Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Kirsten - 7-11-08 - Dogs get a bath

Yesterday I did my list and then I went to the library. I was very upset because the holds I had requested had vanished. I was very upset. I was however, able to get Ben and Matt some books.

Yesterday I also went to the store with Jennifer. We got groceries we would need for the next few days. I was also able to get some stuff i needed.

I also gave Donald and Daisy baths. It's kind of funny, Donald's bath is usually much longer than Daisy and he doesn't mind it as much. He'll actually enter the bathroom (without being carried) while Daisy will run and hide. In general they are easy to give baths because they're tiny and their fur is pretty short.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ben - Triple park day

Yesterday I got up. I then worked on my list. Matt and I finished our lists at the same time.

Then Matt and I went to the park. Or so I thought. I actually went ahead. I had to turn around and go back home. Matt and I tried again. But we argued and had to go back to our house.

Kirsten helped us out with our lists. We were going to boy scout camp. We went to the park again. We came back and watched a movie. We ate dinner and went to bed.

The End

Matt - Going to the park

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed and did my jobs. Then, I ate breakfast.

Ten mins. later I was heading to the park. But Ben left later than I did. So then I went home and Kirsten got Ben.

Next, Ben and I watched Star Wars #1. After that, I ate dinner. Finally, I watched Star Wars #2 and went to bed.

Kirsten - The completion of the "Lord of the Rings" Trilogy

Yesterday I completed my list and then I went and worked on my homework.

When Jacob got home he took a long time trying to get his list done. Once his list was finally done, he helped me with dinner. We made spagetti and meatballs. The meatballs were a little weird. Oh well.

Then I watched "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King." we finally finished the trilogy. Hurray! After that Dad and Jennifer went for a drive while I watched the dogs and fed them dinner.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Jennifer/Mom - The Lord of the Exhausting Rings

Tonight we just finished the Lord of the Rings trillogy. I agree with Chris. By the end of the last movie I just wanted him to get on the Blankety-blank boat.

Jacob - Take me to the camp

Dad, can you take me to the camp on Friday? Can you? (Yes.)

Oh well.

Kirsten - Homework and Boy Scouts

Yesterday, I completed my list and then worked on my homework. I had a lot of time to work on my math homework because I had to take Jacob, Ben and Matt to boy scouts and stay there with them during the meeting.

When we got home, I watched "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" with Dad and Jennifer. I got tired really quickly though.

Ben - 7-9-08

Yesterday, I got up. I worked on my list. I didn't finish for a while so it was pretty boring. I eventually decided to write my blog. I didn't finish until lunch.

I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I watched TV with Kirsten for a while. It was mostly boring because Matt would not finish his list. Soon I decided to take the dogs for a walk.

I met two kind people playing tennis. I got to try tennis a bit. I also gathered their tennis balls for them. Afterwards, they gave me three balls. What nice people they were! I went to boy scouts. Then we went home and to bed.

The End

Matt - Goofing Off

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed and goofed off. Then I goofed off, to end with more silly goofing off.

At 3:30 pm I FINALLY finished my list. Next, I finially finished Andrew's and my roller coaster. After that I ate dinner and went to boy scouts. Finally, I came home from boy scouts and went to bed.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Jacob - Scouts Tomorrow

I woke up and I got dressed. I went eat breakfast. I ate breakfast.

Soon, I waited for the bus.

Soon I went into the bus. I went into Kirsten's school. I did learn birds.

Soon I got into my big home. I did my list. Soon, I went into Cici's pizza. I went into the bed.

That's all for now...scouts tomorrow.

Kirsten - 7-8-08 - Cici's Pizza and "Lord of the Rings"

Yesterday, after I completed my list I waited around for everyone else to be done and then we went to Cici's Pizza. I ate a whole bunch of the macaroni and cheese pizza. I really like that stuff.

Later I watched "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" (the extended version) with Dad and Jennifer. I had ice cream while watching.

Other than that I really didn't do much because I slept in. I did find out that I passed my IB Exams though. That was a huge relief.

Ben - 7-8-08

I woke up. I didn't want to work so I played with Matt. Soon, I decided to eat so I hurried through my list. We changed jobs so I had to clean the kitchen.

