Monday, March 31, 2008

John-Michael - Movies and Games

Yesterday, I woke up and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Then I played Monopoly. After that me, Matt, Ben and Jacob watched "Flushed away." Next I wrote my blog, ate lunch and played more Monopoly.

Finally, I went to bed.

Jacob - The Egg Sandwich

I woke up. I ate breakfast. I had cereal for breakfast. I did my homework. I wrote my blog. I did my list. I made dinner: egg sandwich. I got the prize. I went to bed.

That's all.

Matt - The last day of Spring Break

Yesterday I was sad because it was the last day of spring break. I woke up, got dressed and played Monopoly. then Dad took a test and we went downstairs to watch a movie while he did it.

Next we came upstairs and finished the game of Monopoly. After that we did homework. Finally, we had dinner and went to bed.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jennifer/Mom - Haircuts

Today everyone got haircuts! Well, all the boys got them...Kirsten and I decided to keep our hair long.

Jacob - Bubble Party

I woke up. I ate breakfast. I had cereal. I got paper and I gave it to J-M. I did my homework. I wrote my blog. I helped Kirsten clean my room. I had the bubble party. I had dinner. I had pizza. I went to bed.

That's all.

John-Michael - Pizza and Bubbles

Yesterday I woke up and ate breakfast. I read while Jacob and Kirsten cleaned Matt and Jacob's room when they finished we had a bubble party. We blew bubbles and ate pizza.

When the bubble party ended we played games. We played Pit and Apples to Apples.

When we were finished we went to bed.

Matt - Bubbles

Yesterday, I woke up and took a shower. Then, I read all day. Next, we had dinner (pizza). We ate outside. We also had a bubble party. It was fun!

After that we played pit, then apples to apples. Finally, I went to bed.

Ben - Read-A-Thon

Yesterday I got up and did my list. They I played around until I had to read my book. My book was called, "The Hound of the Baskervilles". I read it until dinner time. We played with bubbles until the pizza arrived for dinner.

We ate dinner and then played Pit. I of course kicked butt in it. Then we played Apples to Apples until the others went to bed. I read for 15 minutes or so and then I went to bed. Before I fell asleep, I had a small argument with John.

Then End

Saturday, March 29, 2008

John-Michael - Kirsten helped me a lot

Yesterday I cleaned my room. I took all my clothes out of their places and put them in new ones It was hard and tiring but in the end it was clean.

P.S. It took two days to clean my room.

Jacob - Bubble Party Tomorrow

I woke up. I did my list. I had my breakfast: Cocoa Crunchies. I wrote my blog. I had lunch: sandwich. I did my homework. I got a prize. I got a bubble for the bubble party tomorrow. I went to bed.

That's it.

Matt - Another boring day

Yesterday I woke up and ate breakfast. Then I did my list. After that I did my blog. Next I read for half the day. Then I had dinner. It was chicken nuggets. (They were good!) Last I got in PJs and went to bed.

Kirsten - A really clean room!

Yesterday I helped John-Michael clean his and Ben's room. Their room is really clean now, it just needs to be vacuumed.

Next I have to clean Matt and Jacob's room.

Yesterday my friend who's visiting Italy called me from Rome. It was really nice to hear from her. My other friend also called me and said he wanted to do something with my other friend. (Sorry, out of respect for my friends privacy I will not expose their names). We will see. We're still sort of doing spring cleaning.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Jennifer/Mom - Twitter!

You might notice a new addition to our blog! We added Twitters!

We found these a while back and decided it would be fun to add them to the blog. This way you get funny little updates in between the posts from the kids.

Hope you like them!

Kirsten - Pizza and Pretzels

Yesterday Jacob and I made pizza and pretzel dough. However, we accidentally mixed up the dough when making the pretzels and the pizza. It was still great making the food and it turned out okay. We even made a stuffed crust pizza.

While eating the pizza and the pretzels we watched a movie. I think it was called "It and Five Children". It was a weird movie, but it was really cute.

Also, a friend of mine from middle school found my e-mail address and now we have a means of contacting one another. Horray!

John-Michael - Two days in one blog...

Wednesday, I cleaned my room. I took everything off the floor and under everything and put it in four piles: not mine, trash, keep for Ben and keep for me. Then I put my stuff away.

After that we went to Country Buffet. I ate three plates of food, a bowl of chocolate covered pretzels and a cone of vanilla and orange flavored ice cream with four different kinds of sprinkles.

Yesterday I woke up at four o'clock am and went back to sleep for three hours. Then I woke up again at seven o'clock am and went down stairs to eat breakfast. I don't remember what happened next. But then we ate a lunch of cup o' noodles.

After that I had a rest, then I had another rest. When I woke up we made pretzels and pizza and we went to bed.

Ben - Combined Blogs

Wednesday I got up and did my list. Then I wrote a blog about movie day. After I wrote my blog, I made lunch which was PB&J sandwiches. Then I started cleaning my room. I went on a drive with dad. After the drive, I finished up the room. Then we went to Country Buffet. After Country Buffet, I read my book a little and then went to bed.

