll go away." The four of us laughed really hard. I guess my ex had been causing Mrs. C grief all day and he would not leave. We laughed about this for a while and decided to make this joke into a scientific experiment.

This just goes to show how great of friends my ex and I are.

Matt - Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007

Yesterday was report card day! Time went by so slow. That recess I went to Junior Great Books and for lunch we ate pizza. After school we went home and I gave Jennifer my report card. Then I did many jobs. finally, I did my blog and went to sleep.

John-Michael - Saturday, Nov. 17th

I woke up. I didn't argue and neither did anyone else! But I lost my wallet which contained my 20 Runyan dollars I earned by crawling under the Christmas Tree at Grandpa Runyan's fountain in Englewood. Anyway, hopefully I'll find it.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lots of News! - Jennifer/Mom

We have had a lot happening the past week. The dogs are adjusting well. Here are some more recent pictures of them.

Also, we put up the tree! We had a good plan and it went up really fast this year. Here is a shot of Chris unstrapping the top part. We put it together in stages on the ground with all the branches and ornaments and then Chris used the cherry picker to lift up each section and add it to the tree. It worked like a dream.

By the time the boys got there after school the first day there were only a few things left to do before cleaning up and wrapping up for the day. John-Michael and Jacob got to ride to the top of the tree to put on the last three pieces. Then John-Michael crawled underneath, hooked up the straps and the whole thing was anchored down so it didn’t blow away. He did a great job and earned twenty Runyan dollars for his efforts. (I’ll tell more about Runyan dollars in just a minute.)

The next day by the time the boys got back to the tree the next day everything was done except for the last four ornaments. Those were hung and we were done! Chris and I checked last night to make sure everything got connected and all the lights lit up properly. Boy that is one good lookin’ tree! Did you think I was going to post a picture right now? That would be cheating wouldn’t it? Nope, no pictures until the big lighting ceremony.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

We survived! - Jennifer/Mom

Well, we pulled it off and survived another Halloween!


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Dogs - Jacob

Story - Our story begins in the Runyan's house. To start we cleaned the house and then Dad and Jennifer went to go get the dogs. They came home late. I woke up and saw the dogs. I liked them.

The next day I went to school, I went to swimming and then I said, "Whoops, the sharks are there." But I was just pretending about the sharks.

After I did do my list I went to dinner. At dinner I forgot to ask a question or tell the question to John. We talked about our day. After dinner we named the dogs Donald and Daisy. Donald, Daisy and Jacob took a picture and then the next day I went to school.

And then, I went to a Halloween party and then, I went to volunteer and then I went to lunch and then I went to the money work and then I went to the computer to play and then its time to go home. And the puppy is still talking. And then I talked to dad and we put the Frankenstein up. And then we had dinner and then I went to the blog.

And that's my story.

Tomorrow is Halloween???? - Jennifer/Mom

Ok, so with everything that has been happening, it just dawned on Chris and me this afternoon that TOMORROW is Halloween! I mean we knew it was coming but it just seemed like it was still a week or two away or something. What happened??

On a completely different subject, Donald and Daisy seem to be doing just fine! They are settling in very nicely and are fun to watch. It is hysterical to see them chasing each other around playing their goofy wrestle/tag/hide and seek game. Especially on the hard floors! After all, corners are really tricky at those speeds. Chris and I both agree they sound like exactly like little trains as they "click" across the floors.

Already they are constantly following me around the house and they are even starting to answer to their new names. They are such lovable little cuties! From pictures I had seen of Corgis I always thought they were pretty cute but I had no idea how darling they really are!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Yes, yes….it’s official….we’re NUTS!! - Jennifer (Mom)

Well somehow (quite a few months ago) Chris and I began to consider the possibility of getting a dog. So we researched all kinds of different breeds for temperament and personality, etc. and came up with the idea that a Corgi would be the best choice for our gang. Corgi’s breeding is very focused on temperament and at the same time they bond strongly and take a very protective stance regarding their “family”. We also figured we were in pretty good company choosing a Corgi because the Queen of England fancies them!

Once we made the decision for a Corgi, we started looking. To shorten the story a bit I’ll skip to this past weekend. After a lot of communication and MUCH deliberation we headed to a breeder on Sunday. The breeder just happened to be in Nebraska…yes that’s right Nebraska! So, after meeting the dogs we ended up driving home with not one but TWO Corgis. They are absolutely amazing dogs and cute as cute can be!

Tonight we had the “naming of the Corgis”: A girl just under a year old, sweet and VERY calm and a boy three months old and bright and bouncy. The little boy just LOVES to tell us about EVERYTHING that is happening. The girl is patient, loving and quiet.

The names everyone had were read and narrowed down to the following three options:

1. Mario and Princess Peach

2. Donald and Daisy

3. Zipper and Button

Then we had our vote. Seven of us were present and the vote came out as follows.

1. – 2 votes

2. – 6 votes

3. – 1 vote

I know, I know it adds up to more than 7. We think that is because Chris was sneaking extra votes in. An alternate theory proffered was that the dogs themselves voted. Hmmm….

So, there it is. Even discounting two votes off #2 it clearly won and Donald and Daisy were named. We think their names suit them nicely. Even those here that didn’t have Donald and Daisy as their first votes are coming around.

Jacob got his picture taken with the puppies before bed. Donald is on his lap and Daisy is next to him. He just loves them as do we all!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Ben - Matt stole my title

Yesterday I got up and did my list. Then at 10:00 I read and finished Harry Potter number seven. Then when Kirsten and Jennifer left the house we all went "Woo-Hoo" so loudly that Jennifer and Kirsten could hear us.

Then we played on Wii a game called "SpongeBob Square Pants - Creature from the Crusty Crab". Then I made some brownies and I played on Matt's Pinball machine a little. Then I did some other stuff until I went to bed.

The End

Matt - Creature from the Crusty Crab

Yesterday, I woke up. I messed around a little bit and then I did my jobs. When I finished my jobs Jennifer was going to leave with Kirsten. We played "Creature from the Crusty Crab" and "World of Warcraft". During the middle of the party Dad showed me how the lantern is lit. Dad had a new one for decoration for his desk.

When we were finished, we went to bed and that was my day.

John-Michael - Game Day

First I woke up and then I did my jobs. Then the boys searched for something to do. Then we asked if we could play Wii. We went up into the room to get a certain game. It was called "The Creature from the Crusty Crab" and also we got out a Superman Pinball game. That was basically what we did until it was bedtime. Then we ate dessert first so we had to have breakfast. We had breakfast for dinner.

Jacob - Jennifer

Uh, Jennifer? I'm here to talk to you. (Tell me about your day yesterday Jacob.)

Let me tell you about the day. (Good plan)

I woke up after I had a weird dream. I'll tell you what my weird dream is later. And later we went to take turns on the Wii. And then I have breakfast and we didn't have dinner and that was opposite. And then I went to bed when there bedtime.

In my dream Jacob lived in Bikini Bottom. There fish or whatever it is. I went to outer space and I'm going to a galaxy. It was a weird dream.

Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you more about the weird dream.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

John-Michael – The Apex

First I woke up and did my jobs and then I watched a movie and then we went swimming at the Apex. First I went on the water playground, then I practiced walking on logs on the water and then I thought about going on the big slides. I walked up with Kirsten and then when I saw how twisty and turney it was I thought, “I don’t want to do this!” and then I ran away from Kirsten and went down the stairs and did something else. And then I swam around.

Then my mom came and got me and said, “I’m going to help you get over this fear.” And then I rode right in front of my mom and then once I got through I was really happy! I did it on the floaties a whole bunch of times and then I did it just regularly just a few times. Then me and my mom raced. Then we left.

It was the very funnest experience I have had in my whole life!

Jacob – Talking about swimming

I did go figure out to go swimming. So, I did get in the swimming suit and that’s all I can do.

