Friday, April 25, 2008

Working together - Chris and Jennifer

Today we all drove down to the fountain and removed the deck that covers the fountain during winter.

We were really glad we had such good helpers. The deck came off slick as a whistle!! It didn't even take us as long as we thought it might.

Here are some pics of the event!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Photo Album

I put a whole bunch of pictures up.

They are at Chris' pictures

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ben - Yesterday's Blog

Yesterday I got up and did my list. I walked to school and went to math. After school, I had an after school snack and finished my homework. After I finished, I cleaned up the kitchen and played on Super Mario Galaxy.

Jacob's Monday Blog - (Typist has been sick)

I woke up and I ate brekfast. I went to walk with Kirsten. I got groceries. I made dinner. I ate dinner. I almost had my list done. I cleaned my room.

Oh well.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Kirsten - Yesterday

Yesterday, we cleaned up the house a whole bunch. I was able to use the new vacuum to vacuum the whole house. It was great. We also watched Rumpelstiltskin. But not too much happened.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jacob's Blog for Friday

I woke up and I ate breakfast. I wait for the bus. I went to the school. I went to music. I went to bowling. I went to lunch. I got home. I went into the car. I pick up John and Matt. I was talking in the car. I got the party stuff. I went back home.

and that's it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jacob's Blog

I woke up and I had my usual breakfast of cereal. I had lots of cereal. Lots of lots of cereal. I went to school. I went to team sp. I went to lunch. I went to math, so I got puzzled when I got confused. I went to the park when I'm going into the video game business. I went to taco bell. Soon I went to boy scouts. Went back home.

That's it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dad - Ouch

I just learned that the scout five mile hike was actually 7.5 miles and 1000ft change in the vertical.

My foot told me that days ago....Used a cane today.

Canes are cool, good for catching kids.

John-Michael - I have a stomach ache

Yesterday I woke up. I went to school then I had breakfast. I basically had a normal day up until lunch. I was feeling a little sick to my stomach ever since the morning. But then at lunchtime just as we were about to line up to go back to our classroom, I felt like I was about to throw up and so I DASHED out of the lunchroom without even asking for a pass.

Then I threw up in the toilet and someone came and said that when I was done I should go and go to the clinic. So they told me to lie down for a little while and then my teacher came into the clinic came into the clinic and told them that I had already thrown up and so they told me to go get my stuff and get ready to leave. And then my mom came to get me and I lay down in my bed for most of the rest of the day.

Later I came down to watch a chess game. I ate two fries and then I went to my room and I read for a while. Then I went to bed.

Jacob's post he wrote yesterday!

I woke up and I had breakfast. I had cereal for breakfast. I did my jobs. I had lunch. I had pizza for lunch. I went back to sleep. Soon I woke up. I got ready to go to Ci Ci's pizza.

That's all?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Missed Kirsten's Sunday post

Here it is!!

Yesterday, I went to the movies with two of my friends. We went and saw a movie called, "La Misma Luna" for extra credit in spanish class. It was so cute! But my favorite character was arrested and sent back to Mexico (he was an illegal immigrant) which was a shame.

When I got home, Dad and my brothers were back from their scout hike. Dad was really tired so he took a nap.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Jacob - Hiking

I woke up and I ate breakfast. I had cereal for breakfast. I got my backpack ready to go. I went hiking and I got sunburned because I wouldn't let dad put on the sunscreen. I had lunch. I had peanutbutter and jelly burrito. I had a good time at hiking.

I went home. I went shopping with Jennifer. While we were out we got dinner for everyone. I had burrito for dinner. Those burritos had beans in them not peanutbutter and jelly.

I wrote my blog and then I had dessert. Jennifer made strawberry shakes. It tasted good!

At the bedtime I went to the bed.

That's it!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Jacob's Blog

I woke up. I had breakfast. I had cereal for breakfast. i went to school. i went to gym. I make a snack. I went to team sp. I ant to have lunch. I went to math. I went to home. I got the party food. I went back home. At the home, I had party food for dinner, and I went to bed.

That's all.

Ben's Blog

Yesterday (Friday) I got up and hurried off to school. I had my ususal classes and then school ended. Chess Club was that day so I called Jennifer to ask if I could go. She said, "Yes," so I stayed. i beat some kids and went home. Jennifer and Jacob already had gone shopping for "Party Friday". We ate donuts, pringles, cotton candy, popcorn, and we each got a cheeseburger (Jennifer made them from scratch!). We watched "Mr. McGorium's Wonder Emporium" and "Stuart Little". After that, we went to bed.