Yesterday morning I took Donald for a walk. Daisy couldn't come because she is in heat right now. John-Michael and I went together. When we got back I worked on my room until I ended up taking a nap on my bed. When I woke up everyone was making root beer and Jacob was programming on one of the computers. So then I wandered around and made pretzels for the party we had last night.

Then we had dinner while watching "Five Children and It". After that it was bedtime.

Matt - A Day

Yesterday we made and ate pizza! I did my list. Next, I started working on my homework. I read the whole time. Then I helped make dinner. At dinner we had pizza. It was GREAT! That was my yesterday.

Jacob - Our Lives

I woke up. I did my list. I ate my breakfast. I had cereal. I do my homework. I helped Kirsten make the banana bread. I went to King Soopers. I went to get dry ice. I made root beer. I helped Kirsten make pizza and pretzels. I made pizza and pretzels for dinner. I ate dinner. I went to bed.

That's all.

(Actually Jacob worked so well that he got to play a programming game on the computer...Here he is!)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jennifer/Mom - My turn to post

Kirsten has been cooking today. The house smells great. She started with banana bread this morning. Actually the reason we had bananas for banana bread this morning is sort of a funny story.

Bananas don't last very long around here. I tend to buy them a little green or they probably wouldn't last more than a day. Two bunchs of bananas lasting three days and we are doing REALLY well.

At any rate, we went shopping sometime early January when it was extremely cold. When we got home everyone grabbed bags and took them inside. Somehow we missed the bag with the bananas. Three days later we discovered them frozen solid. We didn't want to waste them so we put them in the freezer just as they were.

Fast forward to March and there were bananas available for Kirsten today. Bananas don't hang around here long enough for banana bread otherwise.

Kirsten also used the bread maker and made pizza and pretzel dough for our party tonight!


Jacob - Country Buffet Party

I woke up. I did my list. I ate breakfast. I had cereal. I helped Kirsten do her jobs. I picked up the dog poops out of the backyard. I helped Kirsten do Kirsten's jobs again. I went to the Country Buffet. I got in PJs. I was still awake and I got medicine. I went to bed.

That's it.

Kirsten - Depressing Progress

Yesterday, Jacob and I made a lot of progress on his room. We cleaned out all his and Ben's papers. (Yes I mean Ben, not Matt.) I also cleaned the family room. I worked pretty hard on it but it doesn't look different. Oh, well.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

John-Michael - Enchiladas

Yesterday I woke up. then I went downstairs to eat breakfast. After that my mom called every one to the livingroom then we started cleaning.

We cleaned the toy closet, the livingroom and the office. Then we went to see "Spiderwick Chronicles". When we got back we had Enchiladas for dinner and then we went to bed.

Kirsten - Not so big

Yesterday, our project wasn't nearly as big as cleaning out the garage. We cleaned out the toy closet. Now we have fewer toys than ever. We also finally (for sure) decided to get rid of the ROKENBOK. Which is good. No one plays with it. I thought maybe we could sell it, so I looked the price up. in order to buy every piece she did for us, my mom had to pay a minimum price of $250. It was probably much, much more. That was shocking.

I also made enchiladas last night. My brothers thought they were good, but I don't know.

I also woke up with some food poisoning this morning from something I ate yesterday....I have no idea what it was.

Jacob - Movie

I woke up. I did my list. I cleaned the toy closet. I wrote my blog. I went to the movie party. I had a enchiladas for dinner. I wanted to go to bed.

And that's all.

Ben - My day

Yesterday, I got up and worked on my list, then I studied my homework on Peru. Then I worked on laundry a little. Then we worked on Enchiladas for lunch.

We then worked on sorting the toy closet between choices for keeping, throwing out, storing, or selling the toys. Then I wrote a blog and took care of laundry after messing around for a while. After we finished, we went to the theater to watch "The Spiderwick Chronicles.

After the movie, we went to take the last toys to grandma's house. We had more Enchilada for dinner and I cleaned up the rest of the laundry. then I played Labyrinth with Dad and Jennifer. Dad won. then I cleaned up the kitchen, helped Kirsten find some stuff to sell and then I made cookies. I had one cookie and went to bed.

The End.

Matt - The Toy Closet

Yesterday, we picked out our toys for the toy closet. We each only got to pick 3 things for the closet. Each person got to pick three. I picked K'NEX, sticky blocks and Superman pinball. I put my favorite stuffed animal "Lion" into storage. Anything that didn't go into the toy closet or storage is going to the garage sale.

I cleaned (well sort of cleaned) the kitchen. For lunch we had homemade Enchiladas. They were the best Enchiladas I've ever had.

Our party for cleaning the garage was going to a movie. It was too late to go the day we did the garage so we went yesterday instead. We went to see Spiderwick Cronicles.