I wrote my blog while I ate breakfast. Matt wasn't doing anything so I read. Soon Matt decided to finish. Afterwards we went to Cici's.

After Cici's we went home. Dad soon came back. We watched the end of the Bee Movie. then we went to bed.

The End.

Matt - 7-8-08

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed and messed around. Then, I messed around, to end with more messing around. Next, I got my jobs done.

Then we went to Cici's Pizza. After that I played around and I got showered. Finally, I ate dinner and went to bed.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mystery Blogs and Blog Backlog- Jennifer/Mom

The blog backlog is finally cleaned up. We are now current with all the posts that the kids have written. We had a few "mystery posts" that had no date and were out of order and we couldn't quite place them in the proper chronology. Hence, the "Mystery Posts".

Matt - Mystery Date - Mystery Blog #5 - Another Day of Goofing Around

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast and then messed around, then I had lunch at the park. Next Jacob, Ben, John-Michael, Kirsten and I came home. After that I did nothing for three hours. Then I took two showers (the first time I didn't wash my body). Finally, I ate dinner, got in pj's and went to bed.

Ben - Mystery Date - Mystery Blog #4 - Nim's Island

Yesterday I woke up. I helped watch for Jacob's bus. Afterwards I ate breakfast. It was mostly an ordinary day for me until later.

I did most of my list except blog and daily job. I played around with Matt until I ate lunch.

I then went with Matt and took the dogs for a walk. We came back, ate dinner and watched Nim's Island in the theaters. Then we went home and went to bed after taking care of my laundry and reading.

The End

Kirsten - Mystery Date - Mystery Blog #3

Yesterday Jennifer said she would take us to lunch if we got our work done. Sadly I was the only one who did this. I was the only one who got a nice lunch. Everyone else had peanut butter sandwiches.

I also read a lot of "Angels and Deamons" by Dan Brown yesterday. I was going to play Wii, but the controller was weird. Oh well, Jennifer said I could try again tonight. Instead of playing Wii, I watched a British television show (from BBC) called "Thermoman" (I think). It was actually pretty funny

Jacob - Mystery Date - Mystery Blog #2

I woke up and I made my bed. I ate my breakfast. I waited for the bus.

Soon, I went to schoo. I did reading and work. I went to the park and it was time to go home. Soon I went into my home, then I was going to finish my list.

That's all.

Ben - Mystery Date - Mystery Blog #1

Yesterday I woke up. Not wanting to work then, I played with Matt. After I played with Matt I ate breakfast and played some more. All I really did was play with him yesterday. I ended up cleaning a little and went to bed.

I would have preferred to have done other fun stuff. I would have rather got to play Wii. The others even got to watch Mr. Bean and A Bee Movie. That was fun things others got to do. Jutst not me. I just ate my root beer float ice cream bar and went to bed.

Kirsten - 7-4-08 - At the fountain with Andrew

Yesterday we spent the day with andrew. It's really still surprising that he and my mom actually came out. I was extremely shocked.

Yesterday Andrew spent a lot of time playing with his toy train, puppets and with the roller coaster thing. He seemed to have a good time. After everyone played for a little while we went to the fountain. There all the boys played in the water for a little while and then we went back home. When we got home Dad and Andrew left for their meeting.

For dinner we had really long sub sandwiches that Jacob and I put together. It was pretty great!

Ben - 7-4-08 - Andrew is here!

I woke up with excitement! Andrew was here! Soon Dad and Jennifer woke up. We had a family meeting. After the meeting, we finished our modified lists.

After our lists we ate breakfast. We cleaned the kitchen and started playing with the toys. Soon we went over and played at the fountain.

Back home we played some more. I went to the store with Dad and Andrew. We got dinner foods and went home. We made dinner then we showered. I showed Andrew how to play chess, then we went to bed.

The End

Kirsten - 7-2-08 - Cookies and Boy Scouts

Yesterday I woke up and I did my work. Ben was the next one done with his list. Matt and Jacob had a hard time doing their lists. After I talked with Matt he put himself in gear. Jacob didn't get back on track no matter what I did.

Eventually Jacob just went to bed. Meanwhile I took Matt and Ben to the store and we got frosting so we could make sugar cookies.

When we got home we made lots of sugar cookies. then we had Chicken Sloppy Joe's for dinner.