Matt – Swimming at the Apex

Yesterday I woke up and then took my shower. Next I unloaded the dishwasher. Actually no, I was going to unload the dishwasher but there were no clean dishes. Ben had forgotten to start it last night. Then I finished my other jobs and then I did school work.

After school we watched some movies. Then when Dad and Jennifer came home we watched the rest of our movie and then Jennifer took us to the Apex Center. Dad didn’t come because he was tired. At the Apex Center we had a LOT of fun!

There were these two slides. One you could go on just as a person and one that you had a float. I loved it how the tubes led out of the Apex Center and then back in. And there are two hot tubs. One for just grown ups that kids are not allowed in because it is very, very hot and there’s another one that is for kids. It is still hot but not hot enough that kids are not allowed in it.

I had fun!

Ben – The Apex Center

Yesterday I got up and cleaned the house with Matt, Jacob and John. Then I did some school and had lunch. Then we watched some movies until we went to the Apex Center. We swam at the Apex Center until 6:00 p.m. Then we had Taco Bell for dinner and I read Harry Potter and cleaned up the kitchen and then went to bed.

The End

Kirsten - This blog will have no title

This blog has no title, sorry. It turns out my mom did send my clothes back with my dad. that was surprising. Right now I am extremely annoyed, mostly with my brothers and John. I guess that would be normal.

I was really busy at work yesterday. I can't believe I got everything done. Of course I did have to stay a few extra minutes in order to finish everything. I also dropped the remainder of Ben's books off at the library. That was some of my day.

Ben - The day before my birthday

yesterday I got up and did my list. Then we played and watched some movies and had rest time and played some more. Then I went to bed and watched my clock until I fell asleep.

Matt - The day before Ben's birthday

Okay, yesterday, I woke up and showered. Then I did my jobs, and I forgot what we did next. So, I'll just skip to the part I remember. Jennifer told me to go to bed, because it was bedtime, and then I went to bed and Ben told me that tomorrow was his birthday. So, I went and put it on the calendar.

The End

John-Michael - Don't Know

The reason my blog is named "Don't Know" is because I don't remember what I did yesterday. I know I had a fun time with Battlestorm.

The End

Jacob -"Fiddler on the Roof" was obvious

It was my fault to ruin the blog. I did watch "Fiddler on the Roof". "Fiddler on the roof" was obvious. So, I can't explain you. I have nothing to do to help myself. I am so sorry.

The End

Kirsten- Bed-times :(

Well, yesterday I slept in-which threw everyone off schedule…oops. Which meant that last night I had to have a bed-time L. But honestly, I probably should give myself a bed-time; I still won’t like it though. You see I was tired from not sleeping. I hate sleeping. People waste half their lives sleeping. Anyway, yesterday, everyone else was grouchy too because they hadn’t been getting enough sleep either. Everyone went to bed earlier. Other than an early bed-time, I didn’t really do much yesterday…same old, same old. I did watch the second part of Fiddler on The Roof (which is an excellent movie btw). It’s probably an even better live performance. I also called my boyfriend, but that’s really it. I forgot to call my mom and ask her to send back my clothes. Oh well, apparently I can’t call her today either. I called and the number has been disconnected or something. I don’t know.

Matt- And that was my day

Yesterday, I woke up. And did my shower when it was my turn. Next, I did school. After that I did my jobs, I didn’t complete them entirely, so I got bread and water for lunch. Which we did have enough time. And then, what did we do next? I don’t know what happened, so I’ll just skip it. And that was my day.

Jacob- Time-out

I woke up in the morning. I took a shower, and then I ate breakfast. At the school, I got in time-out. When the time was up, I wasn’t in the time-out anymore. But it’s almost the end of our story. When I’m frustrated. And then, I have grain for lunch. And then I had peanut-butter and jelly sandwich for dinner. The end of our story.

John- A a B b C c

I woke up yesterday. Um, and I had cereal. And then we cleaned up, and then we did school, and then we did our jobs, and then we got out of school. And that is all I want to say.

Ben-In the “Pit”

Yesterday I got up and did my school requirements and did school. Then we did our jobs and watched some movies. Then we played “Pit” and did some other stuff. The end.

Jennifer/Mom - Waterlogged

Friday began with a phone call that the fountain had been soaped (again). So Chris and I changed the plans with the kids (which were to go swimming right after jobs got finished) and headed to the fountain to clean it all up. We formulated our plan as we went. We thought this time would go faster. Last week it took a while because we had never cleaned it up before.

I, of course, got to jump in the fountain and scrub the "ring-around-the-fountain" while the water drained. Now that Chris has figured out how to drain the fountain faster it is kind of a race to see which gets done first. Chris started draining the fountain and things were on their way. It is always funny to see how many people stop to chat while we're working on the fountain. Especially when we are fixing something inside.

So, as I am scrubbing around the edge with a deck brush in a pool of bubble filled water, within just a few minutes someone stops and asks if we were scrubbing/cleaning because the bubbles were there or if the bubbles were there because we were cleaning. No joke....that was his question. I told him, "Yes". Then after he gave me a "you really are a smart-aleck" look I elaborated further by explaining that yes we were taking advantage of the bubbles to clean but that no, we wouldn't have put bubbles in on purpose.

Well, after the pool was restored to it's bubble-free state and after we had fixed a few other valves, etc. we headed home. The kids had done their work and were so they finished their movie while I rested a bit and then we were off to the pool! It was fun. Needless to say, like the title of my blog, I was waterlogged.

Well, somehow I got behind once again in posting, although the kids have been writing. I'll post what I can find and we will move on from here!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Kirsten - Muppet Movies

Yesterday I made breakfast. But really nothing happened. We did watch some Muppet Movies.

Jacob - Breakfast

I had for breakfast eggs, bacon, and food salad.

There you go.

Ben - I went to the store.

Yesterday I got up, took a shower, made my bed, got dressed and had breakfast. Then I threw a temper tantrum. Then swept and mopped the kitchen. Then I worked on my school work.

Then I went to the store with Jennifer. Then I went back home and then I watched a movie. Then we did some other stuff. Then I ate dinner and went to bed.

John-Michael - Super Target, Super Target, Super Target, Target, Target

Let's see...I went to Super Target in the middle of my school work. When I got back I did the 2nd period of my school work. Then I had dinner. Bologna Sandwiches.

That was my day.

Matt - Super Target

Yesterday I woke up. I saw Kirsten telling John-Michael...I mean I heard Kirsten tell John-Michael to get in the shower. Next it was Jacob, then me, then Ben. I did my school-work. But in the middle of my school we went to Super Target.

That was my day.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Ben - A week of wilderness fun.

On Sunday I went to the church at eleven-thirty. We got our stuff in the car and went to Peaceful Valley. Then I messed around until I went to bed.

On Monday morning I had breakfast. Then I went to Eagle-Bound I and learned about orienteering. Then I did orienteering again for Eagle-Bound II. Then I went to the lake with my swimming trunks on and learned the rules of the lake so I could get my canoeing merit badge. Then I did a swimming test to see how good a swimmer I was and passed it entirely. Then I messed around and went to bed.

Then on Tuesday I learned, in Eagle-Bound I, first aid and for Eagle-Bound II I won first place for an orienteering test. Then I did a canoeing lesson and there were these boys in a sailboat who were teasing the canoers, so one of the staff members said all the canoers could splash them. Then I messed around. It hailed really hard, then I went to bed.

To be continued....

Matt - Board Games

Yesterday I did my list and then I played. Next we played some board games for about two hours. Maybe half...maybe an hour and a half. Then next I went to bed.

John-Michael - The "toothless wonder" became even more toothless!

I went to J. W.'s house yesterday and I had a play day yesterday. I didn't get to do water balloons but I still had a fun time. My tooth was loose and I accidentally bumped it on something and it popped out.

I played chess with my mom with coordinates over the phone. I had a pirates of the Caribbean chess board. She had a regular board. We had to end in the middle so we will have to finished the game later.

