Friday, March 28, 2008

Ben - Combined Blogs

Wednesday I got up and did my list. Then I wrote a blog about movie day. After I wrote my blog, I made lunch which was PB&J sandwiches. Then I started cleaning my room. I went on a drive with dad. After the drive, I finished up the room. Then we went to Country Buffet. After Country Buffet, I read my book a little and then went to bed.

Yesterday morning I took Donald for a walk. Daisy couldn't come because she is in heat right now. John-Michael and I went together. When we got back I worked on my room until I ended up taking a nap on my bed. When I woke up everyone was making root beer and Jacob was programming on one of the computers. So then I wandered around and made pretzels for the party we had last night.

Then we had dinner while watching "Five Children and It". After that it was bedtime.

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