Monday, June 16, 2008

Ben - Father's Day Post

Yesterday I thought to myself that Father's Day was quiet until Dad and Jennifer woke up. Dad wanted to watch some movies. I read instead of watching movies.

Dad opened three presents. They were nuts and two fans! We watched some more movies and I ate a peanut butter sandwich since we were out of Jam. I showered and went to bed.

The End

Matt - Father's Day

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast and did my jobs. then I ate lunch.

After eating lunch I went into the family room and watched "The Witches" and "The Incredibles" with Dad and Jennifer. Soon after that we gave Dad his Father's Day gifts. Finally, I ate dinner and went to bed.

Kirsten - Father's Day

Yesterday I woke up and made Dad breakfast for Father's Day. I made a chocolate pancake, bacon, eggs, and other stuff. There was so much food that Dad shared it with Jennifer.

Then, everyone worked on their lists while Dad and Jennifer worked on the electric car. Then Dad took a shower. When he was done with his shower, we watched some movies and Dad opened his presents and cards.

ince Dad fixed the electric car, I was able to drive it down to Subway to turn in my application. Hopefully they'll get back with me.

After my brothers went to bed I watched "Star Gate: SG1" with Dad and Jennifer.

Jacob - Blog Story

This is me. I have a problem. First of all I didn't get my list done.

I ate my breakfast, but it won't work well. After I wake up and make my bed, take a shower, pick up the bathroom and getting dressed, I got my medicine and I'm ready to do my Jacob's summer schedule.

So, I brush my teeth, I did my daily job, write a blog post, cleaned up my room, and I have a problem. I'm having a hard time to take the poop. So I watched "The Incredibles".

The End

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jacob - Who also didn't provide a title

I woke up and I did my list. I did my blog, I make my bed, took the shower, eat breakfast, clean my room, I pick up the bathroom, I did my daily job, I got dressed, I did take the poop and I did brush my teeth.

I ate lunch and then I played with the video game. I ate dinner and then I went to bed.

That's it.

Matt - Getting Dad's Father's Day Presents and Father's Day Cards

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, cleaned up my room, did my blog and cleaned the bathroom.

By 8:30 I finished my jobs and so I helped Dad with his work. then I got Dad's Father's Day gifts. Next, i ate lunch. After that, I played with my remote controlled helicopter and I ate dinner. Finally, I showered and went to bed.

Ben - Who didn't write a title for this post

I woke up. I did my list after taking three hours to do my blog. I watched Matt try his RC helicopter. After testing it, we went to the park. Matt played with his helicopter and I played with an RC car. We came back to a pleasant surprise; Jacob finished taking a poop.

We played Wii next. Soon we finished because Matt and I argued a little. So I went to bed after signing Dad's Father's Day card.

The End

Kirsten - A Busy Day

Yesterday, Jennifer, Matt and I went and took a fecal sample from Donald to the vet. They tested it to see if he was sick. It seems he's alright. We have to modify his diet slightly.

We also went to Walgreens to pick up stuff for Father's Day. Then we got Taco Bell and Subway for lunch. At Subway I picked up an application because they're hiring.

later Jennifer and I went to King Soopers to pick up groceries. Then we went to Chipotle. After my brothers had gone to bed, I watched, "Your's, Mine and Ours". I hadn't ever seen that movie before. Regrettably I started watching right in the middle. But it was really cute.

Matt - Going to the Library (Saturday's post)

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast and then I wrote my blog post. Next, I cleaned my room and swept and mopped the kitchen floor.

In the next 40 min. I was on my way to the library. At the library I checked out two books and I got a new library card. then I went home, ate lunch, ran with Donald, Daisy and Kirsten and then played with my remote toy car. After that I had dinner. Finally, I showered, got into PJ's played a tile game with Jennifer and Kirsten and I went to bed.

Kirsten - Saturday Blog Post

Yesterday I did my list and then I took Matt to the library. We checked out some books and then went home in tiime for lunch.

For lunch I made Ramen noodles.

After lunch. I went for a run with Donald, Daisy and Matt. I wore out Matt and the dogs. It was pretty funny.

For dinner I made this cassarole thing. After dinner Ben, Matt, Dad Jennifer and I played Rumikub.

That was really it.

Jacob's Saturday Post

I woke up and I ate breakfast. And then, I did my list, but the problem is I didn't take the poop and the problem is extreme because I was still can't take the poop.