That was my day.

John-Michael - A day with Mrs. H

I had a fun time yesterday. Mrs. H. watched me while my dad went to work. I watched a few TV shows and then I watched a video tape. After I watched a video tape I went to bed.

With Mrs. H. I had a snack and played at the center Then I played baseball then I played on the swings. The H's have an automatic pitcher in their backyard.

Jennifer/Mom - A point from a friend

A friend of mine recently made the point that eveyone posts but me and asked why? I responded that I post almost everyone else's posts so it seems like I post all the time. I agreed though that I probably needed to post some more.

Of course, as I said back when I was posting more often, I get intimidated by Chris' posts and then my self-consciousness kicks in and....well...."that's all she wrote"....quite literally!

Ok, so back to me posting about me. I got some board games and card games the other day and I have been playing them with "the boys" (including Chris). Racko is a fun one and Rummikub is one of my favorites. Soon I will break out the "Skip-Bo" cards and then next will probably be to teach Ben and Kirsten how to play Rook. I think they would like pinochle also. We'll see.

We also need to get back to doing "Chicken Fat" and the other line dancing songs we have each day. We had a good time when we were doing them every day. It was fun! "Go you chicken fat gooooooooooooo!"

I also read a science fiction book recently but I can't tell you anything about it because I'm not supposed to spoil it for Chris who hasn't read it in a LONG time. I liked it though. Maybe I'll pick up a Tom Clancy book next. There are a few of those around.

Ok, so there is a post from me. The next few posts will be catching up and then we will have the "regularly scheduled" posts for today.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dad - It's broke

It seems like everything has broken recently.

The wind blew a section of fence down that had rotted because the post's concrete was pored too low. Then the electric car had two batteries go bad. Then my computer's video cards died, followed by the motherboard. I bet the motherboard killed the video cards.

And the fan died on the furnace/air conditioner or rather it burned up. When I was checking it out I wired up one of the lower speeds and FLAMES shot out of the motor which was a pretty good indicator that the motor had gone bad.

We put a new post in and poured new concrete around it. I went through the electric car's batteries and found the bad ones and replaced them. It's back to its speedy little self.

After getting three new video cards (I use 4-6 monitors) and an overnight delivery of a brand spanking new motherboard my computer has been successfully resurrected.

Then Ben and I went to the heating/air conditioning supply store and bought a new motor. Jennifer helped me install it and we have air conditioning again. YEA!

So now it's time to fix the backyard's sprinklers and finish the tile in the bathroom.

There seems to be a pattern here.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

John-Michael - Legos and Movies

Yesterday I had a fun time. I wrote a blog about church. I made a few scanners out of paper and I turned the table basically into a play arena of Legos.

I played with my dad a whole lot and we watched a lot of movies too. We also went down to the office to see if there were any packages. I went to sleep after we checked for the packages.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Matt - Mexican Food

Yesterday I woke up and went back to sleep. Then I woke up and started on the family room. I did not do very well because I was tired.

Next Jacob had finished his list then he went on Paper Mario. He was going to the Shadow Queen. Next he had to go off because he needed to do his school work. I still couldn't finish my work because I didn't want to I guess.

Then I decided to do it and I started getting going and then Jacob put another load on the couch. I thought I had a LOT do do then because it looked like more. Part of it was because it was on a different couch than usual. I was getting even closer to done but then it was time to go to dinner. We went to a Mexican restaurant. I ate a chicken and been burrito with mild sauce but didn't taste mild to me. I am so glad I didn't get the hot sauce.

Then we went home. I had only finished a little more than a third of my burrito. Kirsten hadn't had dinner so I gave the rest to her. We went home and I finished my work. Next I watched some of "The Muppet Show"

Kirsten - Sunday the great

Curse you John-Michael title stealer....I was going to choose "Sunday" as my title but you had already taken it.

Yesterday I did not go to church but I went to work and there I worked.

The End

John-Michael - Sunday

Yesterday was fun. I had some strawberry mango juice. I watched a lot of TV. And I played with my toys. I played with my castle. I played with my dragons.

I went to church at the beginning of the day and it very fun. I went to SS I went to primary and I went to Sacrament meeting and that was it.

And that was my day.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

John-Michael - Saturday

I watched “Escape to witch mountain” yesterday. I had a fun time yesterday with my dad in San Diego. I played with Battle Storm castle a whole bunch and its dragons too. I watched Battle Star Galactica, the old one. I had some hot chocolate and some orange juice.

Dad got a new TV yesterday, so there can be a new TV in every room. Now there are two TVs in the living room, and a TV in each bedroom.

And that was my day.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

John-Michael - Yesterday was a day with Mom (most of the day and then I went on a plane)

I came in at the airport when it wasn't quite dark. I built the first tower of my new Lego castle. It had a bow and arrow and a catapult and three dragons. The dragons names were Rinethor, Groscorn, and Skullrattle. Skullrattle was the big one and Rinethor and Groscorn were the small ones. Groscorn is green and Rinethor is purple. Skullrattle is a red dragon with white teeth and has a plasma chrystal on his gold chest plate, he has orange spikes on his back and his arms are actually his wings. He has a long tail and the bottom of him is grey. Groscorn has a long arch shaped knife on his head and then he has yellow nails and a long green tail. Rinthor is a purple dragon with three green spikes on the top of his head a long piece of bone that is covered in purple skin and then a green piece of skin hangs down from the tip of his bone to the bottom of his foot.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Kirsten - The 4th of July and the day after

Yesterday was the 5th of July. The day before though (the 4th of July) was pretty intense. We went and saw Grandma and Grandpa up at the cabin. We also had a bar-b-que. (We had steaks...hooray!) then we went and saw some fireworks. They were really good this year.

Yesterday I woke up extremely tired and slept-in until 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. then the day was pretty much ordinary.

Matt - My title...let's see...YESTERDAY...or known as the day after the 4th of July or the 5th of July

"I didn't take a shower." I was just reading it. Sorry.

Jacob - I didn't take a shower

I woke up and I didn't take a shower. That's it.

Ben - The day after the 4th of July

I got up and kind of did my list but also screwed around. I forgot what happened yesterday so I'm going to say we did some stuff and went to bed.

John-Michael - Two days in one blog

The day before yesterday was the 4th of July. We went to the cabin. We watched some movies. We hauled up two trees I got stampeded by one of the pine trees and then I picked up the pieces of wood and stacked them up for the winter.

Then we watched really cool fireworks. Some were really loud, some were really loud, some were really big, some were really colorful, some were really sparkly and twice in the firework show they shot out a whole bunch of fireworks a the same time. some of the bunches were colorful and some of them were loud.

Yesterday was a catchup day...Hooray! It was where we catch up on everything we were school and everything else we were doing.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Matt - Barns & Noble

Yesterday I woke up and did my list. Then, when I was finished with my list I played Wii. When we were finished playing Wii. We went to the Barns & Noble.

I got a book called "How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse". Then we bought it and we went home and I read it for a while. Then I went to bed and that was my day.

Ben - Helping

Yesterday I got up and did my list while helping the others out. Then we all played on Wii and Warcraft. Later dad bought us some new books. Then we read our books and I cleaned up the kitchen. Then I went to bed.

The End

John-Michael - The Bookstore

I went to the book store and got a book. I had a pretty fun time. I got a book called "Night of the Ninja". It is a magic tree house book. I liked the book and I am thankful Chris got it for me.

I played Wii and World of Warcraft for a little bit of time.

And that was my day.

Kirsten - Ben was in charge

Yesterday Ben was in charge but I gave him reminders throughout the day. Then I went to work. A whole bunch of volunteers came to work and cleaned the place up. Then Jennifer came and picked me up from work and we went and got Taco Bell and then we went home.

Jacob - On Saturday

On Saturday, I went to the book store. I got "The Dumb Bunnies". It was about the dumb bunnies. I liked the book, it was funny.

