Saturday, December 29, 2007

Jennifer/Mom - Cute doggies playing in the snow!

John-Michael 12-26-07

Yesterday I got a new Runyan money log. But I found out I was still in debt of four $! So I wrote a blog and did some other jobs and then I played webkins and WOW. I played WOW until it was time for bed.

Kirsten 12-25-07 (2)

I already wrote a blog today but Jennifer told me to write another one because I took some really cute pictures.

I took pictures of me, Jacob, Matt, John-Michael, Donald and Daisy. Aren't they cute!

John-Michael 12-25-07

yesterday I did a lot of things. I did my morning list. I did jobs and so forth. I had a yummy breakfast a wonderful lunch and a spectacular dinner. And then we learned how to play Blokus. Then I went to bed.

Kirsten 12-25-07

Today is Christmas. But that doesn't matter because we don't celebrate Christmas. Anyway, I did makea ham dinner today. That was pretty great.

I don't really know what to write about we haven't really done anything today. Well, yesterday I cleaned my room. That was a work-out. I also made a dress. Of course, I still need to add the finishing touches.

We also got our Christmas presents from Mom. She sent them even though we informed her we would have preferred a visit from Andrew. But for her to have listened now would have been inconsistent. I bet I can guesswhat she got me. She gets me about the same thing every year.

Anyway, Happy Winter Solstice and Merry Atheimas!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

John-Michael - The 24th 12-24-07

Yesterday I wanted to do my evening list in mid-day. But that would make me have to wear pajamas from 3 to 7:30p.m.! So, I chose not to since we were going out to eat. Once we got to Country Buffet, the line was very short so we got to eat very quickly.

When we sat down to eat I had two plates and they were filled with fish, French Fries and ketchup. I have a very big appetite. Once I got home i went striaght to bed.

The End

Kirsten - Blog 12-24-07

Today I slept in since I was tired. I also started reading "State of Fear" by Michael Chrichton yesterday. I actually meant to start it years ago. I'm actually really glad I waited. I'm only one chapter in the book and there has already been one murder. I think there's supposed to be a total of three murders throughout the world that are all connected.

Yesterday I also started "Europe's Last Summer." Its a non-fiction book about the causes of the Great War (most widely known as World War One). I do believe that "Europe's Last Summer" does not claim the war can be attributed to "Entangling Alliances." "Dreadnought" also theorized that the cause was not entangling alliances. Actually, I agree. I think there was more to the Great War than entangling alliances. Actually, sometimes I wonder whether or not Wilson actually knew the meaning of the word "Entente" when he claimed the cause was "Entangling Alliances" Oh well. We're actually starting "Europe's Last Summer" next semester. I'm just really excited to read it.

In addition, yesterday I watched J's video on Kim Jong II. It was really good. He should have received a good grade for it, but I'm not sure if he will. His teacher is a nut. Actually, anyone who says "M'Kay" with such emphasis on the "M" is probably a nut.

Well, that's about it. Since I don't celebrate Christmas I'd like to wish you all a Happy Winter Solstice and a Happy Atheimas (as Dad and Jennifer would say)!

Matt - The "Oh, Nevermind!" 12-24-07

Yesterday was scary! Just joking! It was great!

That day I woke up and went downstairs to finish building my roller coaster. I called the roller coaster "The Light Bulb." "The Light Bulb" is about four feet. around the end of the day we went to Country Buffet for dinner and when we got home I went to bed.

Kirsten - Ughh...12-23-07

I'm not in a good mood. Things did not go well at the hospital. I don't exactly know how to describe how I feel. My emotions seem more bottled up than a shaken-up bottle of Root Beer. I just want to explode.

Aside from that Winter Vacation is going well. There isn't really anything to write about. Well, I'm excited to see my friend J's history project. It sounds cool. It's a documentary of Kim Jong II. It's approximately 20 minutes long. I really want to see it.

Matt - Winter Break 12-23-07


The door opened at 2:40 in the afternoon. Before it opened I was so excited for the winter break I couldn't stay still in my chair and now it was FINALLY over. In my seat I could NOT stop thinking about the Winter Break. If I was even lucky enough to think of something else it would NOT last long AT ALL! I'm SO glad that Winter and Winter Break are here!

We need to catch up!! - Jennifer/Mom

I have been a little busy and blog writing has been popular. Here is the catch-up!

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Visit - Matt

Saturday I woke up and went back to sleep about three times in a row. The third time I didn't really go to sleep but I did lay in bed. I thought that the day would be boring, but I was just wrong!

Our cousins came for a lot of the day. We were cleaning the house the rest of the day for the visit. We played games on the DS, air hockey, watched a movie and even had pizza together.

After they left I felt sad. I knew I'd feel sad when they would leave right while I was cleaning.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Birthday Blog! - Jennifer/Mom

We celebrated Chris' birthday over the weekend. The kids and I made a big deal about it and cooked up quite the feast. We even had roast beast!

Later that day we went down to Englewood and lit the tree. There was a sleet storm that cleared right before Santa arrived and left a beautiful rainbow behind for a few minutes.

After the tree was lit came the fireworks show!

Then it was home for cake and ice cream for the birthday boy and company!

It's not very often that you see a Christmas tree, a rainbow, sleet, rain, hail and fireworks all in the same least not all on the same day in Colorado. Very appropriate for the celebration of Chris' birthday!

All in all, a very wonderful day!