After the movie we had more Enchiladas for dinner and went to bed.

And that was my yesterday.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ben - A big day

Yesterday, we had a big day. we cleaned up the garage. First, I started my list and homework. then I cleaned up my room and wrote a blog barely before we started. Then I had lunch.

I picked up the garage by moving stuff and organizing it. I also swept and took stuff to Grandma's house to have a garage sale there later. We put stuff back and had Bambino Burgers for dinner. then we got in pajamas. I played Go-fish with Jennifer and then I went to bed.

The end.

Matt - I don't know

Yesterday I started helping work on the garage. After a while I worked with dad on cleaning his office. Next, after dinner I was helping out in the garage again. Near bedtime we had finally finished. That was my long, long day!

Kirsten - Garage

Yesterday, we cleaned out the whole garage. That may not sound like a big deal, but really, it was. We took everything out of the garage and put everything on the lawn. Then, we went through everything. It took along time, and we got a lot of weird looks while we were doing it. We must have looked like red-necks.

At least we're done now. Yippee.

Jacob - Gold Medal

I got a bottle of bubbles as a prize for doing my list first thing in the morning and writing a blog. I like bubbles. So, I cleaned the garage and then we had to clean the front yard bacause all of the stuff that used to be in the garage was in the yard. So, I went to the Grandma's house. So, I finish cleaning garage. So, I got in the PJ. So I got the gold medal for being the happiest worker. I also got a giant bottle of bubbles. So, I got in bed.

That's all.

John-Michael - New Homes

Yesterday we cleaned the garage. We took everything out and worked hard to give them a new home.

Jennifer/Mom - Posting Pictures

The Commencement of the Cleanathon!!

Happy Chefs!

Roasting, blending, chopping, cooking...

Lots of work getting the Tamales ready to cook!

Preparing the Tamales and having fun!

The Tamales are finally cooked!

Everyone agrees the Tamales are tasty!
Yum, Yum!

Donald peeking into the room...."Can I come in?"

John-Michael ...Cont.

Sunday was a quiet day. We made tamales. I cut string while the others tied them together. I also got a giant Easter Egg full of candy from Mom and Chris. In the morning I did homework.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Jennifer/Mom - Posting again...

...Yes, we're posting again after taking a hiatus for a bit. Keeping track of everything certainly does keep us busy. I'll be posting some pictures of the first day of the Cleanathon and our Tamale dinner tomorrow.

Jacob – I ate 6 of them.

On Saturday, I wanted to go to the Runyan Spring Cleanathon! After we were done for the day I had dinner and then I went to bed.

On Sunday, I went back to sleep for a long nap. I did my list after I woke up. I helped Kirsten and Ben make dinner. Dinner was called Tamales. I had six tamales and corn on the cob.

While we made dinner mom called. I talked to mom but I didn’t get to talk to Andrew.

When it was bedtime I went to bed. And that’s all I had and don’t forget that.

Kirsten’s Blog:

Yesterday, we did homework throughout the day. This involved helping Ben make tamales for his Spanish project. The tamales took hours to make, and our mom ended up calling when we were in the middle of making them. At this point, Jacob had joined in the tamale making. Since Matt and John were the only kids not making tamales, they talked with my mom first. It was funny actually, John never talks to my mom.

The other thing I did yesterday was I moved all the furniture around in my room. It looks very different now. My bed is now on the other side of the bed-room. I also washed all my sheets. Which made it difficult to sleep last night, because my bed was wet.

Ben – Two day blog

For the Cleanathon Day 1, I started by working on homework, doing my list and ate breakfast. Then I set up the Cleanathon Banner. Then we had Bambino Burgers from Goodtimes for lunch. Then we picked up the front yard. The others pulled weeds and used the power washer to clean the front of the house. I raked the grass and leaves on both sides of the house. Then I got a turn on the power washer. Then we moved to the back where we picked up dog poo, rocks and a yo-yo I found. Then we got prizes for working and I got a medal for finding the funniest thing; the yo-yo. Then we had pizza. I studied a bit and then went to bed.

On Tamale Day, we spent the morning doing homework, eating lunch and breakfast and finding a recipe for Tamales. I had to make Tamales for a Spanish homework assignment. Then, Kirsten and Jennifer got stuff for the Tamales. When they came back Kirsten and I made Tamales, which were harder than they looked. Then we ate them and got ready for bed.

Matt – Something

Yesterday was really something. I made my bed. Then, I goofed around a little. After that I did homework. Then I did homework with mustard on top. Then, I did homework with ketchup and mustard. Then I did homework with mustard, ketchup and a cherry on top. Next I did homework, homework and homework.

Finally, we had a tasty home-made Mexican dinner.

John-Michael – Blog Posts…

First I did my list then I ate breakfast. After that my mom called me down to the living room. Then she said that we were doing a cleanathon and we were doing the outside first. I spent most of my time picking up trash and pulling weeds.

(To be continued…)