Friday, November 30, 2007

Dinner Tonight!

Jennifer/Mom - Tonight Chris decided we needed a silly dinner, so we went in the kitchen and came up with....Green Eggs and Spam!

While we are sitting waiting for John-Michael to finnish his Green Eggs and Spam, I thought it would be fun for us all to contribute to a joint blog post.

Here we Go!

Matt - I'm here staring at John-Michael with my eyes wide open to see if it would make him eat faster because he probably would not want to be in the place of me staring at him. He just laughed. He is starting to stare back. I decided I should stop.

Ben - John-Michael is trying to finish his Spam before we finish our blog. Perhaps he doesn't want to be the subject of an entire blog.

Kirsten - We ate Green Eggs and Spam and the whole time I had the song "Springtime for Hitler" stuck in my head. I don't know what the correlation is between that song and Spam.

Jacob - John-Michael won the race.

Chris/Dad - John-Michael is finnished I have no spammy remarks.

John-Michael - I won the race. Hip hip hooray!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Jacob - Thanksgiving Vacation

I went to vacation. I have Thanksgiving for dinner at the Country Buffet. I had pop to drink and chocolate milk. I also had dessert for Thanksgiving. I had a pumpkin pie and orange yogurt.

After Thanksgiving dinner we went to "A Bee Movie". I liked it. I liked the bee in charge of the fliers (those were the bees that left the bee hive). I thought it was funny that bees could talk.

And then I went home and that's all for Thanksgiving.

The next day, we moved the couches to the family room. The piano got set up. Dad hooked the TV on the computer. Now we have ten computers. The TV is on the computer so now we can see the pictures. It also plays music. My favorite picture is the dogs, Donald and Daisy. I think you can go see the pictures of the dogs. Some of them are posted on the blog already.

During vacation I have played chess with Ben. I played Labryinth with Matt and Jennifer. I wanted to play wii but I need to pay for it and I didn't have enough Runyan dollars. I have to do more jobs. Maybe I will get to play today when I do my jobs to earn the Runyan monies.

I am excited that I can go back to school tomorrow. I also have to get ready for that. I need to lay out clothes, make sure I have everything in my backpack and I need to take a shower, have a poop and brush my teeth. I need to find the coat for my school.

And that's all.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Kirsten - Thanksgiving

Yesterday we went to Country Buffet for Thanksgiving dinner. We left for Country Buffet at 10:30 a.m. to avoid the Then after dinner, or brunch, or whatever we saw "The Bee Movie". I really liked that movie, it was so cute.

After that we went home. Later we had these burrito sandwich things (that Matt absolutely adored) and watched the "Santa Clause 3". It was cute, but I think movie sequels ought to end after the first movie. Unless of course, the movie sequel in question is "Lord of the Rings", "Star Wars", or "Back to the Future". Otherwise, my experience with sequels is not all that splendid, (Ha, ha, that makes me think of Britain's "Splendid Isolation" foreign policy. For instance take "Shrek the Third", or "Spiderman 3" or "Pirates of the Carribean 2". Those were all terrible movies that had absolutely chaotic plots that made no sense.

Kirsten - Friday

Yesterday was friday. It was also the day after Thanksgiving, if you didn't figure that out. Yesterday we spent a great deal of time moving furniture. We moved the couches and set up our family room - sitting room thing. It's actually rather cozy and homey in there. I also re-potted some of the plants and made sure they were all happy. I also talked to my friend K on the phone. I told her all about our Thanksgiving and she laughed for ages.

Overall, I didn't really do anything yesterday. I did learn yesterday that Alice Cooper is touring in Finland. I thought that was interesting. I found out when I listened to the radio last night Alice Cooper is the host at night on 103.5. I think it's interesting that Alice still hosts 103.5 eventhough he's on tour throughout Europe.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Kirsten - The Last Day of School Before Thanksgiving Break

Yesterday was a particularly boring day. I had English, History and Math. Yesterday my math essay was due. That was pretty great. Also, it was Ms. B's birthday (she's the librarian). My freind Jelly and I made her a birthday card. It was pretty funny. Since it was Ms. B's birthday, my friend Jelly, the other librarian (Mrs. C), and myself were in the backroom of the library with Ms. B. We were all having a lovely chat.

Suddenly Mrs. C looked out the window into the library and saw my ex-boyfriend. Mrs. C siad to me, "Kirsten go stand by your ex so he'll go away." The four of us laughed really hard. I guess my ex had been causing Mrs. C grief all day and he would not leave. We laughed about this for a while and decided to make this joke into a scientific experiment.

This just goes to show how great of friends my ex and I are.

Matt - Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007

Yesterday was report card day! Time went by so slow. That recess I went to Junior Great Books and for lunch we ate pizza. After school we went home and I gave Jennifer my report card. Then I did many jobs. finally, I did my blog and went to sleep.

John-Michael - Saturday, Nov. 17th

I woke up. I didn't argue and neither did anyone else! But I lost my wallet which contained my 20 Runyan dollars I earned by crawling under the Christmas Tree at Grandpa Runyan's fountain in Englewood. Anyway, hopefully I'll find it.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lots of News! - Jennifer/Mom

We have had a lot happening the past week. The dogs are adjusting well. Here are some more recent pictures of them.

Also, we put up the tree! We had a good plan and it went up really fast this year. Here is a shot of Chris unstrapping the top part. We put it together in stages on the ground with all the branches and ornaments and then Chris used the cherry picker to lift up each section and add it to the tree. It worked like a dream.

By the time the boys got there after school the first day there were only a few things left to do before cleaning up and wrapping up for the day. John-Michael and Jacob got to ride to the top of the tree to put on the last three pieces. Then John-Michael crawled underneath, hooked up the straps and the whole thing was anchored down so it didn’t blow away. He did a great job and earned twenty Runyan dollars for his efforts. (I’ll tell more about Runyan dollars in just a minute.)

The next day by the time the boys got back to the tree the next day everything was done except for the last four ornaments. Those were hung and we were done! Chris and I checked last night to make sure everything got connected and all the lights lit up properly. Boy that is one good lookin’ tree! Did you think I was going to post a picture right now? That would be cheating wouldn’t it? Nope, no pictures until the big lighting ceremony.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

We survived! - Jennifer/Mom

Well, we pulled it off and survived another Halloween!
