Monday, July 30, 2007

Ben - Matt stole my title

Yesterday I got up and did my list. Then at 10:00 I read and finished Harry Potter number seven. Then when Kirsten and Jennifer left the house we all went "Woo-Hoo" so loudly that Jennifer and Kirsten could hear us.

Then we played on Wii a game called "SpongeBob Square Pants - Creature from the Crusty Crab". Then I made some brownies and I played on Matt's Pinball machine a little. Then I did some other stuff until I went to bed.

The End

Matt - Creature from the Crusty Crab

Yesterday, I woke up. I messed around a little bit and then I did my jobs. When I finished my jobs Jennifer was going to leave with Kirsten. We played "Creature from the Crusty Crab" and "World of Warcraft". During the middle of the party Dad showed me how the lantern is lit. Dad had a new one for decoration for his desk.

When we were finished, we went to bed and that was my day.

John-Michael - Game Day

First I woke up and then I did my jobs. Then the boys searched for something to do. Then we asked if we could play Wii. We went up into the room to get a certain game. It was called "The Creature from the Crusty Crab" and also we got out a Superman Pinball game. That was basically what we did until it was bedtime. Then we ate dessert first so we had to have breakfast. We had breakfast for dinner.

Jacob - Jennifer

Uh, Jennifer? I'm here to talk to you. (Tell me about your day yesterday Jacob.)

Let me tell you about the day. (Good plan)

I woke up after I had a weird dream. I'll tell you what my weird dream is later. And later we went to take turns on the Wii. And then I have breakfast and we didn't have dinner and that was opposite. And then I went to bed when there bedtime.

In my dream Jacob lived in Bikini Bottom. There fish or whatever it is. I went to outer space and I'm going to a galaxy. It was a weird dream.

Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you more about the weird dream.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

John-Michael – The Apex

First I woke up and did my jobs and then I watched a movie and then we went swimming at the Apex. First I went on the water playground, then I practiced walking on logs on the water and then I thought about going on the big slides. I walked up with Kirsten and then when I saw how twisty and turney it was I thought, “I don’t want to do this!” and then I ran away from Kirsten and went down the stairs and did something else. And then I swam around.

Then my mom came and got me and said, “I’m going to help you get over this fear.” And then I rode right in front of my mom and then once I got through I was really happy! I did it on the floaties a whole bunch of times and then I did it just regularly just a few times. Then me and my mom raced. Then we left.

It was the very funnest experience I have had in my whole life!

Jacob – Talking about swimming

I did go figure out to go swimming. So, I did get in the swimming suit and that’s all I can do.

Matt – Swimming at the Apex

Yesterday I woke up and then took my shower. Next I unloaded the dishwasher. Actually no, I was going to unload the dishwasher but there were no clean dishes. Ben had forgotten to start it last night. Then I finished my other jobs and then I did school work.

After school we watched some movies. Then when Dad and Jennifer came home we watched the rest of our movie and then Jennifer took us to the Apex Center. Dad didn’t come because he was tired. At the Apex Center we had a LOT of fun!

There were these two slides. One you could go on just as a person and one that you had a float. I loved it how the tubes led out of the Apex Center and then back in. And there are two hot tubs. One for just grown ups that kids are not allowed in because it is very, very hot and there’s another one that is for kids. It is still hot but not hot enough that kids are not allowed in it.

I had fun!

Ben – The Apex Center

Yesterday I got up and cleaned the house with Matt, Jacob and John. Then I did some school and had lunch. Then we watched some movies until we went to the Apex Center. We swam at the Apex Center until 6:00 p.m. Then we had Taco Bell for dinner and I read Harry Potter and cleaned up the kitchen and then went to bed.

The End

Kirsten - This blog will have no title

This blog has no title, sorry. It turns out my mom did send my clothes back with my dad. that was surprising. Right now I am extremely annoyed, mostly with my brothers and John. I guess that would be normal.

I was really busy at work yesterday. I can't believe I got everything done. Of course I did have to stay a few extra minutes in order to finish everything. I also dropped the remainder of Ben's books off at the library. That was some of my day.

Ben - The day before my birthday

yesterday I got up and did my list. Then we played and watched some movies and had rest time and played some more. Then I went to bed and watched my clock until I fell asleep.

Matt - The day before Ben's birthday

Okay, yesterday, I woke up and showered. Then I did my jobs, and I forgot what we did next. So, I'll just skip to the part I remember. Jennifer told me to go to bed, because it was bedtime, and then I went to bed and Ben told me that tomorrow was his birthday. So, I went and put it on the calendar.

The End

John-Michael - Don't Know

The reason my blog is named "Don't Know" is because I don't remember what I did yesterday. I know I had a fun time with Battlestorm.