Well, thank you. That's all I did yesterday.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Kirsten - Yesterday was exciting

I got Jacob up for school. Then I had John-Michael, Ben and Matt do their lists. Then I went out to lunch with my boyfriend. We also saw "1408". which was an okay movie, but it would have been better if the character development were improved and if the plot organization were better. But still, "1408" was all right.

John-Michael - I had a fun day

It was a fun day. I had a really fin time yesterday. I woke up and started doing my list.

Ben - Sunglasses Day

Andrew sporting Dad's shades.

Yesterday I got up and did my list. Then I messed around in the kitchen until I made lunch after Jacob got home. Then I played around on the Wii with Jacob, played a little Warcraft, watched a movie, ate dinner and went to bed.

The End

Jacob - I went

I went to school and I went to home and that's all I went.

Matt - *stares blankly*

*stares blankly*

John-Michael - Here we go, ready or not here I come!

Okay, yesterday was the funnest day of my life. To be more precise the funnest day of my entire life. To be even more precise it was the funnest day in the world. I was just about to say..."To be even more precice..."

I'm thinking...Okay, not that fun. I don't really remember what I said yesterday. But I remember I did my blog.

Ben - National Choco-late Pudding Day-O (yummy, yummy in my tummy, tummy)

My day started with a balloon. Yesterday I got up and did my my list until around twelve, maybe even uh, three o'clock. then I worked on the kitchen some more, made chocolate pudding, had dinner. Then I had chocolate pudding and went to bed.

The End

Kirsten - The Most Magnificent Blog (with a sidedish of allitertration...hehe)

Oh, man, sorry about the title. I am most definately wierd....

Well, yesterday was Chocolate Pudding Day. Hehe...the reason we had chocolate pudding. We also made root of the gods. Anyway I don't really know what else to was a day.

Oh! I also watched "Little Shop of Horrors" last night. Fun, fun. No actually, that movie is pretty funny. Yesterday I also talked to my boyfriend (or as Dad would say "Honey-bunny"...geez

But, just FYI, yesterday Terrific Tuesday. Yes indeed. Well, have fun. If you're reading this, you must be bored out of your mind and you must not have any life at all. Just some words of encouragement. :) lol


P.S. Watch out for poisonous plants, I saw the scars from the attack one had on my boyfriend. lol

Jennifer/Mom - A day behind again

Once again I got the posts but didn't get them posted yesterday. So, today there will be more than one post per person. The first set are the posts written yesterday and the second set are the posts written today.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Kirsten - National Pink Day

Well yesterday was actually Log Cabin Day, but we did not celebrate this. We just watched "Night at the Museum" in celebration of Visit a Museum Day which was Sunday. Therefore today in my blog I will talk about Saturday (because we forgot to do that blog). Saturday was National Pink Day. Of course I wore pink in celebration. If I had pink pants I would have worn them as well (I'm amazed that I don't have any pink pants. :-P)

Jennifer (who also wore pink), John-Michael and I went to the store to get strawberries to make strawberry smoothies. Jennifer made the strawberry smoothies, they were pretty great. Then we watched cartoons of the Pink Panther. It was intense.

I did some exciting things yesterday. Besides watch most of "Night at the Museum", I called my boyfriend.

Jacob- Movie

I woke up. I went to schoo. After school I had a lunch until we're going to watch a movie, "Night at the Museum". And that's it.

John-Michael - I had a fun day

I had a fun day. It was a fun day. It was a fun day Saturday too and saturday was National Pink Day. National Pink Day! We watched Pink Panther cartoons and we had strawberry smoothies. And that was Saturday and I had a fun day and the end of my poem. story.

Matt - I don't have anything to write

I don't know what we did yesterday.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Kirsten - At Church

Yesterday we went to church. Then I went to work. At work I had to fix a little girl's fishing pole. It was one of those stupid toy things. She broke it therefore I got to take the it apart and fix it. Then Dad picked me up and took me to Grandma's house.

Matt - Church

I woke up the next morning. I wanted to get back to sleep. I got back to sleep for a little while then John woke me up. the reason John wants to wake me up is to play. I tell him sleep is better than play.

Next, i took a shower. Me and John-Michael had fun in the morning. Then we went to church. At church people spoke in the speaker, on the microphone. Next when everyone was done we went home.

Jacob - I went to church

I went to church and then we went home. Later we went to Grandma's house and then I went to home.

John-Michael - The Short Blog

I woke up and I went to Grandma's and we had a fun time at Grandma's. I played a bunch of stuff and that was my day.

Jacob – A good day

I got up in the morning I did the list and then I ate breakfast. We went to store; I had little hamburgers for lunch. I came home and played on the Wii.

Ben – Canoe trip

Well Dad woke me up really early in the morning on Friday, we had a quick breakfast and went to the church where I helped pack for the trip.

Then we went to Wyoming and got ready to go canoeing. We started down the river for a while and every now and then I’d take a picture of something. Around 4pm we landed for camp 14.5 miles down the Platte River.

I helped set up my tent then I helped make dinner. We had a dinner of hamburgers and a desert of cookies and then we went to bed.

On Saturday, early in the morning, we broke camp and left for another 20 mile run. We visited a cliff that had a cemetery on it. And I took a few pictures up there. I also took 2 pictures of an American bald eagle that day. Then we setup camp after the 20 miles. I helped setup my tent again and carried all my stuff up the cliff. Then we had dinner and then we went to bed. In the morning we broke camp and then we headed down the Platt for the rest of the way, once we reached the golf course we got out the canoes and packed up all of our stuff to go back home to Colorado. I played a little in the car until we got back to the church then I helped unpack and help everyone go home. Then Jennifer picked me up and took me to grandma’s house.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Jennifer/Mom - National Chocolate Eclair Day

Yesterday was National Chocolate Eclair Day. After they got their morning stuff done I took the boys to go get the eclairs from the store. After that the boys played in the afternoon and had a good time. The eclairs went with dinner. Some were not as impressed with the eclairs as others.

Today is National Pink Day. We'll see what everyone has to say about that tomorrow.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Jacob - plain day

I went to school. I went to back home and I went to bed and that's it.

John-Michael - Bock, Bock

I woke up in the morning and got woken up in the middle of my sleep because I didn't do my blog, it's name was Ice Cream Soda Day!

I had turkey and chicken sandwiches (bock, bock, bock). Bock bock....hahaha.

I had a very fun day cleaning up my room and I watched a new movie...and it was a good movie. I got to run around in the giant yard (wait, that was the night when we had the root beer floats) Oh yeah, wait I want to say....."Ooooooooh yeah!"

Matt - Finally summer Day

Yesterday I woke up. Then I did my list. I don't remember most of it so I guess I'll just skip to dinner. At dinner we had chicken and turkey sandwiches. The turkey ran out first. It wasn't really out but most of it was gone. I mean, the chicken hardly got touched, everyone mostly ate the chicken, I mean turkey.

Then I went to bed.

The End.

Well, I'm getting The End so I guess I'll say "E" End. Well, I guess....Oh, well.

Kirsten - Well

My boyfriend got back from his trip yesterday.

Yesterday was also "Finally Summer Day". Some celebrated by eating chicken and turkey sandwiches. My brothers and John also had problems working on their jobs, so Dad and Jennifer had them get together to resolve the problem.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ben - It was Ice Cream Soda Day

Yesterday I got up and did my list. Then I worked on my school work. Then I worked on my Biology project Kirsten gave me. Then we had dinner and had some root beer floats and watched a movie.

The End

Kirsten - Whatever

Yesterday we had root beer floats in celebration of Ice Cream soda Day. We also watched "Bridge to Terabitia" which happens to be based off the book I read in 3rd grade. It is a really good book. Pretty sad. The story is also based off a true story. I have to say the though, the trailers made the movie look like crap with a capital "C"!

