Thursday, June 14, 2007

John-Michael - Helicopter

I called my mom really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really really, early. Then I got picked up by Sister Williams. I went to a play day for the people of the church, for the kids in the church. Then I went and picked up Morgan which was at school and then I went back to have lunch. Then...I came back and then I went outside to play at their house with my chalk and my bug vacuum. I caught a real live ant! My grandma gave me a bug vacuum. My grandmother Christensen gave me the bug vacuum.

Then I came back to my dad's house and it was late. I did a rest and then I went swimming in the afternoon. Then that was my day. I went back to dad's house then I had a fun bath, then I went to bed.

Oh, in the middle of swimming I saw a helicopter. That's why this blog is call "Helicopter".

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