And that is my problems.

Ben - Ben's Saturday Post

I woke up to the sound of a motorcycle. Suddenly, Jennifer came in saying if I did my stuff on time, I could go to the library with Kirsten. I hurried to finish. Sadly, I didn't have my blog written. Matt and Kirsten were the only ones to go.

Matt and Kirsten soon came back. I went downstairs to discover Matt and Kirsten playing cards. I got so excited, I ran upstairs working as fast as I could. I showered, played cards, got ready for bed. I played one last game before bed. It was called Rumikub. I lost and I fell asleep.

The End

Friday, June 13, 2008

Jacob's post (Friday)

I woke up and I ate my breakfast. I had cheerios for breakfast. I waited for the bus.

Soon, I went into the school. I learned gym, math and reading, work and reading.

I went into the big house. I did my blog. I ate dinner.

If it is time for bed. I went into the bed.


Ben - Friday's Post

Yesterday I wished I was able to do something fun. Go with Dad to work, watch a movie, help Dad work on the electric car, etc. I wished I could play Wii, anything other than what I did.

Instead of fixing batteries, helping Dad or playing games, I did the teenage boy's worst nightmare. Okay, second worst. Yesterday, I woke up and actually did most of my morning list. The exceptions were making my bed, writing my blog and the worst of all...I had to clean my room. I was avoiding it mostly.

In the end I had no choice but to do it. I got everything done except writing a blog. I was tired so I convinced Jennifer to let me do it today instead.

The End

Matt - Getting my Jobs Done Early

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, ate lunch, cleaned my room, cleaned the bathroom and wrote my blog post.

45 min. later, I had FINALLY finished doing the last things. Next, I helped Dad put together a computer. After that, I ate lunch, watched Jennifer play on Marry Poppins and then ate dinner. Finally, I showered, played Rumikub with Jennifer and Kirsten and went to bed.

Kirsten Blog - Friday

Yesterday I really didn't do too much. I cleaned the kitchen and finished my normal list. That also includes taking care of the dogs.

Speaking of the dogs, Donald decided to chew up a pink pen and it turned some of his fur pink. It was pretty funny looking but not an enjoyable mess to clean-up form the carpet. The pink seemed to keep coming back.

Finally, that night we had egg-burritos for dinner and afterwards I played Rubikub with Matt and Jennifer. Then I stayed up to finish the kitchen and practice the piano. Instead I spent a majority of the time I was going to invest in those other tasks watching Jennifer play World of Warcrat with Team-Speak2 on.

Ben - Blog Post (Thursday)

Yesterday I woke up and tried my new list. I was about to eat breakfast when Kirsten told me to do my laundry first. I threw a fit. Eventually I gave up.

The rest of the story gets much more interesting if you imagine with me that after breakfast a man sat in my window saying if I didn't clean my room I would get $1,000,000.00. Stay with me now because that would be a great justification for what happened next. I spent the rest of the day messing around with Matt, because I couldn't very well mess up my chances of getting a million dollars now could I?

Eventually I went to bed. The next morning I woke up to discover that reality was reality and that I had messed around and wasted an entire day. Oh well, the man probably would have taken off for Texas or something anyway before paying up.

Kirsten's Post - Thursday

Yesterday I did even more laundry. There were mountains of it! But now it is done and we can begin our laundry schedule smoothly.

I aslo went to the mall with two of my friends yesterday. We practiced cheer-leading moves around the fountain and tried on some lotions. I had a pretty good time.

Jennifer and Jacob picked me up and we went and got dinner. I had a crispy steak sandwich from Griff's. It was tasty.

That about sums up my day. Oh! I almost forgot. I also gave the dogs baths. Now THAT sums up my day.

Matt - A goofing off day (Thursday's post)

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed and then I goofed around with Ben. At 10:00 I finally ate breakfast.

After breakfast i goofed around with Ben untill 2:00. Then I ate lunch. Next, I goofed around with Ben until 5:00. Finally, I ate dinner, got in P.J's and went to bed.

Jacob's Post for Thursday 6/12/08

I woke up and I ate my breakfast. I had Cheerios for breakfast.

I waited for the bus.

Soon, I went to school. I did gym, reading and math, making pancakes (I ate pancakes) reading, and working.

I did my blog and then I got dinner. I ate dinner.