After dinner, I took Jacob, Ben and Matt to boy scouts. I stayed the whole time to help. After scouts I used the money Dad and Jennifer gave me to take my brothers to Dairy Queen.

Ben - 7-2-08 - July 2

Yesterday I got up and did my list. I watched the dogs for quite a while. Kirsten and I were the only ones who finished their lists. I felt proud.

Kirsten, Matt and I all went to the store. We were going to make sugar cookies with frosting! We spent a couple of hours making them.

We then went to boy scouts. We got to play a lot of games. Afterwards we went to Dairy Queen. I got some root beer. At home I played chess with Dad and went to bed.

Jacob - 7-1-08 - Yesterday

Yesterday I woke up and I was still tired. So I went back to bed with my pet dogs: Donald and Daisy. I slept for a long time.

That's all I can tell you.

Matt - 7-1-08 - July 1st

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed and goofed off. The I goofed off with another dramatic ending of MORE goofing off.

At noon, I finally finished my jobs. Then I watched TV. Next I played a card game with Dad, Kirsten, Jennifer, and Ben. Finally, I showered, ate ice cream and went to bed.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Kirsten - 7-1-08 - A Grand Day In

Instead of travel to the Moon, Mars or even to the supermarket, I stayed in. Even so I still had a good day. I watched Arthur, Little House on the Prairie, Timone and Pumba and PBS Kids shows with Ben and Matt wen their lists were done. Jacob spent most of the day sleeping. He did his list shortly before dinner.

Earlier, (before Ben and Matt had completed their lists), I called my mom because she hadn't called for a long time and I wasn't sure if she actually is coming out. Her response was that she was coming out as long as some emergency that was out of her control didn't come up. (That is actually what she said.)

I suggested that mom take us to the store to get school clothes and supplies. I thoguht that was actually a good family activity that Jacob, Ben, Matt and I would enjoy. Apparently, my mom didn't think it was a good idea. So, instead we're probably going to go to Water World or some place "fun-filled and packed with action". I would rather go get school stuff. I thought the point was to do family things together as a family. That is why I suggested going shopping for school.

Oh, well.

Ben - 7-1-08

Yesterday I got up and did my list. After eating I watched TV. Matt didn't want to do his list.

Eventually he finished his blog. We watchedd all sorts of TV shows. I didn't like Little House on the Prairie though. We had macaroni and cheese for lunch.

We ate dinner. After dinner we played a card game. I didn't understand it really. Dad left for medicine for Jennifer. We ate icecream and went to bed.

Ben - 6-20-08 - Breakfast at Country Buffet

Yesterday I got up. I hurried through my list. Soon I learned that we would go to Country Buffet for breakfast.

Afterwards we went home. Dad went to work. Jacob went with him. We had rest time and I rested with Jennifer for a while.

We watched a couple of movies. Kirsten made enchiladas for dinner. I got the first haircut. We finished our movie and went to bed.

John-Michael - 6-30-08

I woke up. I did my list. So, we went to Country Buffet. When we got back we rested then we watched Sky High. Then we ate dinner and went to bed.

Matt - 6-30-08 - Brunch at Country Buffet

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed and did my jobs. Then everyone went to Country Buffet for brunch.

Then Dad took Jacob to work. Next we had rest time.

Two hours later Ben, Kirsten and I watched some movies. After that, I ate dinner. Finally I got a hair cut and went to bed.

Jacob - 6-30-08

I woke up and I made my bed. I got dressed I got pick up the bathroom. I got my medicine. I brush my teeth. I cleaned my room. I did my daily job. I wrote a blog post.

Kirsten - 6-30-08 - Rest

Yesterday morning we went to Country Buffet for brunch. We went after everyone's list was done. John took the longest and would not focus. Everyone was done long before him.

Dad went to work with Jacob after we all went to Country Buffet. Everyone else went home.

When we got home everyone went and rested. After rest time everyone watched movies.

Then, when Dad got back we had enchiladas for dinner and all the boys got hair cuts.

John-Michael - 6-29-08 - Goofy

I woke up and goofed around with Ben and Matt. Then I did my list. While I was doing my list Chris and my Mom left. Matt and I ate lunch. When we were finished we all went to the park. When we bot back we watched Zoom, Johnny English, then we went to bed.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Matt - 6-29-08 - A hard start on my jobs

Yesterday I woke up and messed around until noon. At noon I got dressed, did my blog and did my jobs.

