Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Kirsten - Blog 12-24-07

Today I slept in since I was tired. I also started reading "State of Fear" by Michael Chrichton yesterday. I actually meant to start it years ago. I'm actually really glad I waited. I'm only one chapter in the book and there has already been one murder. I think there's supposed to be a total of three murders throughout the world that are all connected.

Yesterday I also started "Europe's Last Summer." Its a non-fiction book about the causes of the Great War (most widely known as World War One). I do believe that "Europe's Last Summer" does not claim the war can be attributed to "Entangling Alliances." "Dreadnought" also theorized that the cause was not entangling alliances. Actually, I agree. I think there was more to the Great War than entangling alliances. Actually, sometimes I wonder whether or not Wilson actually knew the meaning of the word "Entente" when he claimed the cause was "Entangling Alliances" Oh well. We're actually starting "Europe's Last Summer" next semester. I'm just really excited to read it.

In addition, yesterday I watched J's video on Kim Jong II. It was really good. He should have received a good grade for it, but I'm not sure if he will. His teacher is a nut. Actually, anyone who says "M'Kay" with such emphasis on the "M" is probably a nut.

Well, that's about it. Since I don't celebrate Christmas I'd like to wish you all a Happy Winter Solstice and a Happy Atheimas (as Dad and Jennifer would say)!

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