Matt - Going with Dad to work

Well, my day started as me waking up. I woke up arond 6:48. I wanted to wake up at 6:00 a.m. because I wanted to get all my jobs done so I could come with dad to work. I did all my jobs. Next, I did my school work. When I finished my school that was due that day (that Kirsten had given me yesterday) I started on my next stuff which was math. Then next was going to leave for work.

I hadn't finished all of my math but I could do it while I was at Dad's work. Next I would finish all of my work at Dad's work, I had to read more of "The Trumpet of the Swan". Next we drove to Dad's work. Dad told me to get to work. I started work. When I was half way through Dad gave me some practice problems. Then I did the other half of the problems Kirsten had given to me.

Next, I started reading "The Trumpet of the Swan". It was time to go. We were in the car and I kept reading the rest of it. After about 10 or 5 minutes I had finished the rest of it. Then we went home.

Then we had some root beer floats. But before we had root beer floats we watched a movie, "Bridge to Terabithia" Next we went to bed.

The End

John-Michael - Ice Cream Soda Day.

I woke up in the morning. I had a good day. It was Ice Cream Soda Day. And at the end of the day I got a root beer float. Oh yes, I also had a reading paper that I did about El Nino. That's all I can remember.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Jennifer/Mom - World Sauntering Day

Yesterday was World Sauntering Day. So, in the evening we went out for a Saunter around the neighborhood. The kids got a kick out of it. We had a good time. Kirsten keeps forgetting to have the boys write down their posts. Hmmm....I can't decide whether to have them catch up or just pick up with tomorrow. I will decide tomorrow.

Dad - More film with Andrew

Here's the latest from our project:

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Jacob - Sunday

There was no school yesterday, and then I went to sleep for tomorrow. That's all.

Matt - Grounded

Yesterday I woke up. Because I didn't do my school or my jobs I got grounded. And that was my day.

The End

John-Michael - Flying home

I woke up at my dad's house. I didn't know I was at my dad's house, just kidding! I flew on an airplane yesterday. I took a two-hour drive just to get to the airport, can you believe that ?!? I can because I was the one who experienced it. Well, I had a really fun time on the whole week. I had a hard time packing. It was a long plan trip. It was a nice fun time. That was basically it. Oh yes, and I had some trail mix and chocolate bars and i read "Captain Underpants".


Jennifer/Mom - A day behind

Somehow we got to the end of the day and I didn't get the blogs written yesterday about what happened the day before entered in. Oh, happens. So the next three are posts that should have been posted yesterday but got missed.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Kirsten - Interesting News

I learned yesterday that my boyfriend was "ambushed" by a poisonous plant out in the foreign country he's hanging out in. Other than that we didn't really do anything. Same-old, same-old.

Jennifer/Mom - Picked up John-Michael

Got back from picking up Chris and John-Michael. Couldn't sleep so I am now going to type in Kirsten's blog which was waiting for me when I got back.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ben - I forgot again

I forgot again.

John-Michael - The nearly forgotten day

I got up in the morning and then I had oatmeal for breakfast.

I got a sub skate from Target and I have a fish that actually swims. I got them from Target. I went to the bookstore to get a pirate book. I came back to my dad's and looked at the pirate book. Then I watched a movie. And then I went to bed.

Trust me it was longer.

Matt - Not back to sleep

Yesterday I had woken up. I had wanted to go back to sleep but I wasn't able to. Then I did my jobs. Next I did my school work. That was it. I didn't tell much because there wasn't much to tell.

The End

Jacob - Before that

I went to blog and that's all!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

John-Michael - A whole enchilada with a side of fun.

Yesterday Anthony came over and then we went down to swim and I taught him. I taught him that little trick my mom taught me about practicing kicking off the side of the pool. Then I had a fun, fun time. Then I went back up to my dad's.

We watched Eragon last night. My dad says he didn't even know he had it. And that was pretty much my day.

Ben - Movie Day

Yesterday I got up and did my list. And I started the dishwasher because I had forgotten to start it the night before. Then we watched movies all day and I cleaned up the kitchen a little bit more after dinner. Then I went to bed.

The End

Matt - The many movie day

First I woke up. I unloaded the dishwasher first because Ben (or maybe Jacob) was in the shower. The dishwasher had dirty dishes in it so I didn't unload it. Kirsten told me to go to my room for a while because I wasn't doing my other jobs. Next Kirsten called me and told me to go in the shower. I had gotten distracted. Kirsten told me to go in the shower again and then I went in the shower.

Next I ate breakfast. Then did the rest of my jobs. Then we watched a bunch of movies. I'm not sure how many. When the movies were over, I was told to get in my pajamas and then Kirsten did my blog with me. My post I mean.

And then I went to bed and spent the next three hours NOT going to sleep. But after about one or two hours I wanted to.

The End

Kirsten - Smile Power Day

Yesterday was Smile Power Day. Yesterday I also woke up. Everyone decided they didn't want to do their work yesterday so they decided to do it on Saturday. So instead of school work everybody watched a lot of movies and that was it.

Jacob - Help me feel better

Yesterday I decided to go have school tomorrow at home. I had breakfast of eggs and rolls. I had a plan to watch a movie and then I watched a movie. When it was lunch time I had a pizza party for lunch. And then I played Wii. And then I helped feel better.

I had dinner. Egg-salad sandwich for dinner. Next time, John-Michael is back.

The End of our story....and don't miss our exciting adventure. "Help me feel better II: John-Michael returns to Colorado"

Friday, June 15, 2007

Matt - "Meet the Robinsons"

What was yesterday about? I'm thinking about what happened yesterday. I just can't remember yesterday. I can't I just can't remember what happened yesterday. I don't know where to begin. I can't remember the morning yesterday so I guess I'll skip.

Next we went to a movie called "Meet the Robinsons" When the movie was over we went home and that was it.

Kirsten - A postcard

Yesterday I received a post card from my boyfriend (because you know he isn't in the country at this time...) He said he would call me but long-distance is $5 a minute. My dad of course teased me about my boyfriend and called him a "honey bunny". Geez Louise.

We also went to see "Meet the Robinsons". Which was actually (surprisingly) a really cute movie. It probably could have done without the dinosaur though. :-P


P.S. John-Michael! I have a message for you! "Hello John!" Just wonderin' how's it hangin'? I'm sure you're out on the WEST coast having some summer fun in the sun :)

P.P.S. Happy Pop Goes the Weasel Day!

Ben - The day I went to work with dad

Yesterday I got up and did my list. Then I asked my dad if I could go with him to work and he said sure as long as I worked on my school work there. Then I worked on my homework until I went home.

Then I went home and worked on my computer a little until I went with dad to someplace special. Then I came back. Then dad and I went back home again and we cleaned the house up a little bit more. Then we went to the movies and saw, "Meet the Robinsons". Then we went back home. Then we went to bed.

The End

Jacob - School Two

I went to school two. After middle school. I'm going to high school. When it was the last day of school, I said "Thank you for having fun". After middle school, I went to high school next year and then when their school is over next year I'll go to high school again.

Dad - Some Pictures that were in the camera

I was doing some digital housecleaning today and found a few pictures:

I chose the Restaurant

Waiting for a movie

Talking to boyfriend Honey Bunny in Bolivia while waiting for a movie

It's "Smile Power Day"!

Andrew getting ready for bed

John-Michael - "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

I got up in the morning. At the very end of the day I watched a movie called "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". The old version the one where they have the orange faces and the green hair and the striped suits and Baruca looses her mind in the Egg place.

I had oatmeal for breakfast. Then I went downstairs to level 1 for Sister Beesley to pick me up. Then I had a really fun rest of the day. We went to Sister Beesley's house. Their cousin was there. He is staying with them. I played the paint game where you just paint and paint and paint on the computer. Then I said good bye and I went to my dad's work and I played and played and played and then I went back to my dad's.

Then I waited. I was waiting for a friend to come over to swim but he never did. So, when it was dark we watched "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" which I mentioned all the way at the top of the blog.