The End

Jacob -"Fiddler on the Roof" was obvious

It was my fault to ruin the blog. I did watch "Fiddler on the Roof". "Fiddler on the roof" was obvious. So, I can't explain you. I have nothing to do to help myself. I am so sorry.

The End

Kirsten- Bed-times :(

Well, yesterday I slept in-which threw everyone off schedule…oops. Which meant that last night I had to have a bed-time L. But honestly, I probably should give myself a bed-time; I still won’t like it though. You see I was tired from not sleeping. I hate sleeping. People waste half their lives sleeping. Anyway, yesterday, everyone else was grouchy too because they hadn’t been getting enough sleep either. Everyone went to bed earlier. Other than an early bed-time, I didn’t really do much yesterday…same old, same old. I did watch the second part of Fiddler on The Roof (which is an excellent movie btw). It’s probably an even better live performance. I also called my boyfriend, but that’s really it. I forgot to call my mom and ask her to send back my clothes. Oh well, apparently I can’t call her today either. I called and the number has been disconnected or something. I don’t know.

Matt- And that was my day

Yesterday, I woke up. And did my shower when it was my turn. Next, I did school. After that I did my jobs, I didn’t complete them entirely, so I got bread and water for lunch. Which we did have enough time. And then, what did we do next? I don’t know what happened, so I’ll just skip it. And that was my day.

Jacob- Time-out

I woke up in the morning. I took a shower, and then I ate breakfast. At the school, I got in time-out. When the time was up, I wasn’t in the time-out anymore. But it’s almost the end of our story. When I’m frustrated. And then, I have grain for lunch. And then I had peanut-butter and jelly sandwich for dinner. The end of our story.

John- A a B b C c

I woke up yesterday. Um, and I had cereal. And then we cleaned up, and then we did school, and then we did our jobs, and then we got out of school. And that is all I want to say.

Ben-In the “Pit”

Yesterday I got up and did my school requirements and did school. Then we did our jobs and watched some movies. Then we played “Pit” and did some other stuff. The end.

Jennifer/Mom - Waterlogged

Friday began with a phone call that the fountain had been soaped (again). So Chris and I changed the plans with the kids (which were to go swimming right after jobs got finished) and headed to the fountain to clean it all up. We formulated our plan as we went. We thought this time would go faster. Last week it took a while because we had never cleaned it up before.

I, of course, got to jump in the fountain and scrub the "ring-around-the-fountain" while the water drained. Now that Chris has figured out how to drain the fountain faster it is kind of a race to see which gets done first. Chris started draining the fountain and things were on their way. It is always funny to see how many people stop to chat while we're working on the fountain. Especially when we are fixing something inside.

So, as I am scrubbing around the edge with a deck brush in a pool of bubble filled water, within just a few minutes someone stops and asks if we were scrubbing/cleaning because the bubbles were there or if the bubbles were there because we were cleaning. No joke....that was his question. I told him, "Yes". Then after he gave me a "you really are a smart-aleck" look I elaborated further by explaining that yes we were taking advantage of the bubbles to clean but that no, we wouldn't have put bubbles in on purpose.

Well, after the pool was restored to it's bubble-free state and after we had fixed a few other valves, etc. we headed home. The kids had done their work and were so they finished their movie while I rested a bit and then we were off to the pool! It was fun. Needless to say, like the title of my blog, I was waterlogged.

Well, somehow I got behind once again in posting, although the kids have been writing. I'll post what I can find and we will move on from here!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Kirsten - Muppet Movies

Yesterday I made breakfast. But really nothing happened. We did watch some Muppet Movies.

Jacob - Breakfast

I had for breakfast eggs, bacon, and food salad.

There you go.

Ben - I went to the store.

Yesterday I got up, took a shower, made my bed, got dressed and had breakfast. Then I threw a temper tantrum. Then swept and mopped the kitchen. Then I worked on my school work.

Then I went to the store with Jennifer. Then I went back home and then I watched a movie. Then we did some other stuff. Then I ate dinner and went to bed.

John-Michael - Super Target, Super Target, Super Target, Target, Target

Let's see...I went to Super Target in the middle of my school work. When I got back I did the 2nd period of my school work. Then I had dinner. Bologna Sandwiches.

That was my day.

Matt - Super Target

Yesterday I woke up. I saw Kirsten telling John-Michael...I mean I heard Kirsten tell John-Michael to get in the shower. Next it was Jacob, then me, then Ben. I did my school-work. But in the middle of my school we went to Super Target.

That was my day.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Ben - A week of wilderness fun.