Then, I went to the park with Ben, John-Michael, and Donald. We stayed at the park for an hour and 30 mins. Next, I showered and ate dinner. Finally, I played in the toy closet and went to bed.

Kirsten - 6-29-08 - A Mess Around Day

Yesterday was a pretty slow day. Everyone took a while to get dressed and get their lists done. Because of that we couldn't go to Country Buffet. But maybe some other time.

Donald also decided to eat some chicken bones left over from some fried chicken. At first we thought it was Daisy (she can be a little piggy). It was evident that Donald was the one at fault. he threw up chicken bones last night. Thankfully, he is okay.

Last night my brothers were also turkies after Dad and Jennifer went out. Actually, it was just Ben. He certainly was a stinker.

Ben - 6-28-08 - Wii Party

Yesterday I got up and did my list. I hurried because I wanted to party. I ate breakfast. Soon, Matt, John and I went to the park.

We played this spaceship game until we went home. Matt and John pulled weeds until D. and J., our neighbors, came over. Then we went to the store.

After buying a ton of food, we went home. Then we played Wii. Soon D. and J. went home. We watched Vegitales. Then I played cards with Kirsten.

Matt - 6-28-08 - Going to the Park

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, did my jobs, and ate breakfast. Breakfast was very good (it was oatmeal).

Then, Ben, John and I went to the park. We stayed at the park for about 3 hours.

Next, D. and J. came over. After that, we got party food. Then we played Wii. next, I played with the legos and watched vegitales. Finally, D. and J. went home. Last of all I went to bed.

John-Michael's - 6-28-08 - Party Tiiime

I woke up. Then I did my list. Next I ate breakfast. After that, Matt, Ben, and I went to the park. When we got back Chris made an offer that we could have $1.00 if we weeded for 15 min. and we took the offer. Then D. came over and it was party time. So we went to the store and bought party food. Wen we got back we.......

P A R T I E D ! ! !

Kirsten - 6-28-08 - We had Visitors!

...and I don't mean space aliens!

Yesterday, I woke up early so I could take care of my neighbors two boys. I arrived at their house at 7:40, way before the boys woke up. As soon as they were awake, we went to my house to have a party.

A situation with the cabin came up that wore my Dad out and prevented my Dad from participating in the party. I was upset because the situation didn't have to happen if there would have been some consideration and planning by other people. I really wanted to spend the day with my Dad.

That was really it. We had a nice visit from our neighbors though and a fun party.

Jacob - 6-27-08 - The new blog of back to school?

I woke up and I made my bed. I got my medicine. I got dressed. I brushed my teeth. I picked up the boys bathroom. I ate my breakfast. I waited for the bus and then I went into the bus.

Soon, I went into Kirsten's school. I learned reading and bingo and cooking.

Soon, I went into the bus and then I went into my big home. I cleaned up my room. I wrote the blog post. I did my daily job.

That's all it is.

John-Michael - 6-27-08 - Two Parks

I woke up and read until my Mom woke up and got me started on my list. Then we went to the park. We played then we went to the park. then we ate dinner. Then I went to bed.

Ben - 6-27-08 - Double Park Day

Yesterday I got up and finished my list. Afterwards we played at the park. We made this cool spaceship game.

We came back and ate pizza for lunch. We watched TV for a while. Soon Dad and Jennifer came home. Then we read on our beds.

After resting we played with the legos. Soon we were fighting. So we were sent to the park to calm down. Back home we ate dinner, watched TV and went to bed.

Kirsten - 6-27-08 - Another Day

Yasterday I woke up and did my list. For my daily job I got to pick up the family room and pull weeds. My brothers actually got their lists done quickly. Since they were done so quickly we watched Kuzco's new School on TV.

When Jacob got home he took a while doing his list! He took so long that I was able to finish crocheting a hat I had been making.

Everyone went to bed early last night. When everyone was in bed I watched "So, you think you can dance?" and then I took a shower and went to bed.

Matt - 6-27-08 - Walking in the River

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, did my jobs and ate breakfast. Then I read for 5 min.

Next, I went to the park with Ben, John-Michael and the puppies. After that, I came home and ate lunch and played with the legos.