Before I watched the movie though I went to the bookstore. Then I came back to have a rest and play Pirates of the Caribbean chess.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ben - Pizza for dinner

Yesterday, I got up and did my list. Then I did my summer schoolwork. Then we watched the movie "Robin Hood". Then we had pizza for dinner and I finished cleaning the kitchen. Then I played on Warcraft until I went to bed.

The End

Matt - Lunch was tuna fish sandwiches

Well, I did my jobs, after I woke up and took my shower. Next what I did....was I did my schoolwork. When I had finished my schoolwork, I had to wait for Jacob's bus. This summer school bus that is, that drops him off at our house. When the bus came, I told Kirsten it was here, and then he came inside. Then we had lunch.

Lunch was tuna fish sandwiches and peanut butter sandwiches. Next, Kirsten told me to do some jobs. When I finished those jobs, I asked Kirsten if I could ask "D." if I could play with him, she said "yes". When I came back to the house, I told Kirsten he said, "no", and I walked around the house boredly. Next, I had asked Dad if I could play Wii. I played "Super-Monkey-Ball-Blitz" for a while.

Then, I asked Dad if I could have the keys to the basement door (which was locked) because the Nunchuck was down there. Then I played "The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess". then it was time for bed, and that was my day.

The End

Jacob - Good night Jacob

Yesterday I got up and went to shower and get dressed. Now I'm ready for school. After school I have a lunch. And then I finished the list and I ate dinner. I had pizza for dinner. Then I went to bed.

Kirsten - I don't want to do my blog I'm a grouch...

Ummmm...Yesterday was sewing machine day wasn't it? Oh, yeah and National Juggling day.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened it was all the same as usual.

Oh yeah, I made little pizzas last night. They were mini pizzas.

That's all.

John-Michael - Helicopter

I called my mom really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really really, early. Then I got picked up by Sister Williams. I went to a play day for the people of the church, for the kids in the church. Then I went and picked up Morgan which was at school and then I went back to have lunch. Then...I came back and then I went outside to play at their house with my chalk and my bug vacuum. I caught a real live ant! My grandma gave me a bug vacuum. My grandmother Christensen gave me the bug vacuum.

Then I came back to my dad's house and it was late. I did a rest and then I went swimming in the afternoon. Then that was my day. I went back to dad's house then I had a fun bath, then I went to bed.

Oh, in the middle of swimming I saw a helicopter. That's why this blog is call "Helicopter".

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Kirsten - Machine Day

Yesterday was Machine Day. So...."Happy Machine Day!"

Jennifer likes "Merry Machine Day" better but I like "Happy Machine Day" best. It's like "Happy Christmas". I don't think we did anything out-of-the

Ben - I forgot

I forgot what happened yesterday. So, I'm just going to say I did my list and my school work.

The End.

Matt - Yestersay (which was Machine day)

Yesterday was machine day. We didn't really do Machine Day but we surely did use them. Ha-ha-ha-ha.

The End

That's it.

Now it's really the end.


The End.

But not the end of our blog.

Jacob - Blah

I went to school. I got on the bus and I got off the bus. I went for a walk and then I talked so I felt better. But have to get wrong class on the first day of school. That's it! Good-bye.

John-Michael - Machine Day

Yesterday I forgot to celebrate Machine Day but I might do it today. I'm still visiting my dad. I also got to see Mrs. Hill yesterday. I had fun with her and Zach Hill. When I picked up Zach from school, I had a turn on the swing and another little girls mother was walking away from her. I heard a little girl saying "Mommy, Mommy!" so I ran up the the mom and told her that her little girl was calling her. And then while we were walking back I saw another little girl right behind that one and asked her if she wanted to go on the swing and she said, "Yes" and so I walked away from the swing.

I got back and it was kind of dark. I asked my dad if we could please go down to the pool and he said "Yes" because I hadn't gone down to the pool yet that day. So, I went to the pool and I got boiled, frozen, boiled, frozen, boiled, frozen, boiled, frozen, because the pool was like a big deep freeze and the hot tub was like a pot of boiling water.

After that I watched some "School House Rock" and then I went to bed.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

John-Michael - King Kameahmea Day

I woke up in San Diego. I did stuff all day with my dad. I drew pictures of Hawaii. I had hug time. I think I got a rake. A rainbow chalk rake. It's very cool. It can draw with 5 colors at once. And I got a car. I think it is a black Hummer truck. A remote controlled black Hummer truck. That was fun to play with it.

I went to the pool right when I got back from the store. I had gotten a new swimming suit. I found a new dragon ball inside of my swimming suit. It was for my special nets that were for the pool.

I went swimming in the afternoon and that was my day.

Matt - My not so good day...

Well, first I woke up. Next, I did my jobs. Then I did my school-work. Jacob got to play Wii because he finished all of his work first. I was in trouble. I wasn't allowed to play on the Wii. I was in trouble because I wouldn't do my work.

Kirsten - "Peanut Butter Jelly Time"

Yesterday nothing much happened. Ben and Matt got in trouble for not doing their work...again. There is something I've been thinking about recently. That would be Peanut Butter and Jelly.

I was very odd as a child. I didn't like macaroni and cheese and I absolutely despised peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. For some reason, I absolutely love them!!! Which reminds me of my favorite song "Peanut Butter Jelly Time".

Ben - King Kameahmea Day

Yesterday I got up and did my list. I forgot what happened yesterday. So, I'm done.

Jacob - Yesterday was Monday

Jennifer told me that yesterday was Monday, now here is today! So, I almost went to Grandma's house yesterday because I want my water bottle back. I forgot it at Grandma's on Sunday.

That's all I can tell you.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Dad - Driving

I rented a really cool car today, and the best part was that it was FREE!!!!

Even better yet I got to see Andrew for a few moments!

Jacob - Yo-Yo Day

Yesterday was National Yo-Yo Day. On yesterday I took a shower and I bumped my head. At bedtime I went to go to sleep. We went to Grandma's house.

Ben - Celebrating National Yo-Yo Day

Yesterday I got up and did my list. Then, dad and I ordered some pizza and we went and bought some Yo-Yos for National Yo-Yo Day. Then we came and we had some lunch, which was the pizza of course. Then we went to Grandma's house and played there until we went home. Then I went to bed.

The End

Matt - I forgot

Okay...I forgot.

The End

Kirsten - National Yo-Yo Day

Yesterday was National Yo-Yo Day. It was also Sunday.

I helped John-Micheal pack his clothes. I remember exactly what he packed. I'm going to miss that John-Micheal. If you're reading this I just want to say, "Hiya John-Michael! How's the East coast treatin' ya?"

I also went to work yesterday. That was fun. I actually like going to work.

PS: Oh! John-Michael if you're still reading this (assuming you ever began to) I know you're not on the East coast. Just testing you! Better keep an eye-out I'm sneaky.

John-Michael - The Day of Yo-Yos

I learned how to Yo-Yo yesterday! And I actually....well....I had a fun time yesterday. An extremely fun time, 'cause I was going to my dad's...but that is not the subject now is it? But I was just mentioning it for fun.

So, back to yo-yos. I am pretty good at yo-yoing now. I know how to do a throw and a bounce back. They are pretty easy. But the long way's roll up is much harder. You put it on your middle finger and then you set the yo-yo a little bit away and then you start pulling it and it turns and turns. It's receiving the string and pulling on the string. It's kind like a mountain climber. He reaches up and grabs some and then reaches up and grabs another. And the yo-yo turns in and pulls on the string.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Kirsten - So Mad!

As the audience will most likely be able to tell from the previous posts, we came back from the cabin yesterday. After getting back from the cabin, I went to work. That of course, is not why I was upset.

As my siblings failed to describe, aside from cabin adventures, we went out to dinner. John-Michael chose the restaurant. We went to Country Buffet. No, that's still not why I was upset. My brother's also forgot to mention that we called my mom so we could talk to Andrew.