It is time for bed. I got into my bed.

The End

Matt - Ball Point Pen Day 6/10/08

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, made my bed, showered and ate breakfast. Then I did my jobs.

After thirty minuts of playing with Ben, I ate lunch. Next I played chess with Dad. After that I had pizza for dinner and went to scouts. Finally, I came home and went to bed.

Jacob - Wednesday's post

It was a boring day in the day.

I woke up and I ate breakfast, so I had Cheerios and then I waited for the bus. So I went into the bus. I went to school. (I learn in gym, math and reading, and I forgot to learn that.)

I went to big lots to get some recipies.

I went to boring house. I did my job. I ate dinner.

So it is time for bed. I went to bed.

That's it.

P.S. I played Jennifer a game and I won, maybe it is not boring.

The End

Kirsten - Blog - June 11, 2008

Yesterday was ballpoint pen day. Of course we all wrote our blogs in ball point pen (except me, I had already written mine in crayon before the announcement was made). Instead I am writing my blog in ball-point pen today. Hooray!!

Yesterday I spent time (again) doing laundry. The closets were also cleaned out. In short, I did a lot yesterday. I was planning on starting my extended essay and my other homework (I actually kind of have a lot). I'll have to start my homework later this week...I just really don't want to put it off. I have started my Theory of Knowledge homework so at least I'm somewhere.

I also talked with two of my friends on the phone yesterday. It was good to hear from them. Well, I'm done with THIS blog. Over and Out!


Ben - Ballpoint Pen Day (Wednesday's post)

Yesterday I was woken up. Today was our second day John was gone. I played around with Matt. Kirsten asked me to help her sort the whites. We spent part of the day doing that. We had a pizza party before we went to Boy Scouts. Afterwards, I went to bed.

The End

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ben - The Day Before Ballpoint Pen Day

I woke up because of Matt. He wanted to play with the Battlestorm legos. He and I played our own game. John and Jennifer left to take John to San Diego. Dad left to clean the fountain. So it was just me, Matt and Kirsten.

Afterwards, we were asked to clean the house. Later Dad, Jennifer and Kirsten left to get dinner. They came back, we ate and then went to bed.

The End

Jacob - Summer School

I woke up and I got dressed and then I ate breakfast. I had cheerios for breakfast. I was waiting for the bus in a while. I went to school.

I went to the circle. I went to the gym. I went to swimming. I share with Codey and I went back home. And then I ate lunch. After my job is done: (boy's bathroom). I did my job.

That's all

Matt - Helping Kirsten Fix the Boy's Clothes

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast and played with the legos until noon. Then, I ate lunch. Next, I helped Kirsten fix Ben, Jacob, John-Michael and my clothes for the rest of the day. Finally, I ate dinner and went to bed.

Kirsten - Laundry

Yesterday was Monday. We made a schedule for laundry and washed everything we could (of course, we're still washing). I also spend a great deal of time yesterday sewing clothes so they would still work. It took me a very long time.

Our laundry schedule looks like this: (everyone has their own laundry day)
Monday - John
Tuesday - Jacob
Wednesday - Ben
Thursday - Chris/Dad
Fruday - Jennifer/Mom
Saturday - Matt
Sunday - Kirsten

We'll see how this new schedule goes. Now everyone hets to do their OWN laundry.

Yesterday I also talked to my mom. But really laundry was the main focus.

Monday, June 9, 2008

John-Michael - A happy day

I'm travelling to my dad's house today. First I had to pack the night before. Then in the morning I got in my clothes and went off to the airport with my Mom. Oh, and did I mention that I got a phone to talk to my Mom with? It was fun!!

While I was flying on the plane I mostly watched TV. Then I got to my dad's house early in the morning. Then I sortof unpacked. After that I went to Target and bought some new clothes and two leggo sets. One of Indiana Jones and one Mars Mission.

Then I came back home and I built my Indiana Jones and Mars Mission sets. Then I decided to combine them into one LONG set.

Now I am going to dinner. I am going to have maccaroni and cheese with a side of fries. When I get home I am going to play with my big set and then I am going to take it apart, put it into two separate sets and go to bed.

The End

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Incredible - Jennifer/Mom

At the last second the entire weekend was cancelled!

Although Chris and I are shocked, we are not surprised. The kids on the other hand...The kids are devastated.