Then, I went to the park again. At the park I walked through the river. Finally, I showered, ate dinner and went to bed.

Jacob - 6-26-08 - Back to School

I woke up and I did maded my bed. I brush my teeth. I cleaned my room. I clean the boy's bathroom. I ate my breakfast. I got dressed.

Soon, I went into my bus.

Soon, I went into Kirsten's school. I did do learn reading and bingo and cooking.

Soon, I went into my bus. I went into my big home.

Soon, I did my list: I did daily job and write the blog post.

That's all.

Kirsten - 6-26-08 - Wednseday - A Wonderful Day

Yesterday I took Ben and John to the library after they got back from the park and I finished my list. John got a Star Wars book, Ben got Clive Cussler books, I got Jacob two "Hardy Boys" books and I got a lot of books on the French Armee for my extended essay.

I also worked on Crochetting most of the day.

Last night we also ordered pizza and watched "Wallace and Gromit: A Close Shave". When my brothers were all in bed I played "Second Opinion" on the Wii and then watched "My Hero" (the BBC show about Thermoman) and "Myth Busters".

That was it.

Matt - 6-26-08 - A Day of Fun

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed and did my jobs. Then, I ate breakfast.

Next, I went to the park for twenty minutes. After that, I read for twenty minutes and then played with the cars in the toy closet. Then I read for a little longer. Next, I played with the toy cars again. Finally, I showered , ate pizza, watched a movie and went to bed.

Ben - 6-26-08 - Fun Day

Yesterday all sorts of fun stuff happened. First I got up and did my list. Breakfast had been moved to the last thing so I zoomed throug the rest so I could eat. Because we all finished so early, we got to go to the park.

After the park we went home. Kirsten, John and I went to the library. We played with toys until unch. After lunch we read on our beds. Then we watched some TV shows.

Later Dad and Jennifer came home. We ordered pizza and we watched "Wallace and Gromit". Those were both my ideas of what we could do. Then we went to bed.

John-Michael - 6-26-08 - Spectacular

I woke up and started my list. I made my bed, I got dressed, I picked up the bathroom, I brushed my teeth, I cleaned up my room, I did my job, I wrote my blog post, then I went to the library. Then we ate lunch finally.

We played for a LONG time. Then we ate dinner and I went to bed.

Jacob - 6-25-08 - School

I woke up and I did making my bed. I ate my breakfast.

Soon, I waited for my bus.

Soon, I went into my bus.

Soon, I went into the school. I did learn food's and reading and bingo.

Soon, I went into my big home and then I went into my bed, I was sleeped in.

That's all

Kirsten - 6-25-08 - Crocheting

Yesterday I did my list and I even got my room clean (finally). When I was done with my work, I took Ben and John to the Dollar Stor to see if there was any crochet hooks and yarn. There weren't any.

Later that day, I made frozen chicken pot pies for dinner and then took Ben to boy scouts. When I picked up Ben, I stopped by Walmart to get crochet hooks, yarn, dandruff shampoo and a snickers bar for Dad. When Ben and I got back home, Ben went to bed and Jennifer taught me how to crochet. My Dad also tried.

When Dad and Jennifer went for a walk, I watched "The Late, Late, Late Show with Craig Furguson" while I crocheted. That was pretty much it.

Ben - 6-25-08 - Boy Scouts

Yesterday I got up and worked on my list. I goofed off mostly with the boys until Jennifer talked with all of us about us needing to stop goofing off.

Afterwards, I checked if the kitchen was done. It was so I wrote my blog. I let the dogs out and ate lunch. Kirsten took John and I to the the store with the dogs.

The piano tuner came and tuned Dad's piano. I got ready for boy scouts. When we arrived only four boys showed up, including me! I was the oldest scout there. We played dodgeball. I won twice! We went home after Kirsten took us to Walmart. Then I went to bed.

The end.

Matt - 6-25-08 - Set

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed and ate breakfast. Then I goofed off and goofed off and finally to end with a "goof off".

Next, I went into the bathrooms and FINALLY cleaned them up. After that I did my blog post and talked with Jennifer. Next I showered and did my laundry as well as Jacob's. Finally, I ate dinner, played Set with Jennifer and went to bed.