The End

Kirsten - Thursday's post

Yesterday, I went to school. Not too much happened yesterday. We started/finished the unit on ecology yesterday. Ecology is such a broad subject though, I think we should've worked more on it. We didn't even get through that much. We're also reading Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka in English. Finally, we also watched the 3 episode of La Catrina; El Ultimo Secreto in Spanish. I also helped a friend of mine pass out coupons so he can get a free tuxedo rental for prom. That's really it though.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jacob - I'm not very good at volleyball

I woke up. I ate breakfast. I had cereal for breakfast. I went to school. At Team SP I'm not very good at volleyball.


I had lunch. I had a peanutbutter and jelley sandwich for lunch. I went to math. Soon I went to home. I did my homework. I had dinner. Soon I went to bed.

That's all.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Jacob - Good News!

Yesterday I woke up. I ate breakfast. I had cereal. I waited for the bus and when the bus came I went to school. Then I went to Luthren after choir and I worked with the papers. Then I had snack but not snack and I had lunch. I had a peanutbutter and jelley sandwich for lunch. And then I went to math but not math because it was a blue day.

I went home. I did my homework, my blog, cleaned the boy's bathroom, and made my lunch. Also, I laid out my clothes for today. I went to boy scouts. I played kickball, I learned how to tie the camping knot and the shoe and the camping for the square knot.

On the way home dad bought us ice cream cones. Then I went home to bed. I had a good day!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Kirsten - Spanish

Yesterday I went to school. In Spanish Class we watched La Catrina; El Ăšltimo Secreto (episodio dos). It was very dramatic. It's the second episode of the second season of La Catrina. It's about Don Silvestre's attempt to get his revenge on Jamie and Carlos.

That's really all I did. It was not an exciting day.

Jacob - Good Day

I woke up. I ate breakfast. I had cereal. I went to school. I went to swimming. I went back to school. I ate lunch. I had peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I went to math. I went back home. I did my homework. I ate dinner. I had scrambled eggs and green beans. I went to bed.

That's all.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Jennifer/Mom - Snow!!

This morning it snowed some more! We couldn't resist taking some pictures!

...ok, uploading pictures isn't working right now...I'll try again later.

It finally worked!

Jacob - Poop?

I woke up. I almost did my list? I had dinner. I ate and ate? I tryed to take the poop. Oh, no, here we go. And then, I did my laundry.

Oh, well.

Kirsten - Blog

Yesterday I spent the whole day doing homework. I worked all day on my extended essay. I eventually decided my topic is, "How is the French Revolution and Napoléon's reign the turning point in French Warfare?" It's a good thing this isn't due until fall.

John-Michael also came back from CA. But other than that, nothing really exciting happened.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Matt - Cleaning Up the House

Yesterday I helped clean up the house. First I had to do my list. It took about one hour to do my list (I goofed off a little) and it took four hours to do the other jobs (there was more goofing around). Finally, after that I went to bed.

Jacob - Play Time

I woke up. I almost did my list. I did my reading. I had lunch. I had corn dogs for lunch. I had breakfast. I had cereal for breakfast. I had play time. I picked the toy. I had dinner. I had grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. I did my job.

That's all

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Kirsten - Pep Assembly

Yesterday I went to school. We had a pep assembly that was two hours long instead of one. One of my friends also decided she was going to try out for cheer leading next year (she used to be cheerleader). I also did well on my last math quiz. The only problem I missed was the one I needed another 30 secs to complete. But that's okay, I got everything else right and I'll still get point for showing my work on the one I didn't finish. I just get around to actually writing the answer. Oh well. I didn't really do much yesterday, I was simply exhausted.

Jacob - Dinner

I woke up. I ate breakfast. I had cereal for breakfast. I went to school. I went to music. I went to bowling. I went to lunch. I had peanut butter and jam sandwich for lunch. I went to home. I did my homework. I played with Ben Runyan. I had Chinese food for dinner. I went to bed.

That's all.