On Sunday I went to the church at eleven-thirty. We got our stuff in the car and went to Peaceful Valley. Then I messed around until I went to bed.

On Monday morning I had breakfast. Then I went to Eagle-Bound I and learned about orienteering. Then I did orienteering again for Eagle-Bound II. Then I went to the lake with my swimming trunks on and learned the rules of the lake so I could get my canoeing merit badge. Then I did a swimming test to see how good a swimmer I was and passed it entirely. Then I messed around and went to bed.

Then on Tuesday I learned, in Eagle-Bound I, first aid and for Eagle-Bound II I won first place for an orienteering test. Then I did a canoeing lesson and there were these boys in a sailboat who were teasing the canoers, so one of the staff members said all the canoers could splash them. Then I messed around. It hailed really hard, then I went to bed.

To be continued....

Matt - Board Games

Yesterday I did my list and then I played. Next we played some board games for about two hours. Maybe half...maybe an hour and a half. Then next I went to bed.

John-Michael - The "toothless wonder" became even more toothless!

I went to J. W.'s house yesterday and I had a play day yesterday. I didn't get to do water balloons but I still had a fun time. My tooth was loose and I accidentally bumped it on something and it popped out.

I played chess with my mom with coordinates over the phone. I had a pirates of the Caribbean chess board. She had a regular board. We had to end in the middle so we will have to finished the game later.

That was my day.

John-Michael - A day with Mrs. H

I had a fun time yesterday. Mrs. H. watched me while my dad went to work. I watched a few TV shows and then I watched a video tape. After I watched a video tape I went to bed.

With Mrs. H. I had a snack and played at the center Then I played baseball then I played on the swings. The H's have an automatic pitcher in their backyard.

Jennifer/Mom - A point from a friend

A friend of mine recently made the point that eveyone posts but me and asked why? I responded that I post almost everyone else's posts so it seems like I post all the time. I agreed though that I probably needed to post some more.

Of course, as I said back when I was posting more often, I get intimidated by Chris' posts and then my self-consciousness kicks in and....well...."that's all she wrote"....quite literally!

Ok, so back to me posting about me. I got some board games and card games the other day and I have been playing them with "the boys" (including Chris). Racko is a fun one and Rummikub is one of my favorites. Soon I will break out the "Skip-Bo" cards and then next will probably be to teach Ben and Kirsten how to play Rook. I think they would like pinochle also. We'll see.

We also need to get back to doing "Chicken Fat" and the other line dancing songs we have each day. We had a good time when we were doing them every day. It was fun! "Go you chicken fat gooooooooooooo!"

I also read a science fiction book recently but I can't tell you anything about it because I'm not supposed to spoil it for Chris who hasn't read it in a LONG time. I liked it though. Maybe I'll pick up a Tom Clancy book next. There are a few of those around.

Ok, so there is a post from me. The next few posts will be catching up and then we will have the "regularly scheduled" posts for today.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dad - It's broke

It seems like everything has broken recently.

The wind blew a section of fence down that had rotted because the post's concrete was pored too low. Then the electric car had two batteries go bad. Then my computer's video cards died, followed by the motherboard. I bet the motherboard killed the video cards.

And the fan died on the furnace/air conditioner or rather it burned up. When I was checking it out I wired up one of the lower speeds and FLAMES shot out of the motor which was a pretty good indicator that the motor had gone bad.

We put a new post in and poured new concrete around it. I went through the electric car's batteries and found the bad ones and replaced them. It's back to its speedy little self.

After getting three new video cards (I use 4-6 monitors) and an overnight delivery of a brand spanking new motherboard my computer has been successfully resurrected.

Then Ben and I went to the heating/air conditioning supply store and bought a new motor. Jennifer helped me install it and we have air conditioning again. YEA!

So now it's time to fix the backyard's sprinklers and finish the tile in the bathroom.

There seems to be a pattern here.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

John-Michael - Legos and Movies

Yesterday I had a fun time. I wrote a blog about church. I made a few scanners out of paper and I turned the table basically into a play arena of Legos.

I played with my dad a whole lot and we watched a lot of movies too. We also went down to the office to see if there were any packages. I went to sleep after we checked for the packages.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Matt - Mexican Food

Yesterday I woke up and went back to sleep. Then I woke up and started on the family room. I did not do very well because I was tired.

Next Jacob had finished his list then he went on Paper Mario. He was going to the Shadow Queen. Next he had to go off because he needed to do his school work. I still couldn't finish my work because I didn't want to I guess.

Then I decided to do it and I started getting going and then Jacob put another load on the couch. I thought I had a LOT do do then because it looked like more. Part of it was because it was on a different couch than usual. I was getting even closer to done but then it was time to go to dinner. We went to a Mexican restaurant. I ate a chicken and been burrito with mild sauce but didn't taste mild to me. I am so glad I didn't get the hot sauce.