John-Michael - 6-25-08 - A Long Blog

I woke up and just barely got jobs done before lunch. So, I played with my toys from San Diego. Then I had a lunch of peanut butter and jelly. Ben and I were finished with our lits early so we went to the Dollar Store with Kirsten.

When we got back the piano tuner came. Then I played with my toys 'till it was time for dinner. I took a shower and then played Set and went to bed.

John-Michael - 6-24-08 - A Bad Day

I woke up to play in the morning. I knew what I was supposed to do, but no one was up so I goofed around. My Mom woke up. I was in big trouble! I started my list then goofed around for the rest of the day. Then we ate dinner and I went to bed.

Jacob - 6-24-08 - Learn

I woke up and I ate breakfast. I wait for the bus. I went into the bus.

Soon, I went into the school. I did learn reading and work, swimming and I went into the bus.

Soon, I went into a big home and I was resting.

That's all of learn.

Ben - 6-24-08 - We go to the park

Yesterday I got up and did most of my list. I goofed off with John and Matt for quite a while. I spent most of the day goofing off.

We left to go to the park. So we were out of the way for a while. We couldn't figure out a game to play after eating so we wandered around.

Back home we came to a surprise. We were switching bedrooms! I ended up with Matt. I cleaned the kitchen. I showered, then I said "good night" and went to bed.

Kirsten - 6-24-08 - Bath Day

Yesterday Donald and Daisy had baths. They were starting to get really stinky, so one could tell it was that time. I've also realized that Daisy is gaining some weight so I'm giving her a little less food and she is supposed to "work-out" more. that's why I took her for a run last night.

Aside from everyone being sent to bed early, that was really the only exciting thing of yesterday.

Ben - 6-23-08

Yesterday I got up, made my bed, got dressed and ate breakfast. As I ate Matt said John was coming back today. I told him he was lying. I looked at the calendar and by George he was right!

After finishing my jobs, I was mostly done. I ate a snack, then went to do my blog. I ate dinner later. After dinner I finished my blog.

When done, we played Pit. Jennifer left to get John. We watched Eragon. We made popcorn and ice cream sundaes. I played a couple of card games with Kirsten and went to bed.

John-Michael - 6-23-08 - A Return

I woke up at my dad's house. I played with my legos all morning. Then I went to the airport with my dad. When I arrived home I went to sleep.

Kirsten - 6-23-08 - John-Michael comes home

Yesterday John got back home. Jennifer picked him up after we had the roast beef Jennifer made. Jennifer got home with John-Michael while we were watching a movie and playing "Pit!"

Yesterday I also practiced the piano. I practiced some of the songs I had been working on and also tried the right hand for Fur Elise.

I also drew some pictures and read some books, but that was really it.

Kirsten - 6/22/08 - A Pretty Good Day

Yesterday Dad and my brothers went to the cabin while Jennifer and I stayed home. At home, Jennifer gave me a two-hour long piano lesson and then we went to the grocery store and got lunch at chipotle. On our way out we saw that one of our neighbors was having a garage sale. They had a really cute jacket from Aeropostale there. I told them I might come back later and get it.

After we got home from the store and Chipotle, I went over to the garage sale and they gave me the coat for free because they were packing up anyway. They said they were going to donate the stuff to Goodwill. It was really nice of them to give me that jacket. Until Dad and my brother got home, I watched "Pollyanna" on the Hallmark Channel. When my dad got home, we watched "An Extremely Goofy Movie". Then we watched "Meet the Robinsons" while eating bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches for dinner.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Blog Backlog....

We got behind posting these so there are a LOT of blogs still to post. They will be posted oldest to newest with the dates they were written in the title. It may take a day or so to get caught up. Enjoy!

Everything breaks, but how come all at once?

Today the Corvette picked up a big nail, and the electric car blew a fuse, and a few other things got broken.

It seems to happen all at the same time, why is that?

Ben - 6/22/08

Yesterday I got up and started working on my list. Soon dad came out and said to get ready to go. I asked why and he said, "Because the boys are going to the cabin." We hurried to finish.

At the cabin we played quite a lot. I played pin-pong with Jacob. I beat Matt at Foosball and I was losing at Battleship against Matt. As we finished Clue Jr. we left after we finished watching Harry Potter.