Ben - John leaves while we play

Yesterday I got up and did my list. I had to move quickly, since I was a little late. After I ran to school, I did my math test, did some work in science, played in P.E., I had advisement. Then I worked on my persuasive letter that is tue on Wednesday or Thursday. Then I had to read in S.S. since I finished my work. Then I played Candy Land in Spanish class. Then I went home and worked on my homework. John left for California. So then I played World of Warcraft, Chess, had Chinese food and watched a movie. Then I went to bed.

The End.

Matt - The Interesting Yesterday!

Yesterday I woke-up, got ready and went to school. After the boring long day of school I went home. Next, I finished my homework and played on World of Warcraft. Then, I played Alice. After that I got in PJ's and went back on Alice. Last, I played some more World of Warcraft and went to bed.

Friday, April 4, 2008

John-Michael - A very normal day

It was normal, very normal. I had raman for dinner. We ate raman while my mom read Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. Then I packed and then I went to bed.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Jennifer/Mom - Coordinating

It was fun last night changing the website. Choosing what we wanted to put up and sending tweets. It gave us something to do while we took care of the kids that kept waking up.

Coordinating this many peoples lives with all the details that go with it isn't easy. Chris and I really work hard to keep on top of everything but it is one tough deal. Fortunately we have been keeping this blog and that helps us remember the fun and goofy things we have done. It helps us keep our perspective. The videos we chose for the front page also help us with that.

We love YouTube. It has been a real stress reliever. Last night we laughed and laughed as we went through all the possible choices to post. It helps us remember that since this is the only life we KNOW we have we should enjoy it along the way and not take ourselves too seriously!

John-Michael - A normal day

I woke up, did my list as usual and got ready to go to school. I went to school. Then I ate breakfast. I had a normal school day.

Then I came back I did my homework and sort of messed around. Then I had dinner and then I went to bed.

Ben - My Movie Day

Yesterday I got up and did my list. I ate my breakfast and ran out the door and then had to go back because I forgot my planner. Then I went to school.

After school I came back and worked on my homework. I finished a lot of my homework. After that I watched "The Incredibles" in Spanish as part of my Spanish project. I had to write down friendly words and cognitives. Then I went to bed.

The End

Jacob - Blue Day

Yesterday I went to school. I went to men's choir. And then I ate lunch. I did freetime. I did activity with one of my teachers.

And then I went to home. I did my homework. Later I ate too much. Way too much. And then I went to bed.

That's all!

Matt - A game of "Go Fish"

Yesterday I woke up and got dressed. Then I packed my stuff and went to school and ate breakfast. Once I got home from school, I sort of started my homework.

Then once I got nearer to finishing my homework and I had dinner. Finally, I finished my homework and I played a fun game of "Go Fish" with Jennifer. Finally, I went to bed.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Jennifer/Mom - Our Re-Designed Home Page!!

We just redesigned our home page... Welcome to the Runyan's website

It has a few YouTube things we really enjoy and we also put up our other tweets! The Runyan Family Tweets can still be found on the family blog page.

Check it out!!

Ben - No scouts

Yesterday I got up and got ready for school. I ate breakfast and made my lunch. I got to school and went to my normal classes. After school I went home and worked on my homework. I ate dinner which was like hamburger helper only Jennifer made it from scratch.

After dinner I finished most of my Spanish project, which was no easy task. After that I went to bed.

The End.

Matt - A school day...

Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, then messed around a little. Then I started to make sure everything was ready for school. I packed my lunch, talked to Jennifer a little, then I got my ride.

After that I ate breakfast and went to class. Finally, once I got home the dogs were out. I petted them a little and then I went up to dad and Jennifer and told them that I was home. Then I sort of started on my homework and mostly messed around. Finally, I got my homework done and then I went to bed.

John-Michael - April Fools Day

Yesterday, I woke up, I got ready for school, I went to school and a couple of people tried to trick me. At lunch people were trying to trick me again and I was trying to trick them.

It was pretty much a normal day and...when I got back I had a small after school snack. I did my homework and went to bed.

Jacob - Funny and Ben is in doghouse too.

I woke up. I ate breakfast. I had cereal. I went to school: team sp., math, math and reading, and lunch. I did my homework. I past my homework. Ben and I are fooling around with dumb thing. I had dinner. I went to bed.

That's all.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

John-Michael - The first day of school

Yesterday I went to school. I had a normal schedule and did my blog when I got home and for my after school snack I ate ice cream! April Fools!

I did have an after school snack but it wasn't ice cream. Jacob made us egg salad sandwiches with the leftovers from the night before and that's it!