Tuesday, April 15, 2008

John-Michael - I have a stomach ache

Yesterday I woke up. I went to school then I had breakfast. I basically had a normal day up until lunch. I was feeling a little sick to my stomach ever since the morning. But then at lunchtime just as we were about to line up to go back to our classroom, I felt like I was about to throw up and so I DASHED out of the lunchroom without even asking for a pass.

Then I threw up in the toilet and someone came and said that when I was done I should go and go to the clinic. So they told me to lie down for a little while and then my teacher came into the clinic came into the clinic and told them that I had already thrown up and so they told me to go get my stuff and get ready to leave. And then my mom came to get me and I lay down in my bed for most of the rest of the day.

Later I came down to watch a chess game. I ate two fries and then I went to my room and I read for a while. Then I went to bed.

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