Monday, December 3, 2007

The Birthday Blog! - Jennifer/Mom

We celebrated Chris' birthday over the weekend. The kids and I made a big deal about it and cooked up quite the feast. We even had roast beast!

Later that day we went down to Englewood and lit the tree. There was a sleet storm that cleared right before Santa arrived and left a beautiful rainbow behind for a few minutes.

After the tree was lit came the fireworks show!

Then it was home for cake and ice cream for the birthday boy and company!

It's not very often that you see a Christmas tree, a rainbow, sleet, rain, hail and fireworks all in the same least not all on the same day in Colorado. Very appropriate for the celebration of Chris' birthday!

All in all, a very wonderful day!

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Wow Jennifer, those pictures you took of the tree were really good.