Friday, March 28, 2008

John-Michael - Two days in one blog...

Wednesday, I cleaned my room. I took everything off the floor and under everything and put it in four piles: not mine, trash, keep for Ben and keep for me. Then I put my stuff away.

After that we went to Country Buffet. I ate three plates of food, a bowl of chocolate covered pretzels and a cone of vanilla and orange flavored ice cream with four different kinds of sprinkles.

Yesterday I woke up at four o'clock am and went back to sleep for three hours. Then I woke up again at seven o'clock am and went down stairs to eat breakfast. I don't remember what happened next. But then we ate a lunch of cup o' noodles.

After that I had a rest, then I had another rest. When I woke up we made pretzels and pizza and we went to bed.

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