The kids may or may not post today. We are doing our best to make the best of it. There is nothing else to say at this point.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Jennifer/Mom - Change in Plans

I don't know if we will get posts up from the kids today. We are a little bit excited here because Andrew is coming to stay tonight and tomorrow night! The kids are sooooooooooo (there just aren't enough "o's" to communicate the intensity) excited for him to be here. It is better than Christmas!

In case no one posts today besides me, I'll give a recap of yesterday. The kids got up and going then in the afternoon it was rest time for some and garage sale prep for others.

Kirsten made Hawaiian Chicken for dinner with help from 3/4 of the boys. She didn't use a traditional recipe and I thought it was tasty and so did most everyone else.

I guess we didn't really specify what holiday was yesterday and we didn't have a specific theme. We did watch a bunch more "Roadents" after dinner. The kids liked that.

Just life lifing along and we are doing our best to keep up. Life is really good when we can stay just a little bit ahead. Hmmmmm....not looking likely for the next little bit.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Jennifer/Mom - Muffin Day!!

That was fun! We didn't like any of the holidays for yesterday so Chris and I invented one! Kirsten was making muffins so we decided to have Runyan Muffin Day!

I went to the store and picked up some more muffins. It was Chris' idea to include English muffins. Once Chris got back we decided to use the English muffins for Egg McMuffins. I also got cinnamon, raisin English muffins so we toasted those. Everyone had a job getting the McMuffins prepared and we ended up with a pretty cool assembly process. A few glitches happened but overall it worked well.

We had an afternoon of reading which was nice and relaxing for the boys. I started reading "A Series of Unfortunate Events" and then Kirsten read Pinocchio (the "real" story).

After dinner we decided to play a game. Apples to Apples was chosen but we re-named it for the occasion...Muffins to Muffins!

Jacob - Making the Muffins

I woke up and I did my list and I ate breakfast. I had cereal with bananas for breakfast. Last year Jennifer made cereal with bananas. I liked it, so now I make it that way when we have bananas.

Then Kirsten, John-Michael and I made muffins. Then we ate the muffins. We read stories. We read Jennifer's story and Kirsten's stories. Then Dad was back.

We celebarated Muffin Day. We had a party and then we played Muffins to Muffins while I was waiting for bed time. And then I went to bed when it was bedtime.

The End

Kirsten - A visit from the Muffin Man

Yesterday was Runyan Muffin Day. Jennifer says I inspired the holiday when I made citrus muffins with Jacob and John. Although that event was the inspiration, the "Roadents" video was what the holiday was based on.

In celebration of Muffin Day, Jennifer bought muffins...many muffins! She bought English muffins, pumpkin muffins, apple muffins, poppy-seed muffins, blueberry muffins, and many other types of muffins.

With the English muffins we decided to make "Egg McMuffins". In order to do so, we made an "assembly line" (so everyone helped) to make the McMuffins. Once finished we had a feast of muffins and watched "Roadents". It was a blast.

Ben - Muffin Day

Yesteday I ate breakfast. Then I played a while until Jennifer called us all into her room. We read two books and had Orang-flavored Muffins. Then Dad came home and we made egg-mcmuffins and a variety of muffins.

Dad and Jennifer also showed us a silly muffin thing on Dad's laptop. We played Apples to Apples.

The End

Matt - My Blog

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, made my bed, showered and ate breakfast. Then I cleaned the bathroom. Next, I ate lunch and listened to Jennifer, Ben and Kirsten read aloud some books. After that, we had a muffin party! We ate muffins and played Apples to Apples (we called it Muffins to Muffins). Finally, I went to bed.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jacob - Fairy Tale Theatre

I woke up and I did my list. I ate breakfast. I had cereal, honey nut scooters. I did my jobs. I ate lunch. I listened to Pinocchio. I watched the fairy tale theatre. I watched Cinderella, the Princess Who Never Laughed, Aladin and the Wonderful Lamp and Puss in Boots.

I made dinner. It was Kirsten's secret recipe. Kirsten won't tell. I went to Scouts and I saw a dog door. I had never seen a dog door before. And then I had ice cream at Dairy Queen. Jennifer took us.

And it was time for bedtime and I was going to sleep to get ready for tomorrow.

Kirsten - Blogging

Yesterday we watched fairy tale theatre after jobs were semi-done and also read Pinocchio during "nap-time" (they were as bouncy as bouncy-balls)

Then I made dinner and Jennifer took Jacob, Ben and Matt to Boy Scouts.