Let's just say that the conversation I had with my mother was very obnoxious. That's why I was mad. To be blunt, I was mad at my mother. Mom if your reading this, "Hi and now you know".


Ben - Leaving the cabin....again

Yesterday I got up and played around with Matt and John-Michael until we asked Dad and Jennifer if we could watch a movie. After watching the movie we packed up to go 4-wheeling and then home.

Once we were home we did some rest time and I cleaned the kitchen and read a little until I went to the Boy Scout garage sale. After I was done working at the garage sale, I went home and then had dinner. After dinner I cleaned the kitchen. I went onto World of Warcraft. After playing on Warcraft I went to bed.

The End

Matt - 4-wheel drive on the mountains

The next day I woke up. Then everyone else woke up. After that, we started getting ready to go. When we were finished we started going up the mountain. While we were up in the mountain there were lots of spots that were pretty scary. Finally we got back down Dad found a sign that said, "No motor vehicles" flattened into the ground. It was alright though because everyone brings up motor vehicles.

Then we were on our way home. Right when we went home, we did some rest time. I don't remember so, the end.

Jacob - Post cabin...

I woke up at the cabin. We got ready to go. We went home. after we got home we have a Sunday ice cream, and then at bedtime I went to sleep.

John-Michael - Leaving the Cabin

I had a really fun day yesterday. We went EXTREME 4-wheeling. I was really scared even afterwards I was scared of going 4-wheeling ever again.

When we got home we got ice cream Sundays! Then I did rest time. Then Kirsten dictated my blog.

Then we went to Country Buffet. Because it was my last day I got to choose where we went. It was my last day before visiting my dad in San Diego, which is WAY far away. It was a very special day and that was it.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Kirsten - "Arthur and the Invisibles"

Yesterday, we packed up the necessary equipment in order to go to the cabin. We brought a lot of food with us.

We stayed the night and watched an incredibly ridiculous movie called "Arthur and the Invisibles". Besides having strange animation the story was over-all highly cliche and had an extremely absurd plot. The movie discussed African tribes and Yin and Yang. It was very strange. Indeed....very strange. Indubitably.


John-Michael - Cabin Poetry

I went to the cabin
Then watched a good movie.
Then went right to bed in a very nice bed.
I went right to sleep,
And woke in the morning,
To get my clothes on,
And have a good day.

The End

Matt - A triping up to the cabin

I woke up the next morning, then I took my shower. I did my jobs. After that, I did my work. Next, after school, I was told to get ready to go to the cabin. At the cabin I saw Ben try to get the TV connected to the Atari. The Atari works fine, but not the TV. Then I saw Kirsten was playing the game scrabble. She asked me if I wanted to play, I said, "NO!" Then we watched a movie. After that I went to bed. The End. Of my post to the blog.

Jacob - Cabin

I went to cabin, and I watch a "Arthur and the Invisibles". And then I went to bed.

That's all!

Ben - The first day of the Boy Scout Yard Sale

Yesterday I got up and read a little and then got in trouble for not going my work. Then I went and did my list, then I went off to help my fellow boy-scouts with the garage sale to earn money for the camping trip. After that, it was 6:00, so I went home.

Then we went up to our cabin and spent the night there watching a movie and then going to bed.

The End

Jennifer/Mom - Yesterday's posts posted today.

The three posts below this are actually yesterday's posts. We got a couple done before we left for the cabin but couldn't get a connection to work up there so...they are being posted today.

I will post today's posts as they get finished.

Kirsten - Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Yesterday was Chocolate Ice Cream Day. Therefore, we had chocolate ice cream. I also took Ben and Matt to the library. Matt checked out a really good book by Louis Sacher entitled "There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom". We also started watching "Oliver". That was pretty much it though.

John-Michael - I had a fun day.

Yesterday I did a lot of work in the morning. I had a really fun day. Oh yeah, I learned the first part of how to type! I learned "a, s, d, f" and "j, k, l, ;" as well as the space key.

We had National Chocolate Ice Cream Day. I had homemade pizzas and watched "Oliver". And that was the end of my day.

Ben - National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Yesterday I got up and did my list. I went to the library. After we finished with the library we went back home and read some books undtil I cleaned the kitchen. After cleaning the kitchen I had dinner, then I had some chocolate ice cream while watching a movie. Then I went to bed.

I'm done...the end.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Jacob - We did do a party.

I woke up and I did take a shower so at night I had a party. What I did school I practiced. I practiced typing by having lessons.

I celebrated National Chocolate Ice Cream Day. And tomorrow it will be cabin night....we're on today!

And that's all!

Matt - "O-li-ver"

Well, first I woke up. Then I took my shower. After that I started doing my jobs. When I had finished my jobs, I started doing my school work. After that, we went to the library. At the library, we got some books. Ben has like 20 on his library card, I was quite surprised. Now he has like 30.

When we got back we watched a show called "Oliver". It was like 4 hours long but we only watched half. After that I went to bed and that was my day.

The End...not of "Oliver" though.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Jennifer/Mom - Found it!

We have had a really great time celebrating our holidays!

Here is the cartoon I was remembering when I first thought of the "iiinnnteresting monster".

Hair-Raising Hare


Ben - Another day in trouble

Yesterday I got up and I kind of did my list. I was in the kitchen cleaning kind of and Matt and I started arguing so I got sent to my room with my school work. Then I worked on my school work...kind of. Then Kirsten brought up lunch and then after eating lunch I got back to work until Kirsten called me out of my room to clean the kitchen. After cleaning the kitchen properly, I went back to my room to work on my work.

Then I got out for dinner. Then I finished cleaning the dishes then I played on Wii because Kirsten and Jennifer left for the store and I didn't get to go. After a while of playing on Wii I had to stop playing because Matt kept sneaking out of bed and watching and also because it was late (almost 10:00).

The End

John-Michael - The played game

I made a game the day before yesterday and I played it yesterday. And it was a fun game. It was called "World Environment Day" to celebrate World Environment Day. World Environment Day was the day before yesterday but we didn't get a chance to play it that day.

That's all I can think of for my day and so.....The End

Kirsten - Yesterday had no overall theme so there is no title

Yesterday not too much happened. We were going to celebrate Applesauce Cake Day but we did not have an applesauce cake made yet, so Ben, Matt, Jacob, John-Michael and I played Wii instead. Once my brothers and John-Michael were in bed Jennifer and I left and bought ice cream.

The End....oh, also, our mom did not call us yesterday but we called her....several times.

Matt - My normal day

First I woke up and took my shower. After that I got dressed. Then I started doing my jobs. Then I started doing my school work. After that Jacob and John-Michael and Kirsten played Wii. After that we played this game that John-Michael had worked on and made. Ben won the game. Then we went to bed and that was my day.

Jacob - Jacob Runyan

Yesterday was Wednesday. I did lots of school work yesterday. I did reading and math yesterday. After school I have a talk about Wii with Jennifer. I did listen very carefully. I talked about being a good sport. Then I played Wii. I was a good sport. I made a new level in Super Monkey Ball - Banana Blitz.

I had dinner last night and tomorrow is a party. And now it's today.

The End of Story

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Kirsten - Festival of Popular Delusions

Yesterday was the "Festival of Popular Delusions" which (if you don't know), is an American Holiday. We pasted drawings of our favorite popular delusions onto blue-sky poster board. I picked the Loch-Ness Monster, the Easter Bunny and Monsters in the Closet, while others drew Aliens, the "Book of Mormon", Religion, Adam and Eve, Moses parts the Red Sea, the earth is flat, Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, the Earth is the center of the Universe, Noah's Ark and the idea that the moon landing was a fake.

Matt - Let's See...

Let's see, I'm not sure...I'm not sure...I'm not sure...I'm not sure....what...I'm going to do what I did. Hmmmmm.....what did we do yesterday?