Then we went home. I had only finished a little more than a third of my burrito. Kirsten hadn't had dinner so I gave the rest to her. We went home and I finished my work. Next I watched some of "The Muppet Show"

Kirsten - Sunday the great

Curse you John-Michael title stealer....I was going to choose "Sunday" as my title but you had already taken it.

Yesterday I did not go to church but I went to work and there I worked.

The End

John-Michael - Sunday

Yesterday was fun. I had some strawberry mango juice. I watched a lot of TV. And I played with my toys. I played with my castle. I played with my dragons.

I went to church at the beginning of the day and it very fun. I went to SS I went to primary and I went to Sacrament meeting and that was it.

And that was my day.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

John-Michael - Saturday

I watched “Escape to witch mountain” yesterday. I had a fun time yesterday with my dad in San Diego. I played with Battle Storm castle a whole bunch and its dragons too. I watched Battle Star Galactica, the old one. I had some hot chocolate and some orange juice.

Dad got a new TV yesterday, so there can be a new TV in every room. Now there are two TVs in the living room, and a TV in each bedroom.

And that was my day.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

John-Michael - Yesterday was a day with Mom (most of the day and then I went on a plane)

I came in at the airport when it wasn't quite dark. I built the first tower of my new Lego castle. It had a bow and arrow and a catapult and three dragons. The dragons names were Rinethor, Groscorn, and Skullrattle. Skullrattle was the big one and Rinethor and Groscorn were the small ones. Groscorn is green and Rinethor is purple. Skullrattle is a red dragon with white teeth and has a plasma chrystal on his gold chest plate, he has orange spikes on his back and his arms are actually his wings. He has a long tail and the bottom of him is grey. Groscorn has a long arch shaped knife on his head and then he has yellow nails and a long green tail. Rinthor is a purple dragon with three green spikes on the top of his head a long piece of bone that is covered in purple skin and then a green piece of skin hangs down from the tip of his bone to the bottom of his foot.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Kirsten - The 4th of July and the day after

Yesterday was the 5th of July. The day before though (the 4th of July) was pretty intense. We went and saw Grandma and Grandpa up at the cabin. We also had a bar-b-que. (We had steaks...hooray!) then we went and saw some fireworks. They were really good this year.

Yesterday I woke up extremely tired and slept-in until 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. then the day was pretty much ordinary.

Matt - My title...let's see...YESTERDAY...or known as the day after the 4th of July or the 5th of July

"I didn't take a shower." I was just reading it. Sorry.

Jacob - I didn't take a shower

I woke up and I didn't take a shower. That's it.

Ben - The day after the 4th of July

I got up and kind of did my list but also screwed around. I forgot what happened yesterday so I'm going to say we did some stuff and went to bed.

John-Michael - Two days in one blog

The day before yesterday was the 4th of July. We went to the cabin. We watched some movies. We hauled up two trees I got stampeded by one of the pine trees and then I picked up the pieces of wood and stacked them up for the winter.

Then we watched really cool fireworks. Some were really loud, some were really loud, some were really big, some were really colorful, some were really sparkly and twice in the firework show they shot out a whole bunch of fireworks a the same time. some of the bunches were colorful and some of them were loud.

Yesterday was a catchup day...Hooray! It was where we catch up on everything we were school and everything else we were doing.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Matt - Barns & Noble

Yesterday I woke up and did my list. Then, when I was finished with my list I played Wii. When we were finished playing Wii. We went to the Barns & Noble.

I got a book called "How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse". Then we bought it and we went home and I read it for a while. Then I went to bed and that was my day.

Ben - Helping

Yesterday I got up and did my list while helping the others out. Then we all played on Wii and Warcraft. Later dad bought us some new books. Then we read our books and I cleaned up the kitchen. Then I went to bed.

The End

John-Michael - The Bookstore

I went to the book store and got a book. I had a pretty fun time. I got a book called "Night of the Ninja". It is a magic tree house book. I liked the book and I am thankful Chris got it for me.

I played Wii and World of Warcraft for a little bit of time.

And that was my day.

Kirsten - Ben was in charge

Yesterday Ben was in charge but I gave him reminders throughout the day. Then I went to work. A whole bunch of volunteers came to work and cleaned the place up. Then Jennifer came and picked me up from work and we went and got Taco Bell and then we went home.

Jacob - On Saturday

On Saturday, I went to the book store. I got "The Dumb Bunnies". It was about the dumb bunnies. I liked the book, it was funny.

Well, thank you. That's all I did yesterday.