John-Michael - Working and Movies

I woke up and did laundry. Then Kirsten, Jacob, Matt, Ben and I read Pinocchio and ate Apples with peanut-butter. After that we watched fairy tale theatre. Then we ate dinner, the boys went to scouts and I went to bed.

Ben - Title?

Yesterday I cleaned the kitchen and watched a movie. We also read a version of Pinnochio. Then we went to Boy Scouts.

Then End

Matt - A Small Blanket

Yesterday I woke up, made my bed, got dressed, showered and ate breakfast. Then I wrote my blog and cleaned the bathroom. Next I ate lunch and watched some movies. I was not happy that I got a small blanket and everyone else got a big blanket.

In addition I ate dinner and went to Boy Scouts. finally, I came home and went to bed.

Jacob - Blog

I woke up and I did my list. I had cereal for breakfast. I ate breakfast. I did my jobs. I did my blog. I ate lunch. I ate cake and icecream. I play the game. It was call apple to apple. so we play apple to apple and I went to bed.

That's all.

Matt - Cake and Ice Cream

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed and ate breakfast. Then I cleaned the boy's bathroom. Because everyone else was still doing jobs I waited on my bed. I was there for sort of a while because I kept getting off and distracted people from their jobs. While on my bed I wrote my blog.

Then we had cake and ice cream and then everyone played Apples to Apples. Finally, I had dinner, got in pj's and went to bed.

Kirsten -

Yesterday we had cake and ice cream. We also tried to play Apples to Apples but everyone was too loud so the game ended early.

At the end of the day, I gave Donald and Daisy their monthly medicine. We also realized that Donald is sick as a dog, ha ha!

Finally, Jennifer gave me a piano lesson.

John - Just John

Yesterday I woke up. I did jobs, then we ate cake and ice cream and played Apples to Apples. I went to sleep.

The End

Ben - Yesterday

Yesterday I got up and cleaned my room. then I had breakfast. I played around until lunch. We ate some cake. Then we played Apples to Appples. then I played until dinner. Then I went to bed.

The End

Monday, June 2, 2008

Kirsten Blog

Yesterday I watched my brothers and Joh for a while. We watched "Monsters Inc." and after I watched them Jennifer played Pit and Set with us. Then we watched "Fairy-Tale Theatre: The Little Mermaid." During the movie my mom called.

Yesterday I also talked to J. on the phone to check in, since he's graduated. I just wanted to know how his life was after graduation. It sounds like it was the same.

I also practiced the piano yesterday. Jennifer is still helping me out with it.

John-Michael - The first blog of Summer Break

I woke up and I did some jobs. Then I played pit and set. I think that is pretty much all that happened in my day. Oh, we watched some movies too.

Jacob's Blog: Jacob Runyan's Dad

Dear Dad,

I know I played the video game, so I will tell you I played the video game in Saturday. I play Nintendo Wii.


Ben - Ben

Yesterday I got up and showered, dressed and ate breakfast. Afterwards I cleaned my room and ate lunch. Then I watched a movie until I went to bed.

Matt - Pit and Other Games

Yesterday I woke up, made my bed, got dressed and ate breakfast. Then I cleaned the bathroom. Next, I ate lunch. I played Pit and other games with Jennifer, Kirsten, Jacob, and John-Michael. After that I watched Monsters Inc. Finally, I ate dinner, got in pj's and went to bed.

Summer Vacation - Jennifer/Mom

Summer vacation is here and we are re-instituting our Celebration-a-day! There are plenty of weird holidays out there to celebrate! For instance today is Leave the Office Early Day, National Bubba Day and Yell “Fudge” at the Cobras in North America Day. These are either too weird (National Bubba Day? – I even looked it up) or impossible for/inapplicable to us (the kids don’t work in an office and I don’t plan on either seeking out Cobras or encouraging the kids to stand outside yelling at them generally).

Fortunately, the idea of celebrating bizarre holidays means we can move them around a bit if we want. So, today we are going to choose one of yesterday’s holidays and celebrate it.

Yesterday was Pen Pal Day. Ooops, we don’t have pen pals. Oh, wait we do!! Here on the blog we can be “pen pals” with the world! We are celebrating by reinstituting the “blog-a-day” with the kids and ice cream and cake of course!