Ben - A reading day

Yesterday I got up and did summer school. After a while I got in trouble for not working, then I went to my room because I was in trouble and I read there for a while. I went out but I forgot why. Then I set the table and later we had dinner. After dinner I cleaned the kitchen until I went to bed.

The End. That Is All!

John-Michael - Another Party Day!

My day was an interesting day yesterday. It was a fun day. It was a fun time too. It was easy work for summer school but kind of hard for all my jobs but I had fun. Then there was a fun game we played and then we did "Popular Delusions". Earlier in the day I made a game. Then after "Popular Delusions" it was bed time.

Jacob - A Poster

I woke up and I did take a shower. At night we made a poster. That's all.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Jacob - An Exciting Adventure

Yesterday was the first day of summer school. I did math and reading. After school we went to two stores to get party stuff. I went to party. At bed-time, I went to sleep.

End of Story

Matt - First Day of Summer School/Party Time!

Yesterday was iiinnnteresting. The interesting yesterday was our first day of summer school. It also was the day we celebrated our first day of school on our first day of school. I did geography. I was slow because I had done a lot of math so it was hard for me to skip to that subject. When school was finished we started getting ready for our party. At our party the beginning of our party Dad started making some Root Beer by hand. We watched the movie "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets". When we got half-way through it was time for bed and I went to sleep.

The End

Ben - First Day of Summer School and a Party

Yesterday I got up and did my no-school morning list. Afterwards, I did home-school until I ate breakfast and then got right back to work. Then I played Wii a little and cleaned the kitchen. After a while we went to the store to buy some items for the party we were going to have that day. After going shopping we went home and made Rood Beer while I cleaned the kitchen a little bit more. Then we had dinner with Root Beer and had a dessert of Root Beer Floats. Then watched "Harry Potter" #2. After watching "Harry Potter", I cleaned the kitchen.

The End

Kirsten - Root Beer

Yesterday we had summer school. Which meant Jacob, Ben, Matt and John-Michael work on school assignments and I teach them and help them.

We also had a part in celebration of our first day of school and applesauce cake day (which we later that night discovered was a different day but oh well. We made Root Beer for the party. Luckily we already had some Root Beer concentrate because all they had at the store was Rum flavoring. We made 4-5 gallons of Root Beer. It was fantastic!

I was just thinking, it's really too bad my boy-friend is leaving the country. I'll miss him.

John-Michael - The day of a party

I had a reeeaally, a reeeeaaally and it was a reeeaaally fun time at a reeeeaaally fun party and I had some pop. We used dry ice, pop flavoring and dunnn...da...dunn! Dry ice....wait...did I already say that?!? Let's see...oh, that's all I can think of.

The End

Monday, June 4, 2007

John-Michael - My Great Day - The great day of the John-Michael

I'm having a fun time. I forgot what yesterday was. I shall use my smart brain.......Sunday! Yesterday was Sunday!


OK, that's my one day.

Jacob - Less than interested in writing a blog because he was in the middle of reading "Charlotte's Web" at the time.

I'm not sure what happened yesterday. I'm not sure, so I'm done.

Kirsten - Work

Yesterday I went to work. At work I played with a lot of kids because we were busy last night.

My mom also called us last night and told me that my step-father hated my guts. Yes, I know lots of warm fuzzies. My mom also would not let me talk to my brother Andrew. :( I was very sad. *tear *tear

Ben - Working down at the shop and chicken nonsense

I got up and completed my list. Then we went down to the shop. After finishing at the shop we went back home and read and then Dad said we could go watch a movie. Then Jennifer came back with pizza for dinner.

Then we ate pizza and cinnamon sticks. Then I cleaned the kitchen. After cleaning the kitchen, Matt, John, Ben and Kirsten talked to Dad and Jennifer and then we went to bed.

The End

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Kirsten - I won...hehe.

Well, yesterday, we came back from the cabin. At the cabin I made pancakes. After we went to the cabin, I went to work. I really enjoy stuff.

Later that night, Ben and I played the Wii. I challenged him to an extremely hard puzzle game...I won...hehe.

I also had cookie-dough ice-cream. Therefore my tummy was full of luscious goodies and yum-yums.

Ben - Leaving the Cabin

Yesterday I woke up and started messing around until breakfast. We had a breakfast of pancakes and syrup.

After breakfast we started cleaning out the cabin and watched a movie. Afterward, we left the cabin and our way back home Dad bought us ice-cream cones! After eating our ice-cream cones, we went home.

At night-time Kirsten and I played on the Wii and Kirsten challenged me to a puzzle game. I had 48 pieces. It took half an hour to finish. Kirsten won. After the puzzle, I went to bed.

The End

Matt - The sleepover at the cabin

We had stayed at the cabin. At the cabin we had just played around. We played lots of games together. I think the cabin is really good. It seems like a home now. Finally it was time to go back home. At home we were told to go rest. When I woke up I was happy for the sleep because I needed it. After dinner we went to bed. That was my day.

Jennifer/Mom - Keeping up with the blog

We've had sooooooooo much going on that it has been tough to keep up with the blogging this weekend. So, we will be getting back on schedule this next week. Well, here are the blogs we have today. I might post again when I am done getting these in.

Friday, June 1, 2007

John-Michael - The "I Don't Remember Day"

I'm too sleepy to do a blog right now, but I guess I'll tell you a little about my day Let's see..

I'm going back in my brain I came home from school and I played "Labyrinth" with Kirsten. That's all I can remember.

Kirsten - Nothing

I'm too tired to write anything and there's nothing really to write about ....Goodnight!


Ben - Movie Day in School

Yesterday I got up and got ready or school and was off for school. after having breakfast we went to music class After music class we went back to class and watched "March of the Penguins". After watching "March of the Penguins". We cleaned out our desks and put our stuff in our backpacks. after packing our stuff we got to play boardgames and watched another movie until lunch recess. After lunch/recess we practiced the sixth grade continuation, then we went home. At home I rested until we had dinner. After dinner I got ready for the sixth grade continuation.

After the sixth grade continuation I played with the neighbors, then I read a little and then I went to bed.

The End

Matt - What I did yesterday

Where do I start?

The End

Jacob - Field Trip

I went to school. I went to swimming place and then i don't know what they're saying And we finished swimming and then we went to a picnic. and then we went back to school.

Soon I went back home and then I took another shower. Then I went to find dinner I had macaroni and cheese.

Jennifer/Mom - Late postings....

Just a note all the following posts were witten down yesterday but there wasn't an opportunity to type them in yesterday. So, they are getting typed in today and maybe or maybe not we will have second posts for today about yesterday.

Dad - Yellow Submarine

Yesterday I wrote a very silly blog but i'm sure I can do better next time as we take silliness to new hights and probe the depths of goofiness and absurdity, in our yellow submarine.

"Never fear underdog is here!"

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Kirsten - Pumpkin Juice

Yesterday I made two loaves of banana bread and I read "The Tale of Despereaux" as well as finishing the first book in the "Artemis Fowl" series and beginning the second. There was a very, very intense rain storm at that time I was with my dad and we decided to get hot chocolate that tasted like pumpkin juice.

That was really it.

John-Michael - Good News

I had a short visit at the dentist and it was fun. It didn't even hurt. Well, a tiny bit. A certain machine had so strong vibration it felt like it was drilling right through my tooth and I was scared!

When I got back to school I had lunch in my room in my own place at my table. And during lunch one of my loose teeth fell out. And there is so much more that I don't even think I can tell you but here is a little bit more.

After lunch I went to specials and I got to have my writing celebration treat. But during lunch my teacher was reading the book when my tooth just popped out. I didn't really know my tooth popped out when it did but then I suddenly noticed that it had popped out. I said, "'Mrs. Wonderful' my tooth just popped out." But I had a little bit of grilled cheese sandwich in my mouth and my tooth in my mouth and I didn't want to accidentally swallow my tooth with my little bit of chewed up grilled cheese sandwich.

But that was my day.