Back home I wandered around until we watched a movie. We watched "An Extremely Goofy Movie". Then we watched "Meet the Robinsons". Then I went to bed after dinner of bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches.

Matt - 6/21/08 - An "I did nothing day"

Yesterday I woke up and ate breakfast. then I talked with Jennifer. Next I showered. After that I went downstairs to get lunch. Then I started my jobs again. Next, I took a nap. Finally, I ate dinner, took a shower, and went to bed.

Kirsten - 6/21/08 - Life

Yesterday Jennifer took everyone out to lunch while my Dad was gone. Of course, everyone had to have their lists done. Then we went to Walmart and picked up a new board game. I was hoping we could get some new books, but I was out-voted. Oh, well.

Then, when Dad got home, I made Hawaiian chicken with Matt. Eventually Jacob joined in. My Dad teased me during dinner because I've been trying to make my own recipe and he can't figure out why I don't just use his.

After dinner, we played the board game "Life" (this was one of the games we picked up at Walmart). We also watched "Chicken Run". Eventually "Life" got boring so I stopped playing.

Jacob - 6/20/08

I woke up and I made my bed. I ate breakfast. I waited for the bus. I went into the bus.

Soon I went in the school. I did reading, work, outdoor things, cooking and I went to the bus.

Soon, I got home. I watched Ben and Matt play the video game.

Soon, Dad is getting Jennifer.

That's all

Matt - 6/20/08 - Staying Up Late to Play on World of Warcraft

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, showered, and did my jobs. Then, I played Wii, ate lunch, and then Jacob came home from that day's summber school.

Mins. after Jacob came home, Dad left. Next, I helped Jacob get his list done. After that, Dad came home with Jennifer. Next, we had a pizza party (dinner was pizza). Finally, I played on World of Warcraft for two hours and went to bed at 9:00 p.m.

Kirsten - 6/20/08

Yesterday I finished reading "Angels and Demons". It was a pretty good book. There were a few parts I did not like. But overall it was pretty good. However, my interpretation of the book is probably pretty different than someone who is very religious. I thought "Angels and Demons" showed how important fear is in religion.

I also played Wii last night, which was fun, but I had to spend some time remembering how to play the game. The game is called "Second Opinion" and is simply a long list of operations with a really weird story line. It's really pathetic though, I think the easy level is really hard. I only tried one hard one, but it is pretty ridiculous.

John-Michael called me yesterday. I felt bad though because it was the second time he called and I wasn't available to answer. (That's pretty abnormal for me.)

That's all that really happened yesterday. The summer is slipping away.

Ben - 6/20/08 - Wii Play Today

Yesterday I got up and did my list. I actually finished everything before 1:00! Today is going to be fun I thought. Jennifer was gone to some meeting I think. I don't really know. All I now know is that I was right about having fun.

Matt and I goofed off for a while. It looked like a normal day. That is, until we agreed to help each other with our blogs. Finished with our blogs, we ran downstairs.

Down in Dad's office we told him we were done. I asked if we could play Wii. Dad agreed. We played until Dad left to get Jennifer. Dad came back and we had a pizza party. We played Wii some more. I kind of cleaned the kitchen and watched Matt play Warcraft. Then I went to bed.

Jacob - 6/19/08

I woke up and I made my bed. I got dressed and then I ate my breakfast. I was waiting for the bus.

Soon, I went to school. I did reading and work, park and cooking. Soon I went to my home. And then, I helped Kirsten make dinner. I ate dinner and then, I went into my bed.

Kirsten - 6/19/08

Yesterday Jennifer and I re-organized the furniture in Dad's office. In the process of cleaning the basement we brought the DVD's upstairs. We didn't actually do much after that. No one really got their work done. So we didn't do anything.

Jacob and I made egg-salad sandwiches for dinner. Then while Dad, Jennifer and my brothers watched a movie, I went to the store to get face-wash for me and a Snicker's bar for Dad.

Then my brothers went to bed and I watched "Legally Blonde".

Kirsten - 6/18/08

Yesterday I wok up and the normal stuff happened (jobs, blog, etc.). Actually, didn't happen is more like it. My brothers couldn't go to boyscouts because their work was not done.

Last night I made dinner. It was pretty good. Finally, I watched "Stargate: The Ark of Truth" and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" with Dad and Jennifer.