Monday, June 2, 2008

Summer Vacation - Jennifer/Mom

Summer vacation is here and we are re-instituting our Celebration-a-day! There are plenty of weird holidays out there to celebrate! For instance today is Leave the Office Early Day, National Bubba Day and Yell “Fudge” at the Cobras in North America Day. These are either too weird (National Bubba Day? – I even looked it up) or impossible for/inapplicable to us (the kids don’t work in an office and I don’t plan on either seeking out Cobras or encouraging the kids to stand outside yelling at them generally).

Fortunately, the idea of celebrating bizarre holidays means we can move them around a bit if we want. So, today we are going to choose one of yesterday’s holidays and celebrate it.

Yesterday was Pen Pal Day. Ooops, we don’t have pen pals. Oh, wait we do!! Here on the blog we can be “pen pals” with the world! We are celebrating by reinstituting the “blog-a-day” with the kids and ice cream and cake of course!

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